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Re: page breaks

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: page breaks
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 12:45:54 +0200

> Hi,
> I don't understand the ly2dvi/lilypond/latex (not sure which chooses it)
> page break selection. Sometimes it puts consecutive \score blocks on a
> new page, sometimes it doesn't. How can I influence these decisions if
> I think I can do a better job?

Basically, the page breaking is handled by TeX. The TeX macros
used in Lilypond at the line breaks are designed to try to keep
the title together with the music. If you want full control over
the page layout, I recommend that you use lilypond-book. However, 
it should be possible to make some tweaks even in ly2dvi. 
You can force page breaks in the middle of a piece using \newpage, 
I'm not sure if it works also at the end of a score block. You 
could also experiment with inserting \newpage commands in one of
the titling strings. Finally, you might want to play with the
interscoreline and interscorelinefill paper variables, see the 


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