\version "2.10.5" #(ly:set-option 'old-relative) \header{ texidoc="When using automatic staff changes for the one voice, the other voice must be given a name explicitely." } global = { \key a \minor \time 6/4 } melody = \relative c''{ r2 r r r2 r r r4 a'8-- \< a-- a-- a-- c-- b\!-- a-\> gis f e\! es8 \grace b c r4 r2 r } basloopje = \relative c{ d,8( a' d f a d f d a f d a) } accompany = \repeat unfold 4 \basloopje \score{ \context PianoStaff<< \context Staff=up << \global \context Voice=foo{ \voiceOne \melody } >> \context Staff=down<< \global \clef bass \autochange Staff \context Voice \accompany >> >> \paper { \translator{ \StaffContext autoBeamSettings \override #'(end * * * *) = #(ly:make-moment 1 2) } } \midi { \tempo 4 = 54 } }