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updated Granados example

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: updated Granados example
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2019 22:34:30 +0200 (CEST)

Attached you can find my revised version of the three bars from the
Granados piece.  The staff size is still smaller than the original
since it is not possible currently to typeset that dense with LilyPond
(while getting an optically pleasing result) – but it is larger than
previously :-)

Note that for testing purposes I've applied Dave Nalesnik's patch for
tuplet slurs
Interestingly, this was never added to the tracker; I've asked David
to do that now.[*]


[*] What's available in the link is not his latest patch, according to
    the e-mail thread.

% This is a brief passage from Enrique Granados %
% Goyescas, "Coloquio en la Reja."              %

\version "2.19.83"

\include "example-header.ily"

#(set-global-staff-size 14)

\paper {
  paper-height = 70\mm

csh = \change Staff = "high"
csm = \change Staff = "middle"
csl = \change Staff = "low"

crmolto = \markup { \italic "cresc. molto" }
appassmolto = \markup { \whiteout \italic "appassionato molto" }

#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)

global = { \time 3/4 }

upperVoiceOne = \relative {
  \override TupletBracket.bracket-visibility = ##t
  \override TupletBracket.tuplet-slur = ##t
  \override TupletNumber.padding = #0

  % 1
  <aes' f'>8\tweak height-limit #4 ([ \tuplet 5/4 { g'32 aes g f g] }
  <es aes>8[ \tuplet 5/4 { <d bes'>32 c' bes aes bes] }
  <es, aes es'>8 <d fis bes d>) |

  % 2
  <c g' c>4( \voiceTwo
  <bes es bes'>4)\arpeggio
  <aes aes'>16^( <bes bes'> <g g'>8) |

  % 3
  <f aes d f>8\tweak height-limit #4 ([ \tuplet 5/4 { <g g'>32 aes' g f g] }
  <aes, aes'>16
    \set stemRightBeamCount = #1
    <c f>
    \set stemLeftBeamCount = #1
    \tuplet 5/4 { bes'32 c bes aes bes] }
  \ottava #1 <es es'>16 <f f'> <d d'> \slashedGrace f8 <es es'>16) |

upperVoiceTwo = \relative {
  % 1
  \voiceTwo s8 c''8\<
  <bes, f'>[ <bes aes'>
  c' <bes, d fis>\!] |

  % 2
  s4_\tweak X-offset #1 -\appassmolto
  \voiceOne a'''8\rest <bes, es bes'>->
  s4 |

  % 3
  s8 \voiceTwo \crossStaff { g,8
  aes4 }

middleVoiceOne = \relative {
  % 1
  \crossStaff { d'!8 } s8
  s8 s8\offset Y-offset #-2 _\crmolto
  s4 |

  % 2
  <g bes>8[ <es' g>]
  \voiceOne e,8( dis16 e) |

  % 3
  \once \override VoiceFollower.bound-details.left.Y = #-10
  \showStaffSwitch \csh \stemUp f4

middleVoiceTwo = \relative {
  % 1
  s2. |

  % 2
  \hideNotes \stemUp bes'\arpeggio \unHideNotes
  \voiceTwo \crossStaff { e,!4 } |

  % 3
  <bes c es f>8 <f' aes es'>16 d'
  <bes, f' aes c>8 <bes' fis'> |

lowerVoiceOne = \relative {

  % 1
  \once \override Beam.damping = #5
  bes,,8 \csm \stemDown <bes'' c es>8
  s2 |

  % 2
  \csl \stemUp s8
    \hideNotes \stemDown es,,64^( s64 s \unHideNotes \stemUp
    g'64\offset positions #'(-0.7 . -0.7)
        \tweak damping #3 [
    \set stemLeftBeamCount = #1
    bes c d c])
  s2 |

  % 3
  \once \override Beam.damping = #3
  bes,,8 \csm \stemDown <bes'' c es>8 s2 |

lowerVoiceTwo = \relative {
  % 1
  \voiceTwo bes,,2. |

  % 2
  \once \override Beam.damping = #+inf.0
  % XXX Currently, cross-staff beaming support is partially broken.  This
  %     means we have to adjust the vertical beam position manually.
  \once \override Beam.positions = #'(-30 . -30)
  <bes'' es g>8 \csl es,,64 bes' es g s32. c64
  <bes des>4

  % 3

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
    \set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t
    \override PianoStaff.Arpeggio.stencil = #ly:arpeggio::brew-chord-bracket
    \override PianoStaff.Arpeggio.padding = #-0.5

    \new Staff = "high" <<
      \context Voice = "upperVoiceOne" { \upperVoiceOne }
      \context Voice = "upperVoiceTwo" { \upperVoiceTwo }
    \new Staff = "middle" <<
      \context Voice = "middleVoiceOne" { \middleVoiceOne }
      \context Voice = "middleVoiceTwo" { \middleVoiceTwo }
    \new Staff = "low" <<
      \clef bass
      \context Voice = "lowerVoiceOne" { \lowerVoiceOne }
      \context Voice = "lowerVoiceTwo" { \lowerVoiceTwo }

  \layout {
    \context {
      \omit TimeSignature
      \remove "Bar_number_engraver"
    \context {
      \consists #Span_stem_engraver
    \context {
      \override Accidental.extra-spacing-width = #'(0 . 0)

PNG image

PNG image

PNG image

diff --git a/lily/ b/lily/
index 14689eca25..e070db0b0a 100644
--- a/lily/
+++ b/lily/
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
 #include "lookup.hh"
 #include "paper-column.hh"
 #include "moment.hh"
+#include "bezier.hh"
 static Item *
 get_x_bound_item (Grob *me_grob, Direction hdir, Direction my_dir)
@@ -252,6 +253,55 @@ Tuplet_bracket::calc_x_positions (SCM smob)
   return ly_interval2scm (x_span - me->get_bound (LEFT)->relative_coordinate 
(commonx, X_AXIS));
+tuplet_slur_shape (Offset l, Offset r, Real h_limit, Real ratio, Direction d)
+  Real indent;
+  Real height;
+  Real width = (r[X_AXIS] - l[X_AXIS]);
+  get_slur_indent_height (&indent, &height, width, h_limit, ratio);
+  Bezier curve;
+  curve.control_[0] = l;
+  curve.control_[1] = Offset (l[X_AXIS] + indent, l[Y_AXIS] + height * d);
+  curve.control_[2] = Offset (r[X_AXIS] - indent, r[Y_AXIS] + height * d);
+  curve.control_[3] = r;
+  return curve;
+make_tuplet_slur (Grob *me, Offset l, Offset r, Drul_array<Real> shorten)
+  SCM dash_definition = me->get_property ("dash-definition");
+  Real lt = me->layout ()->get_dimension (ly_symbol2scm ("line-thickness"));
+  /* ad-hoc values based on visual inspection */
+  Real height_limit = 1.5;
+  Real ratio = .33;
+  Direction dir = get_grob_direction (me);
+  Offset dz = r - l;
+  Real length = dz.length ();
+  l += shorten[LEFT] / length * dz;
+  r -= shorten[RIGHT] / length * dz;
+  Bezier curve = tuplet_slur_shape (l, r, height_limit, ratio, dir);
+  Stencil mol (Lookup::slur (curve, lt, lt, dash_definition));
+  Grob *tn = unsmob<Grob> (me->get_object ("tuplet-number"));
+  Real padding = robust_scm2double (tn->get_property ("padding"), 0.3);
+  mol.translate_axis (padding * dir, Y_AXIS);
+  return mol;
@@ -265,6 +315,8 @@ Tuplet_bracket::print (SCM smob)
   Spanner *me = unsmob<Spanner> (smob);
   Stencil mol;
+  bool tuplet_slur = ly_scm2bool (me->get_property ("tuplet-slur"));
   extract_grob_set (me, "note-columns", columns);
   bool equally_long = false;
   Grob *par_beam = parallel_beam (me, columns, &equally_long);
@@ -332,74 +384,89 @@ Tuplet_bracket::print (SCM smob)
   if (bracket_visibility)
       Drul_array<Real> zero (0, 0);
-      Real ss = Staff_symbol_referencer::staff_space (me);
-      Drul_array<Real> height
-        = robust_scm2drul (me->get_property ("edge-height"), zero);
-      Drul_array<Real> flare
-        = robust_scm2drul (me->get_property ("bracket-flare"), zero);
       Drul_array<Real> shorten
         = robust_scm2drul (me->get_property ("shorten-pair"), zero);
-      Drul_array<Stencil> edge_stencils;
-      Direction dir = get_grob_direction (me);
-      scale_drul (&height, -ss * dir);
-      scale_drul (&flare, ss);
+      Real ss = Staff_symbol_referencer::staff_space (me);
       scale_drul (&shorten, ss);
-      Drul_array<bool> connect_to_other
-        = robust_scm2booldrul (me->get_property ("connect-to-neighbor"),
-                               Drul_array<bool> (false, false));
+      Stencil brack;
-      for (LEFT_and_RIGHT (d))
+      if (tuplet_slur)
-          if (connect_to_other[d])
-            {
-              height[d] = 0.0;
-              flare[d] = 0.0;
-              shorten[d] = 0.0;
+          brack = make_tuplet_slur (me, points[LEFT], points[RIGHT], shorten);
+          mol.add_stencil (brack);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          Drul_array<Stencil> edge_stencils;
+          Drul_array<Real> height
+            = robust_scm2drul (me->get_property ("edge-height"), zero);
+          Drul_array<Real> flare
+            = robust_scm2drul (me->get_property ("bracket-flare"), zero);
+          Direction dir = get_grob_direction (me);
+          scale_drul (&height, -ss * dir);
+          scale_drul (&flare, ss);
-              SCM edge_text = me->get_property ("edge-text");
+          Drul_array<bool> connect_to_other
+            = robust_scm2booldrul (me->get_property ("connect-to-neighbor"),
+                                   Drul_array<bool> (false, false));
-              if (scm_is_pair (edge_text))
+          for (LEFT_and_RIGHT (d))
+            {
+              if (connect_to_other[d])
-                  SCM properties = Font_interface::text_font_alist_chain (me);
-                  SCM text = index_get_cell (edge_text, d);
-                  if (Text_interface::is_markup (text))
+                  height[d] = 0.0;
+                  flare[d] = 0.0;
+                  shorten[d] = 0.0;
+                  SCM edge_text = me->get_property ("edge-text");
+                  if (scm_is_pair (edge_text))
-                      SCM t
-                        = Text_interface::interpret_markup (pap->self_scm (),
-                                                            properties, text);
-                      Stencil *edge_text = unsmob<Stencil> (t);
-                      edge_text->translate_axis (x_span[d] - x_span[LEFT],
-                                                 X_AXIS);
-                      edge_stencils[d] = *edge_text;
+                      SCM properties
+                        = Font_interface::text_font_alist_chain (me);
+                      SCM text = index_get_cell (edge_text, d);
+                      if (Text_interface::is_markup (text))
+                        {
+                          SCM t = Text_interface::interpret_markup (
+                                    pap->self_scm (), properties, text);
+                          Stencil *edge_text = unsmob<Stencil> (t);
+                          edge_text->translate_axis (x_span[d] - x_span[LEFT],
+                                                     X_AXIS);
+                          edge_stencils[d] = *edge_text;
+                        }
-        }
-      Stencil brack =
-        Bracket::make_bracket (
-          me, Y_AXIS, points[RIGHT] - points[LEFT], height,
-          /*
-            0.1 = more space at right due to italics
-            TODO: use italic correction of font.
-          */
-          Interval (-0.5, 0.5) * gap + 0.1,
-          flare, shorten);
+          brack =
+            Bracket::make_bracket (
+              me, Y_AXIS, points[RIGHT] - points[LEFT], height,
+              /*
+                0.1 = more space at right due to italics
+                TODO: use italic correction of font.
+              */
+              Interval (-0.5, 0.5) * gap + 0.1,
+              flare, shorten);
+          for (LEFT_and_RIGHT (d))
+            {
+              if (!edge_stencils[d].is_empty ())
+                brack.add_stencil (edge_stencils[d]);
+            }
-      for (LEFT_and_RIGHT (d))
-        {
-          if (!edge_stencils[d].is_empty ())
-            brack.add_stencil (edge_stencils[d]);
+          mol.add_stencil (brack);
+          mol.translate (points[LEFT]);
-      mol.add_stencil (brack);
-  mol.translate (points[LEFT]);
   return mol.smobbed_copy ();
@@ -791,6 +858,7 @@ ADD_INTERFACE (Tuplet_bracket,
                "note-columns "
                "padding "
                "tuplet-number "
+               "tuplet-slur "
                "scripts "
                "shorten-pair "
                "staff-padding "
diff --git a/scm/define-grob-properties.scm b/scm/define-grob-properties.scm
index 6ccac5317c..9991fc1e90 100644
--- a/scm/define-grob-properties.scm
+++ b/scm/define-grob-properties.scm
@@ -1139,6 +1139,8 @@ direction and it is associated with a @code{ScriptColumn} 
 @code{0.0} means centered on the note head (the default position of
 most scripts); @code{1.0} means centered on the stem.  Interpolated
 values are possible.")
+     (tuplet-slur ,boolean? "Draw a slur instead of a bracket for
      (transparent ,boolean? "This makes the grob invisible.")
diff --git a/scm/define-grobs.scm b/scm/define-grobs.scm
index 3db84f320b..04c747bc50 100644
--- a/scm/define-grobs.scm
+++ b/scm/define-grobs.scm
@@ -2658,6 +2658,7 @@
         (staff-padding . 0.25)
         (stencil . ,ly:tuplet-bracket::print)
         (thickness . 1.6)
+        (tuplet-slur . #f)
         (vertical-skylines . ,grob::unpure-vertical-skylines-from-stencil)
         (X-positions . ,ly:tuplet-bracket::calc-x-positions)

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