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[Lilypond-auto] [LilyIssues-auto] [testlilyissues:issues] #5297 some err

From: Auto mailings of changes to Lily Issues via Testlilyissues-auto
Subject: [Lilypond-auto] [LilyIssues-auto] [testlilyissues:issues] #5297 some errors in NR 2.5 Percussion - conga and bongo styles are identical (is this right?)
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2018 14:54:53 -0000

According to the two pre-defineds are identical.


   (congas-style .
     ((losidestick cross #f -1)
      (loconga () #f -1)
      (openloconga () "open" -1)
      (muteloconga () "stopped" -1)
      (hisidestick cross #f 1)
      (hiconga () #f 1)
      (openhiconga () "open" 1)
      (mutehiconga () "stopped" 1)

   (bongos-style .
     ((losidestick cross #f -1)
      (lobongo () #f -1)
      (openlobongo () "open" -1)
      (mutelobongo () "stopped" -1)
      (hisidestick cross #f 1)
      (hibongo () #f 1)
      (openhibongo () "open" 1)
      (mutehibongo () "stopped" 1)


Looking no the internet there doesn't seem to be a univerally agreed style for notation, although it seems that some 'experts' in the field's own manuals include specific notation for 'style' of slaps of which we seem to have some, but not all noteheads.

We'd need some input from someone who has more knowledge on this kind of notation

[issues:#5297] some errors in NR 2.5 Percussion - conga and bongo styles are identical (is this right?)

Status: Accepted
Created: Mon Mar 26, 2018 07:43 PM UTC by Federico Bruni
Last Updated: Sun Aug 26, 2018 02:51 PM UTC
Owner: nobody

I'd like to report an issue in Notation Reference, chapter 2.5 (Percussion).

congas and bongo styles

Percussion staves section.
I know nothing about percussions.. but congas-style and bongos-style examples
look identical. I would expect to see some kind of difference.

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