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[Lilypond-auto] [LilyIssues-auto] [testlilyissues:issues] #5047 markLeng

From: Auto mailings of changes to Lily Issues
Subject: [Lilypond-auto] [LilyIssues-auto] [testlilyissues:issues] #5047 markLengthOn sometimes fails if second voice has a Spanner
Date: Wed, 01 Feb 2017 23:17:29 +0000

Some observations:

Test code:

\version "2.19.52"

\paper { indent = 30 }

\markup \rounded-box "Test with spacers: \\markLengthOn fails"

   (lambda (mus mrkp)
      \new Staff \with { instrumentName = #mrkp }
          { \markLengthOn \tempo "MetronomeMark" c''1 \tempo "next one" d''1 }  
          { s4 #mus s1 } 
     #{ s2\< s4\! #}
     #{ s2\startTextSpan s4\stopTextSpan #}
     #{ s2\startTrillSpan s4\stopTrillSpan #}
     #{ s2( s4) #}
     #{ s2~ s4 #}
     #{ \[s2 s4\] #})
   '("Hairpin" "TextSpanner" "TrillSpanner" "Slur" "Tie" "LigatureBracket"))

\markup \rounded-box "Same with (omitted) Rests: \\markLengthOn works"

   (lambda (mus mrkp)
      \new Staff \with { instrumentName = #mrkp }
          { \markLengthOn \tempo "MetronomeMark" c''1 \tempo "next one" d''1 }  
          { s4 \omit Rest #mus s1 } 
     #{ r2\< r4\! #}
     #{ r2\startTextSpan r4\stopTextSpan #}
     #{ r2\startTrillSpan r4\stopTrillSpan #}
     #{ r2( r4) #}
     #{ r2~ r4 #}
     #{ \[r2 r4\] #})
   '("Hairpin" "TextSpanner" "TrillSpanner" "Slur" "Tie" "LigatureBracket"))

\markup \rounded-box "Same with spacers and \\mark: \\markLengthOn works"

   (lambda (mus mrkp)
      \new Staff \with { instrumentName = #mrkp }
            \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #LEFT
            \mark "RehearsalMark" c''1 \mark "next one" d''1 
          { s4 #mus s1 } 
     #{ s2\< s4\! #}
     #{ s2\startTextSpan s4\stopTextSpan #}
     #{ s2\startTrillSpan s4\stopTrillSpan #}
     #{ s2( s4) #}
     #{ s2~ s4 #}
     #{ \[s2 s4\] #})
   '("Hairpin" "TextSpanner" "TrillSpanner" "Slur" "Tie" "LigatureBracket"))

[issues:#5047] markLengthOn sometimes fails if second voice has a Spanner

Status: Accepted
Created: Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:10 PM UTC by Thomas Morley
Last Updated: Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:10 PM UTC
Owner: nobody

Dave Hartley reports here:
about \markLengthOn sometimes failing, if a second voice carries a Hairpin.

Minimal example:

\version "2.19.52"

\new Staff
    { \markLengthOn \tempo "MetronomeMark" c''1 \tempo "next one" d''1 } 
    { s4 s2\< s4\!  s1 } 

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