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[Lilypond-auto] Issue 3975 in lilypond: this script canno

From: lilypond
Subject: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 3975 in lilypond: this script cannot output correct MIDI for ornaments that use auxiliaries other than what given by the staff and its key signature
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 20:27:45 +0000

Status: Accepted
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect

New issue 3975 by address@hidden: this script cannot output correct MIDI for ornaments that use auxiliaries other than what given by the staff and its key signature

On 26/05/14 18:19, Hans Aberg wrote:
On 26 May 2014, at 18:45, James <address@hidden> wrote:

Another issue is: this script cannot output correct MIDI for ornaments that use auxiliaries other than what given by the staff and its key signature, as LilyPond does not have an internal construct for that.
Could you give a simple example?

In the example below, ornaments with accidentals and the expansions I would expect: chromatic mordent, chromatic prall, and a mordent and a prall with augmented seconds, just to show that is possible, too. And if LilyPond is going microtonal in the future, one might have microtonal accidentals.

On a \turn, one can have an accidental both below and above, like for a fully chromatic turn.

\version "2.19.6"

\include ""

\language "english"

above = { \once \override Script #'script-priority = #-100 }
below = { \once \override TextScript #'script-priority = #-100 }

music = \new Staff = main {
   \tempo 4 = 120
   \time 2/4

   \key a \minor

   \relative c'' {
     \below a4\mordent^\markup{\sharp}  a32 gs a8. |
     \above a4\prall^\markup{\flat}     a32 bf a8. |
     \below a4\mordent^\markup{\flat}   a32 gf a8. |
     \above g4\prall^\markup{\sharp}    g32 as g8. |

\score {
        \layout {}

\score {
   \unfoldRepeats \articulate \music
        \midi {}


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