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[Lilypond-auto] Issue 3736 in lilypond: in -dsafe mode with

From: lilypond
Subject: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 3736 in lilypond: in -dsafe mode with MediaWiki Score extension
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 09:12:29 +0000

Status: New
Owner: ----

New issue 3736 by address@hidden: in -dsafe mode with MediaWiki Score extension

The MediaWiki Score extension ( uses Lilypond in -dsafe mode. This disallows the use of \include "" for engraving gregorian chant with for example Wikipedia.

This issue needs to be resolved, since there many people who want to use Wikipedia and similar WikiMedia installations for displaying Gregorian Chant.

It seems unlikely that the Score extension will use anything else than -dsafe, given the security concerns. Is it possible and a good idea to incorporate directly into Lilypond for use with -dsafe mode?

Since Wikipedia is a great way of making people start using Lilypond for music, and also for the simplicity of publishing research material on Wiki I think this should be high priority.

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