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Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 3115 in lilypond: Add convert-ly rule for beam

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 3115 in lilypond: Add convert-ly rule for beam-gap
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 18:46:22 +0000

Comment #6 on issue 3115 by address@hidden: Add convert-ly rule for beam-gap

Looking at the code, this is not actually an interval (even though it is queried using robust_scm2interval). Instead it is a pair of independent gap values for the left and for the right end of a beam segment.

This was issue 704. The documentation string for beam-gap is "Size of a gap in a @code{Beam}." which totally does not give any indication what the elements of the pair are supposed to be good for respectively or why this would be a pair rather than a single number.

The commit message is
commit d8dfa746ead381a80901106b9c9b079dc9b5d004
Author: Mike Solomon <address@hidden>
Date:   Fri Aug 31 09:27:17 2012 +0200

Uses a heuristic to determine if chord tremolos collide with accidentals.

    This heuristic makes several assumptions about when a chord tremolo
    will collide with accidentals. It must be between whole notes, it
    must be in the staff, and it must be an ascending major third or lower.
The heuristic is entirely contained in Beam::whole_note_close_chord_tremolo,
    which should be modified if other cases involving chord tremolos arise.

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