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Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 3115 in lilypond: Add convert-ly rule for beam

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 3115 in lilypond: Add convert-ly rule for beam-gap
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 18:12:08 +0000

        Cc: address@hidden
        Labels: -Type-Scripts Type-Critical

Comment #3 on issue 3115 by address@hidden: Add convert-ly rule for beam-gap

I see several possible approaches here. I suspect that the separate beam-gap property was only introduced because the gap property does not permit a number pair, not because of any other use of the "gap" property in beams.

The easiest path to full compatibility would be to have ly:beam::calc-beam-gap look at the Beam grob's "gap" property first and, if it is set, use that.

Since we don't have any documentation available and this issue has not been worked on since January, that's probably the safest course.

Another, obviously, is to use a convert-ly rule but those can only convert a limited subset of overrides. Obviously, if we don't have to convert a number into a pair, the conversion rules have a better chance of working. Currently beam-gap is of type number-pair? so we would like to be this number-pair-or-number? (to be created, possibly also with a name describing intent rather than data structure, like interval-or-number? or number-or-interval?) in order to have a workably simple convert-ly rule.

Given how late we are in the game, I tend towards letting the default callback check "gap" first before doing its calculation. Possibly additionally allowing to override beam-gap with a number rather than an interval (this requires some more code at the place where beam-gap is being used).

In that way, even if we add a convert-ly rule, we can afford if it doesn't trigger.

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