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Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 3239 in lilypond: Patch: rewrite Self_alignmen

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 3239 in lilypond: Patch: rewrite Self_alignment_interface
Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2013 15:12:11 +0000

        Labels: -Patch-new Patch-needs_work

Comment #57 on issue 3239 by address@hidden: Patch: rewrite Self_alignment_interface

Passes Make and Make check but fails a Make doc

address@hidden /tmp/show-3239$ more ./out/lybook-db/snippet-names--894427429.log
GNU LilyPond 2.17.16

Forking into jobs:  (6931 6930 6929 6928 6927 6926 6925)
logfile lilypond-multi-run-2.log (exit 1):
r field `texidoc' to `/tmp/build-lilypond-autobuild/out/lybook-db/98/lily-b45549d9.texidoc'... Writing header field `doctitle' to `/tmp/build-lilypond-autobuild/out/lybook-db/98/lily-b45549d9.doctitle'... Writing /tmp/build-lilypond-autobuild/out/lybook-db/98/lily-b45549d9-1.signature Layout output to `/tmp/build-lilypond-autobuild/out/lybook-db/98/lily-b45549d9.eps'... Converting to `/tmp/build-lilypond-autobuild/out/lybook-db/98/lily-b45549d9.pdf'...
Converting to PNG...
Layout output to `/tmp/build-lilypond-autobuild/out/lybook-db/98/lily-b45549d9-1.eps'... Converting to `/tmp/build-lilypond-autobuild/out/lybook-db/98/lily-b45549d9-1.pdf'... Writing /tmp/build-lilypond-autobuild/out/lybook-db/98/lily-b45549d9-systems.texi... Writing /tmp/build-lilypond-autobuild/out/lybook-db/98/lily-b45549d9-systems.tex... Writing /tmp/build-lilypond-autobuild/out/lybook-db/98/lily-b45549d9-systems.count...Unbound variable: ly:self-alignment-interface

fatal error: failed files: "98/"
fatal error: Children (2) exited with errors.

The file 98/ contains

address@hidden /tmp/show-3239$ more ./Documentation/out/98/
%% Generated by
%% Options: [exampleindent=10.16\mm,indent=0\mm,line-width=160\mm]
\include ""

% ****************************************************************
% Start cut-&-pastable-section
% ****************************************************************

\paper {
  indent = 0\mm
  line-width = 160\mm
  % offset the left padding, also add 1mm as lilypond creates cropped
  % images with a little space on the right
  line-width = #(- line-width (* mm  3.000000) (* mm 1))

\layout {


% ****************************************************************
% ly snippet:
% ****************************************************************
\sourcefilename ""
\sourcefileline 0
% DO NOT EDIT this file manually; it is automatically
% generated from Documentation/snippets/new
% Make any changes in Documentation/snippets/new/
% and then run scripts/auxiliar/
% This file is in the public domain.
%% Note: this file works from version 2.17.6
\version "2.17.6"

\header {
%% Translation of GIT committish: 2865242305396ff1b56a23e548328953c1835590
  texidocfr = "
Des raisons techniques sont à l'origine de la difficulté de centrer des
scripts textuels attachés à des têtes de note, ce qui n'est pas le cas
des articulations.

Plutôt que de procéder par tâtonnement, voici comment élaborer un
graveur en Scheme, chargé de redéfinir le parent horizontal de chaque
@emph{markup} sur un empilement de notes (un @code{NoteColumn}).  Il
permet aussi au texte de suivre les têtes ayant été décalées par un
  doctitlefr = "Centrage automatique d'un @emph{markup} sur la tête de note"

  lsrtags = "text, tweaks-and-overrides, contexts-and-engravers"
  texidoc = "
For technical reasons, text scripts attached to note heads cannot
easily be centered on a note head's width, unlike articulations.

Instead of using trial-and-error offset tweaks, this snippet uses a
Scheme engraver to reset the horizontal parent of each markup to a
@code{NoteColumn}.  This also allows text to follow note heads which have
been shifted via @code{force-hshift}.
  doctitle = "Centering markup on note heads automatically"
} % begin verbatim

#(define (Text_align_engraver ctx)
  (let ((scripts '())
        (note-column #f))
      ((note-column-interface trans grob source)
       ;; cache NoteColumn in this Voice context
       (set! note-column grob))
      ((text-script-interface trans grob source)
       ;; whenever a TextScript is acknowledged,
       ;; add it to `scripts' list
       (set! scripts (cons grob scripts))))
     ((stop-translation-timestep trans)
      ;; if any TextScript grobs exist,
      ;; set NoteColumn as X-parent
      (for-each (lambda (script)
                  (set! (ly:grob-parent script X) note-column))
      ;; clear scripts ready for next timestep
      (set! scripts '())))))

\layout {
  \context {
    \consists #Text_align_engraver
    \override TextScript.X-offset =
    \override TextScript.self-alignment-X = #CENTER

\new Staff <<
  \relative c'' {
    \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #3
    c1-\markup { \arrow-head #Y #DOWN ##t }
  \relative c' {
    a4 a-\markup { \huge ^ } a a

% ****************************************************************
% end ly snippet
% ****************************************************************


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