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libltdl is inefficient and a security hazard

From: Bob Friesenhahn
Subject: libltdl is inefficient and a security hazard
Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2009 16:14:05 -0500 (CDT)
User-agent: Alpine 2.01 (GSO 1266 2009-07-14)

I posted a bug report with the same subject several days ago to the bug-libtool list (with data) but no discussion ensued so I will open the issue for broader discussion here.

I was observing very poor execution performance of the modules-based build of my application under Solaris. It used to execute quite well under Solaris (better than a static build) when using loadable modules. Now using any loadable modules via libltdl makes the minimum program execution time 4X slower, and this is when loading only two modules. Looking at system calls showed massive amounts of 'stat' calls and reloading the same shared libraries many times.

While there are several issues to fix, it seems that libltdl has a bug with both performance and security implications. When a libtool module is opened via its ".la" file, I expect that the .la file will be parsed. The file name given by 'dlname' will be appended to the path name given by 'libdir'. This full path should then be given to the system's dlopen(). Then I expect that the path specified by lt_dlsetsearchpath() (LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH) should be used, while always passing a fully qualified path to dlopen(). If these explicit loads fail, then an unqualified path can be used to load the module and the system can have its way with it.

Instead what I see happening is for a module called "", first there is an attempt to dlopen "module.a" and then "" and the system's shared library search path is used. Lastly, there is (finally) a request to load via the correct full path.

Since libltdl also attempts to explicitly load all of the dependency libraries, I see the same wonky things done for all of the libraries that the module depends on (e.g. This adds many hundreds of additional slow system calls to program initialization.

This is what the libtool documentation says regarding search paths:

If libltdl cannot find the library and the file name filename does not have a directory component it will additionally look in the following search paths for the module (in the following order):

1. user-defined search path: This search path can be changed by the program using the functions lt_dlsetsearchpath, lt_dladdsearchdir and lt_dlinsertsearchdir. 2. libltdl's search path: This search path is the value of the environment variable LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH. 3. system library search path: The system dependent library search path (e.g. on Linux it is LD_LIBRARY_PATH).

I tried using lt_dlsetsearchpath() to explicitly set the search path to the directory where the module is located, but it had no influence on the searches performed.

Bob Friesenhahn
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,

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