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Re: Downtime... musings... libtool-1.4

From: Gary V . Vaughan
Subject: Re: Downtime... musings... libtool-1.4
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 18:00:38 +0100

On Wednesday 18 April 2001  1:33 pm, address@hidden wrote:
> Gary V. Vaughan writes:
>  > Nup.  Sorry.  There is no way to log in to savannah at the moment,
>  > as there is still no SSL certificate =(O| I'm Ccing Loic, who might
>  > be able to shed some light, since I can't find any reference to the
>  > certification issue since the last one was regenerated in February.
>       Why do you think it's no possible to login savannah ? The
> certificate is self-signed but usable. 5 to 10 accounts are created
> every day therefore I guess it's not only working for myself ;-)

I was getting `either the date on your computer is wrong or this certificate 
has expired from March 26 2001' when pressing the `Login via SSL' link, which 
prevented me from reaching the password entry dialogue whether I answered 
`Cancel' or `Continue'.

However, I just deleted my savannah#2 certificate, and I can can now get in.  
Doh!  Not sure why I didn't try that earlier, sorry.  Alexandre, I expect 
this is the problem you are having too.

Thomas, I have added you to the developers for the libtool project.

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