Please consider starting a new thread, or new threads, and make sure
they are appropriately titled.
The discussion has veered far away from the original subject.
I believe that the new project proposal and the discussion about
shortcomings in the official FSF site are important.
Please consider how readers would feel when they witness discussions
going on irrelevant to the header title. Quite surely some, if not
most, of them would consider the thread as an inferior source of
A new service intended as an alternative to Twitter won't get far if
it earns the reputation of being full of off-topic messages.
When discussing improvements to the FSF site, whether the documents
there are appropriate and to the point would be an important
Please understand that many people are frustrated with so called
"click-baits" on YouTube and elsewhere: material that proclaims
something in the title while failing to get down to that in the body.
There are too many boys crying wolf out there. If you are identified
as one their kind, your reputation as will be tarnished.
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