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Re: Linked in Alternative - free / privacy respecting

From: Lori Nagel
Subject: Re: Linked in Alternative - free / privacy respecting
Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 15:29:08 +0000 (UTC)

   I have been thinking about this myself a lot as well.  Whatever is
   made, it needs to be something developers would actually use.  There
   are lots of times where people make what seems to be great sites, but
   no one ever uses them.  Free Software project teams need three things.
   1. Vision, a coherent vision of what the project is supposed to be
   about, the problem or issue or desire the project is supposed to
   address, the types of users it is supposed to serve.
   Sometimes this can be stated simply as "roughly a clone of some
   proprietary program", but for new innovative ideas that doesn't really
   2. Passion.  developers must have passion about the project, even if
   they aren't devoting a lot of time to it, they must at least think it
   is worthwhile enough to spend their most precious commodity upon,
   that is their time, sometimes this is because the project scratches a
   developers own itch, or someone the developer personally knows.
   3. Skills.  If it was just passion and vision things would be easier.
   However there are sometimes groups of people with a lot of passion and
   vision, but not enough skills to pull it off.  Eventually, all the
   passion and vision just seems to dissipate if needed skills cannot be
   applied to the creation of or improvement of the project.

   On Friday, May 15, 2020, 10:30:05 AM EDT, Paul Sutton
   <> wrote:
   Not sure if this is a little off topic, I am currently on LinkedIn
   is OK for some things but seems just sluggish and not very friendly in
   I wondered if there was an alternative that is more in line with the
   values of the free software community and respects privacy.
   Possible features
   1. Could be built with free tools
   1. Built by developers for developers, which would allow free software
   projects to find other developers (or hackers as we call them) to help
   with projects.
   3.Perhaps enabled with Activity pub to allow a decentralized approach
   and linking to fediverse accounts.
   4. With linkedIn you can pull down dates from a menu, sometimes having
   free form entry box would perhaps be better.
   5. Tags for job or other skills, this would allow easy searching by
   tags, similar to the fediverse.  if you have for example #kernel in
   list, then anyone doing a search should be able to find others with
   kernel expertise
   8 easier to add qualifications and courses,  LinkedIn seems to be
   clunky with this, you add a provider, then add courses and have to link
   to the provider. It may be easier to have a text box for this and you
   add in the information manually.
   9.  I was asked recently on Mastodon to prove I was not a robot user,
   something similar may actually encourage / force some sort of
   10. Make it easier to add work history,  be it employment, volunteer
   etc, Friendica makes it easy to add a post, with a topic box, tag box
   and the a free form text box.  So maybe something similar. As with
   Friendica or Mastodon I can add pictures to posts, to adding a pdf /
   picture of a certificate should in theory be doable that way (may be
   better for the qualifications but that would also cover in work
   11. Maybe have encryption and gpg built in (privacy / security)
   12. Allow for gpg keys if you sign gpg my key you have met me, so could
   be a way to sign my profile or say I am that person (if that makes
   13. integration in to chat services or ids for chat services.
   I was thinking that this would make it easier to find people to help
   with development.
   I am not looking at developing this (I really don't have the skills or
   even know where to start), just asking if there has been any
   anywhere regarding developing such a service.
   I know there are lots of individual projects that need help and there
   has to be an easy for developers to sign up and find where others need
   Paul Sutton
   Paul Sutton
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