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[libreplanet-discuss] well motherfucking done internet. I'm not proud of

From: Leah Rowe
Subject: [libreplanet-discuss] well motherfucking done internet. I'm not proud of you at all
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2019 01:35:41 +0100

Yeah, I just learned that RMS has resigned from the FSF.

Way to go people.

You took the bait from enemies - enemies who wish to crush us and end
the existence of free software.

What kind of precedent does this set? This is only going to empower our
enemies and make them believe they can be even more aggressive against

I'm very saddened by this news. I'm not a fan of RMS the human -
personally I'm ambivelent to the man himself - but he is the reason
this entire fucking movement exists, and he does excellent work
preaching around the world, at universities and conferences all over
the place. He's the reason I got into free software! Without him, my
project, libreboot, wouldn't exist.

Without him, the Linux kernel wouldn't exist.

Instead of responding in solidarity, you all allowed yourselves to be
manipulated by a *blatant* smear campaign that took *one* post from him
out of context.

It deeply saddens me that people can't spend 5 minutes doing some
research about things they read in the news. I thought we were better
than the usual dumb ignorant masses. Guess I was wrong.

This is all I want to say. I'm done.

I'll leave this final assertion:

The recent bullshit has made me renew my FSF membership, out of
support. Everyone should do the same!

Leah Rowe <>
Company Director & Libreboot developer

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