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Logan Streondj <streondj@gmail.com>Date: Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: [libreplanet-discuss] The FSF Allows No Derivatives,
To: Richard Stallman <
On Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at 01:03:24PM -0400, Richard Stallman wrote:
> [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider ]]]
> [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]
> [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
> > A friend of mine emailed Stallman about creating FAN translations of
> > published works that have been locked up by exclusive privileges, (not
> > questioning the legality of it because obviously we know the answer to
> > that question even if I don't agree with how the law works), but
> > questioning the morality of it. And he actually replied. He said
> > creating derivatives of published works without permission is morally
> > ok, but not translations. Translations are not ok.
> I certainly did not say that -- I think someone misunderstood and
> got it backwards.
> The problem with translation is that if it is not done right
> it has the effect of altering the point. A license that
> permits anyone to translate a work has the effect of permitting
> anyone to alter its position.
> If there were a way to permit only correct, clear translation,
> I would permit that -- but there is no realistic way to assure
> that a translation is correct.
#english: if thou write opinion in speak program language then
capable it translate clear. we live in time with many
languages. capable many peoples benefit from liberty
opinion. translate program improve with time and code.
write by Logan.
#español: si tú a-escribir la-opinión en idioma programa
hablar entonces capaz ello traducir claro . nosotros
vivir en tiempo con muchos idiomas. capaz muchos
gente ser beneficio desde la-opinión libertad.
programa traducir mejorar con tiempo y código.
a-escribir por Logan.
#русский: если ты запись мнение, в говоритьом программаом
языку тогда способный оно́ перевести ясно. мы жить в време с
myi языком. способный myi люди, выгода от свободаом
мнени. перевестая программа, улучшать с ki . запись
по Logan.
#français: si tu écrire l'opinion, en la langue programme
parler, puis capable on traduire le clair. le nous , vivre en
le temps, avec les beaucoup langues. capable les
beaucoup personness. dès l'opinion liberté. la
programme traduire, améliorer avec le temps et code.
écrire par le Logan.
#nodejs: {"if":(thee .write(opinion, {"in":(language .program
.speak)})), "then":(/*capable*/it .
.translate(clear))}); we .live({"in":(time),
"with":(many .language)}); /*capable*/many people
.benefit({"from":(opinion .liberty)}); program
.translate .improve({"with":(time && code)});
#mwak: wathpyamkwalni tuhu piynha yishhi ku tihu kliyha tyifhi
kiphtwahya kwalmyihmwah taymni wihu lishhiya luntmyihhu
liyspiynsu lafthi kiphya taymki kuwtmwah tyifpyamhu
muyphiya Loganhwu yishhiya