Indeed, I was considering doing this for companies. There are many companies that force you to use proprietary software and it would be great for people to know this before they apply. If I had known how much proprietary software was in use I wouldn't even apply for the position.
On the other hand, free software companies would benefit because more developers would know that they use/develop free software. I'm not even aware of any Toronto based companies that produce free software.
On May 10, 2012 2:59 PM, "Robert Martinez" <> wrote:
On 10/05/12 17:37, Dave Crossland wrote:
Right, but to get them to value freedom in abstract, they need to know many concrete examples of behaviors that result from that freedom.
Unfortunately this often leads to only pointing out what is wrong when you DON'T have freedom.
Probably the most effective argument in many cases, but in the long run you're the guy with the "bad vibes".
I feel like an unchallanged way out of this is the "fair trade" or "organic" approach: you put a label on something that is ethical, and people feel rewarded just consuming it, knowing it was a small choice that matters.
Maybe they paied more, and it tastet less appealing, but it works.
In my eyes there is no such label for us - I think a sustainable "free software" label is missing.