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Re: [lp-ca-on] LibreJS in Parliament

From: Greg Wright
Subject: Re: [lp-ca-on] LibreJS in Parliament
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2016 22:17:56 -0400
User-agent: K-9 Mail for Android

On April 13, 2016 8:48:02 PM AST, Matt Lee <address@hidden> wrote:
>Fwiw, if you wrote to virtually any website with the email you posted
>the piratepad, you'll be ignored.
I sent it to libreplant-discuss for review and it was ok'ed.

>You need to explain the issue
You try making it better that's why its on PP

> the vast majority of free software users don't even agree with the nonfree _javascript_ issue yet and the tools which
>detect and process the labels and license markup aren't there yet.
I know I am one of them
A large minority of the people publishing NonFree-JS are likely just ignorant of free software, not malicious.

(See what I did there. I pretended to be Optimistic)

I want to know what runs on my computer but if I 'NEED' to access a website I will NonFree-JS and all

>I think the _javascript_ trap is still a legitimate concern
I agree

>but I think the approach taken with LibreJS isn't working.

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