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Re: [libredwg] Trying to convert DWG to GeoJSON

From: Reini Urban
Subject: Re: [libredwg] Trying to convert DWG to GeoJSON
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2023 17:52:41 +0200

Kent Nickels <> schrieb am Mo., 24. Juli 2023, 23:03:

Hi all,


Working to convert a DWG file to a GeoJSON.   I’m using AutoCad 2024 and have downloaded and installed it without error..


I’m getting some errors when I try to run the dwgread.exe on a window 10 (x64 with 64 GB Memory).


The command I’m using is;


dwgread.exe "f:\AutoCadWorking\Aria.dwg" -O GeoJSON -o "F:\temp\Geo\AriaTest.json"


This throws an ERROR 0x940 with no output.


I have tried to drop the DWG version to a 2010 version of a DWG file and got a different error.


dwgread.exe "f:\AutoCadWorking\AriaMezz2010.dwg" -O GeoJSON -o "F:\temp\Geo\AriaTest.json"


Throws an ERROR 0x1000 with no output.


Any suggestions?

Try dwgread -v3 "f:\AutoCadWorking\Aria.dwg" -O GeoJSON > "AriaTest.json"

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