This topic was pulling another thread off-topic
Greg Troxel wrote
thanks for posting the wiki link. ( )
I don't have anything useful to add, but I would suggest that you adjust
DWG in FOSS Software => Free Software packages that directly support DWG
Free software known to have some support for DWG => this is fine, but
move everything that needs proprietary plugins to the next section,
so that this section is only about actual Free Software
> All the mentioned software is free/libre software. QCAD Pro is mentioned because QCAD CE is Libre and buying it is a way to support QCAD CE.
=> "Free Software that can use (binary-only?0) proprietary libraries"
and put FreeCAD here
> I don't think the text needs all that detail. I did however remove the reference to using the ODA converter. That's documented on the doc page I link to.
=> Non-Free Software that is related to Free Software
and put QCAD here
> QCAD CE is libre/free software. QCAD is not. The page linked to makes that clear.
and it might be that you should say: "By converting dwg to dxf, and
using a program that can use dxf, ..." and then point to the dxf page.
If these programs don't really link with a dwg lib, but just convert and
read, that's godo for people to understand.
> It says in the first paragraph that working with DXF is preferable as it's more open in nature.
At the bottom
"freely available proprietary ODA File Converter" => zero-cost
(registration-required?) (binary-only?) proprietary ODA File
The gauchocad link is 404.
Maybe it was renamed??> You're right. They've gone back to the original name (!) References updated.
> Feel free to make an account to edit the page if you want. It's a public wiki.
/ Duncan