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Re: [libredwg] testSVG error

From: Admin Email
Subject: Re: [libredwg] testSVG error
Date: Thu, 20 May 2010 10:24:37 -0800

I'm not much of a programmer, but I'm a Linux user and have been using AutoCAD for 15 years now (so I'm quite comfortable with it.)  Send me the drawing you have, as well as the sample, and I'll do a comparison to see what the hang up is.  If your office drawing was created with some architect "flavored" AutoCAD as opposed to "plain vanilla", it might have some special ARX/proxy objects.  I should be able to open it and tell, and then convert it back to an older version and see what happens.  This will also help narrow down where some proxy objects may have changed in newer releases, and give someone additional info to tweak testSVG.
If there are any other AutoCAD specific questions (i.e., how something works, looks, etc.) then please feel free to shoot me an email.  I work with CAD every day, so maybe I can help in this area.  I would love to see a fully functional, full powered, open CAD app!  So let me know how I can help!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 10:11 AM
Subject: [libredwg] testSVG error


I just built the current libredwg version from a git checkout i did today, and things seem to have gone well (I use Ubuntu 10.04), and I can run the testSVG well enough on the exampl.dwg without error (although I cannot open the resulting svg-file with e.g. Inkscape, but that's another issue).

However, when I try testSVG on a drawing I have (which is the reason for me trying libredwg in the first place) I get an error saying:

ERROR: First object is not a BLOCK_CONTROL

I suppose it has to do the type/version/origin of the dwg-file, so I can provide the dwg-file if needed (it's our new office, so it's nothing exciting...)


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