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Re: [libredwg] Copyright assignments and notices

From: Till Heuschmann
Subject: Re: [libredwg] Copyright assignments and notices
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 18:42:07 +0200

I can confirm that I have sent the form on 13. January 2010 to address@hidden.
Since the address changed I have sent the form to the 'new' address one minute ago.

2010/4/29 Rodrigo Rodrigues da Silva <address@hidden>
Thien and Till, IIRC you have sent the form with your personal data for
the copyright assignment to address@hidden. Please confirm
that. If you haven't, please do it. BTW, if you have sent the form,
have you received a letter from the FSF? You should sign it and send it
back to the FSF.

Felipe(s) and I have signed the papers. I have changed all file
headers to reflect this, keeping (C) FSF and then the authorship below.

I have also made copyright notices for Thien and Till while you don't
have the paperwork done (I'll do the possible to get it done soon
and change the headers).

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