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Re: [Liberty-eiffel] Liberty-eiffel Digest, Vol 26, Issue 3 - here: reas

From: Krishna
Subject: Re: [Liberty-eiffel] Liberty-eiffel Digest, Vol 26, Issue 3 - here: reasoning for using Pelles-C on Windows
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2016 13:59:20 +0530

Hello all,

On 8 March 2016 at 13:07, Bernd Schoeller <address@hidden> wrote:
> On 07/03/16 11:53, Hans Zwakenberg | Ocean Consulting GmbH wrote:
>> Hi Rahpa, Bernd et al,
>> Pelles-C is free, free as in 'free speech' AND as in 'free beer'... ;)
> No, it is free as 'free beer', but not as in 'free speech' - if it would be,
> you would have the source, and you would be allowed to change the source,
> and you would be allowed to distribute your changes.
> Also, you are not allowed to charge money for it. So, it will never be
> possible to distribute it on Magazine DVDs or similar. That is quite a heavy
> restriction if you think about it. All real open source code can be
> distributed for a fee.
>> As to compiler integration:  other compilers are available:  CLANG/LLVM,
>> Code::Blocks and the ones previously mentioned.  Also, in the past we
>> discussed integrating Tiny-C as well, more specifically to get faster
>> edit-compile-test turnarounds.  The idea was to use Tiny-C for
>> development and any of the others (to be implemented) for deployment...
>> Using MinGW/MSYS would keep it closer to the Linux counterpart and hence
>> reduce integration effort, but I don't know enough about it
>> (license-wise, deployment-wise) to be able to choose/decide between
>> them...
> Having looked a second time, I really would recommend to start by using
> MinGW. While there has not been an official release for 3 years, it seems to
> be reasonably well maintained. And, as it is the compiler that Liberty
> Eiffel normally uses, you will run into much less problems.

This is my first post. I used to use SmallEiffel back in the early
2000s and it is good to see it being revived.

As for a C compiler on Windows, MinGW is stable and there is also
MinGW-64[0] which is much more actively developed.

There are multiple distributions[1, 2, 3] which can be used. I
personally use the one that is bundled with Qt5.

For fast compile times, PCC[4] is an option although the Windows build
hasn't not been updated in a while but the compiler is maintained.



Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.
  -- Winnie-the-pooh

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