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Re: [Koha-zebra] ZOOM API [was Worries about zebra]

From: Sebastian Hammer
Subject: Re: [Koha-zebra] ZOOM API [was Worries about zebra]
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 09:06:44 -0400

Here's a description of how the API is manifested in PHP. It should provide an impression of the flavor.. the ZOOM-level api is conceptually similar.

  $opt = array();
$opt["action"] = $lESaction; // one of : specialUpdate ; recordInsert ; recordDelete
   $opt["record"] = $lXML;
   $opt["syntax"] = "xml";
   yaz_es($tgtHandle, "update", $opt);

   yaz_es($tgtHandle, "commit", array());

It ought to be manageable to extend the API to cover things like dropping a database. etc.., but really record insert/delete is the thing most often used -- and the one you'd like to see optimized the most.

> The big catch is that there is not presently a Perl-wrapper directly over
> the YAZ/ZOOM "C" language API.. I ran into a fellow at ALA who used it
> indirectly, by accessing the Visual Basic implementation directly through
> Perl, under Windows, but of course that would leave our Unix customers
> stranded.  :-)   At Index Data, we've developed most of our web-based
> applications in PHP so we haven't been strongly motivated to work on this
> yet... However, we do have a functional implementation of a Perl API over
> YAZ/ZOOM floating around the office which might be a good starting point.
How can we get our hands on that API? ;-).

I'm a wee bit hesitant to send code into the world that hasn't been packaged and documented for release. I suppose if funding became available, we'd like to clean it up and release it as a ZOOM/Perl implementation... if no funding were ever likely to manifest itself, we could consider handing it over to another programmer for packaging and release.

Sebastian Hammer, Index Data, www.indexdata.com
Direct phone: (603) 209-6853 Fax: (603) 357-1813

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