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Re: [Koha-devel] Debian Packaging

From: Jack
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] Debian Packaging
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 19:54:20 +1200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (X11/20051022)

Dear Alex

Great idea.
I am using Ubuntu and will be getting Koha running on that to.
This may be of some help.



address@hidden wrote:

I'm interested in having a Koha package available in Debian.  I'm also
interested in helping to make it happen, although I don't have the
skills to do it all myself.

After a call on the koha list there are a couple of others willing to
help with this.

I'd like to invite comments from Koha developers.  Is it a good idea to
go down this track?  Would people like to see Koha in Debian?

My original plan was to do a basic package of 2.2.5 with some mysql5
fixes, that would suit my own needs, and try to get it into Etch.
However, others have suggested (Actually it was M J Ray
http://lists.katipo.co.nz/pipermail/koha/2006/010508.html) modifying the
code more extensivly to "look a lot more like the typical perl
modules+scripts packages that you find on CPAN".

If we're going to go down that path it would probably make sense to pull
cvs and perhaps work more closely with the developers feeding back
patches if this is seen as a good thing.  Following on from that, I
guess this is the sort of thing that would happen in a development
branch (3) more than a stable branch (2.2?)

This is all getting beyond what I really want to do myself - which is to
get together a package quickly.  I don't have the perl skills to do any
extensive work myself.  However I am willing to put energy in and assist
going down whatever path is appropriate if there are a few people
interested and a clear path mapped out.

Is this an approprate forum to discuss Debian packaging issues or should
we break off into our own list ASAP?

Looking forward to your feedback...


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