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[Koha-cvs] koha/updater updatedatabase [dev_week]

From: Kyle Hall
Subject: [Koha-cvs] koha/updater updatedatabase [dev_week]
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 12:17:20 +0000

CVSROOT:        /sources/koha
Module name:    koha
Branch:         dev_week
Changes by:     Kyle Hall <kylemhall>   07/10/31 12:17:20

Modified files:
        updater        : updatedatabase 

Log message:
        Updated database for new Reserves system features.


Index: updatedatabase
RCS file: /sources/koha/koha/updater/updatedatabase,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -u -b -r1. -r1.
--- updatedatabase      21 Jun 2007 23:11:24 -0000
+++ updatedatabase      31 Oct 2007 12:17:19 -0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# $Id: updatedatabase,v 2007/06/21 23:11:24 rangi Exp $
+# $Id: updatedatabase,v 2007/10/31 12:17:19 kylemhall Exp $
 # Database Updater
 # This script checks for required updates to the database.
@@ -12,17 +12,16 @@
 # - Would also be a good idea to offer to do a backup at this time...
 # NOTE:  If you do something more than once in here, make it table driven.
 use strict;
 # CPAN modules
 use DBI;
 use Getopt::Long;
 # Koha modules
 use C4::Context;
-use MARC::Record;
-use MARC::File::XML ( BinaryEncoding => 'utf8' );
 # FIXME - The user might be installing a new database, so can't rely
 # on /etc/koha.conf anyway.
@@ -40,120 +39,341 @@
 my $silent;
-       's' =>\$silent
-       );
+GetOptions( 's' => \$silent );
 my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
 print "connected to your DB. Checking & modifying it\n" unless $silent;
-$|=1; # flushes output
 # Defines
 # Tables to add if they don't exist
 my %requiretables = (
-    categorytable       => "(categorycode char(5) NOT NULL default '',
-                             description text default '',
-                             itemtypecodes text default '',
-                             PRIMARY KEY (categorycode)
-                            )",
-    subcategorytable       => "(subcategorycode char(5) NOT NULL default '',
-                             description text default '',
-                             itemtypecodes text default '',
-                             PRIMARY KEY (subcategorycode)
-                            )",
-    mediatypetable       => "(mediatypecode char(5) NOT NULL default '',
-                             description text default '',
-                             itemtypecodes text default '',
-                             PRIMARY KEY (mediatypecode)
-                            )",
-    action_logs        => "(
-                                   `timestamp` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL ,
-                                   `user` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL ,
-                                   `module` TEXT default '',
-                                   `action` TEXT default '' ,
-                                   `object` INT(11) default '' ,
-                                   `info` TEXT default '' ,
-                                   PRIMARY KEY ( `timestamp` , `user` )
-                           )",
-       letter          => "(
-                                       module varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
-                                       code varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
-                                       name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
-                                       title varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
-                                       content text,
-                                       PRIMARY KEY  (module,code)
-                               )",
-       alert           =>"(
-                                       alertid int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
-                                       borrowernumber int(11) NOT NULL default 
-                                       type varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
-                                       externalid varchar(20) NOT NULL default 
-                                       PRIMARY KEY  (alertid),
-                                       KEY borrowernumber (borrowernumber),
-                                       KEY type (type,externalid)
-                               )",
-       opac_news => "(
-                               `idnew` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL 
-                               `title` varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
-                               `new` text NOT NULL,
-                               `lang` varchar(4) NOT NULL default '',
-                               `timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL default 
-                               PRIMARY KEY  (`idnew`)
-                               )",
-       repeatable_holidays => "(
-                               `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
-                               `branchcode` varchar(4) NOT NULL default '',
-                               `weekday` smallint(6) default NULL,
-                               `day` smallint(6) default NULL,
-                               `month` smallint(6) default NULL,
-                               `title` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
-                               `description` text NOT NULL,
-                               PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
-                               )",
-       special_holidays => "(
-                               `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
-                               `branchcode` varchar(4) NOT NULL default '',
-                               `day` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
-                               `month` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
-                               `year` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
-                               `isexception` smallint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
-                               `title` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
-                               `description` text NOT NULL,
-                               PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
-                               )",
-       overduerules    =>"(`branchcode` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
-                                       `categorycode` char(2) NOT NULL default 
-                                       `delay1` int(4) default '0',
-                                       `letter1` varchar(20) default NULL,
-                                       `debarred1` char(1) default '0',
-                                       `delay2` int(4) default '0',
-                                       `debarred2` char(1) default '0',
-                                       `letter2` varchar(20) default NULL,
-                                       `delay3` int(4) default '0',
-                                       `letter3` varchar(20) default NULL,
-                                       `debarred3` int(1) default '0',
-                                       PRIMARY KEY  
-                                       )",
-       cities                  => "(`cityid` int auto_increment,
-                                               `city_name` char(100) NOT NULL,
-                                               `city_zipcode` char(20),
-                                               PRIMARY KEY (`cityid`)
-                                       )",
-       roadtype                        => "(`roadtypeid` int auto_increment,
-                                               `road_type` char(100) NOT NULL,
-                                               PRIMARY KEY (`roadtypeid`)
+    shelfcontents => "( shelfnumber int not null,
+                                                       itemnumber int not null,
+                                                       flags int)",
+    bookshelf => "( shelfnumber int auto_increment primary key,
+                                               shelfname char(255))",
+    z3950queue => "( id int auto_increment primary key,
+                                               term text,
+                                               type char(10),
+                                               startdate int,
+                                               enddate int,
+                                               done smallint,
+                                               results longblob,
+                                               numrecords int,
+                                               servers text,
+                                               identifier char(30))",
+    z3950results => "( id int auto_increment primary key,
+                                               queryid int,
+                                               server char(255),
+                                               startdate int,
+                                               enddate int,
+                                               results longblob,
+                                               numrecords int,
+                                               numdownloaded int,
+                                               highestseen int,
+                                               active smallint)",
+    branchrelations => "( branchcode varchar(4),
+                                                       categorycode 
+    websites => "( websitenumber int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+                                               biblionumber int(11) NOT NULL 
default '0',
+                                               title text,
+                                               description text,
+                                               url varchar(255),
+                                               PRIMARY KEY (websitenumber) )",
+    marcrecorddone => "( isbn char(40),
+                                                               issn char(40),
+                                                               lccn char(40),
+                                                               controlnumber 
+    uploadedmarc => "( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
+                                                       marc longblob,
+                                                       hidden smallint(6) 
default NULL,
+                                                       name varchar(255) 
default NULL)",
+    ethnicity => "( code varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
+                                       name varchar(255) default NULL,
+                                       PRIMARY KEY  (code)   )",
+    sessions => "( sessionID varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
+                                               userid varchar(255) default 
+                                               ip varchar(16) default NULL,
+                                               lasttime int,
+                                               PRIMARY KEY (sessionID)   )",
+    sessionqueries => "( sessionID varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
+                                                               userid 
char(100) NOT NULL default '',
+                                                               ip char(18) NOT 
NULL default '',
+                                                               url text NOT 
NULL default ''  )",
+    bibliothesaurus => "( id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+                                                       freelib char(255) NOT 
NULL default '',
+                                                       stdlib char(255) NOT 
NULL default '',
+                                                       category char(10) NOT 
NULL default '',
+                                                       level tinyint(4) NOT 
NULL default '1',
+                                                       hierarchy char(80) NOT 
NULL default '',
+                                                       father char(80) NOT 
NULL default '',
+                                                       PRIMARY KEY  (id),
+                                                       KEY freelib (freelib),
+                                                       KEY stdlib (stdlib),
+                                                       KEY category (category),
+                                                       KEY hierarchy 
-       labels                     => "(
-                               labelid int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+    marc_biblio => "(
+                                               bibid bigint(20) unsigned NOT 
NULL auto_increment,
+                                               biblionumber int(11) NOT NULL 
default '0',
+                                               datecreated date NOT NULL 
default '0000-00-00',
+                                               datemodified date default NULL,
+                                               origincode char(20) default 
+                                               PRIMARY KEY  (bibid),
+                                               KEY origincode (origincode),
+                                               KEY biblionumber (biblionumber)
+                                               ) ",
+    marc_blob_subfield => "(
+                                       blobidlink bigint(20) NOT NULL 
+                                       subfieldvalue longtext NOT NULL,
+                                       PRIMARY KEY  (blobidlink)
+                                       ) ",
+    marc_subfield_structure => "(
+                                               tagfield char(3) NOT NULL 
default '',
+                                               tagsubfield char(1) NOT NULL 
default '',
+                                               liblibrarian char(255) NOT NULL 
default '',
+                                               libopac char(255) NOT NULL 
default '',
+                                               repeatable tinyint(4) NOT NULL 
default '0',
+                                               mandatory tinyint(4) NOT NULL 
default '0',
+                                               kohafield char(40)  default 
+                                               tab tinyint(1) default NULL,
+                                               authorised_value char(10) 
default NULL,
+                                               thesaurus_category char(10) 
default NULL,
+                                               value_builder char(80) default 
+                                               PRIMARY KEY  
+                                               KEY kohafield (kohafield),
+                                               KEY tab (tab)
+                                               )",
+    marc_subfield_table => "(
+                                               subfieldid bigint(20) unsigned 
NOT NULL auto_increment,
+                                               bibid bigint(20) unsigned NOT 
NULL default '0',
+                                               tag char(3) NOT NULL default '',
+                                               tagorder tinyint(4) NOT NULL 
default '1',
+                                               tag_indicator char(2) NOT NULL 
default '',
+                                               subfieldcode char(1) NOT NULL 
default '',
+                                               subfieldorder tinyint(4) NOT 
NULL default '1',
+                                               subfieldvalue varchar(255) 
default NULL,
+                                               valuebloblink bigint(20) 
default NULL,
+                                               PRIMARY KEY  (subfieldid),
+                                               KEY bibid (bibid),
+                                               KEY tag (tag),
+                                               KEY tag_indicator 
+                                               KEY subfieldorder 
+                                               KEY subfieldcode (subfieldcode),
+                                               KEY subfieldvalue 
+                                               KEY tagorder (tagorder)
+                                       )",
+    marc_tag_structure => "(
+                                       tagfield char(3) NOT NULL default '',
+                                       liblibrarian char(255) NOT NULL default 
+                                       libopac char(255) NOT NULL default '',
+                                       repeatable tinyint(4) NOT NULL default 
+                                       mandatory tinyint(4) NOT NULL default 
+                                       authorised_value char(10) default NULL,
+                                       PRIMARY KEY  (tagfield)
+                                       )",
+    marc_word => "(
+                               bibid bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
+                               tag char(3) NOT NULL default '',
+                               tagorder tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
+                               subfieldid char(1) NOT NULL default '',
+                               subfieldorder tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
+                               word varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
+                               sndx_word varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
+                               KEY bibid (bibid),
+                               KEY tag (tag),
+                               KEY tagorder (tagorder),
+                               KEY subfieldid (subfieldid),
+                               KEY subfieldorder (subfieldorder),
+                               KEY word (word),
+                               KEY sndx_word (sndx_word)
+                       )",
+    marc_breeding => "(  id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+                               file varchar(80) NOT NULL default '',
+                               isbn varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
+                               title varchar(128) default NULL,
+                               author varchar(80) default NULL,
+                               marc text NOT NULL,
+                               encoding varchar(40) default NULL,
+                               PRIMARY KEY  (id),
+                               KEY title (title),
+                               KEY isbn (isbn)
+                       )",
+    authorised_values => "(id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+                               category char(10) NOT NULL default '',
+                               authorised_value char(80) NOT NULL default '',
+                               lib char(80) NULL,
+                               PRIMARY KEY  (id),
+                               KEY name (category)
+                       )",
+    userflags => "( bit int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+                               flag char(30), flagdesc char(255),
+                               defaulton int(11)
+                       )",
+    auth_types => "(
+                                       authtypecode char(10) not NULL,
+                                       authtypetext char(255) not NULL,
+                                       auth_tag_to_report char(3) not NULL,
+                                       summary text not NULL,
+                                       PRIMARY KEY (authtypecode)
+                       )",
+    biblio_framework => "(
+                                       frameworkcode char(4) not NULL,
+                                       frameworktext char(255) not NULL,
+                                       PRIMARY KEY (frameworkcode)
+                       )",
+    auth_subfield_structure => "(
+                                       authtypecode char(10) NOT NULL default 
+                                       tagfield char(3) NOT NULL default '',
+                                       tagsubfield char(1) NOT NULL default '',
+                                       liblibrarian char(255) NOT NULL default 
+                                       libopac char(255) NOT NULL default '',
+                                       repeatable tinyint(4) NOT NULL default 
+                                       mandatory tinyint(4) NOT NULL default 
+                                       tab tinyint(1) default NULL,
+                                       authorised_value char(10) default NULL,
+                                       value_builder char(80) default NULL,
+                                       seealso char(255) default NULL,
+                                       PRIMARY KEY  
+                                       KEY tab (authtypecode,tab)
+                                       )",
+    auth_tag_structure => "(
+                                       authtypecode char(10) NOT NULL default 
+                                       tagfield char(3) NOT NULL default '',
+                                       liblibrarian char(255) NOT NULL default 
+                                       libopac char(255) NOT NULL default '',
+                                       repeatable tinyint(4) NOT NULL default 
+                                       mandatory tinyint(4) NOT NULL default 
+                                       authorised_value char(10) default NULL,
+                                       PRIMARY KEY  (authtypecode,tagfield)
+                                       )",
+    auth_header => "(
+                                               authid bigint(20) unsigned NOT 
NULL auto_increment,
+                                               authtypecode char(10) NOT NULL 
default '',
+                                               datecreated date NOT NULL 
default '0000-00-00',
+                                               datemodified date default NULL,
+                                               origincode char(20) default 
+                                               PRIMARY KEY  (authid),
+                                               KEY origincode (origincode)
+                                               ) ",
+    auth_subfield_table => "(
+                                               subfieldid bigint(20) unsigned 
NOT NULL auto_increment,
+                                               authid bigint(20) unsigned NOT 
NULL default '0',
+                                               tag char(3) NOT NULL default '',
+                                               tagorder tinyint(4) NOT NULL 
default '1',
+                                               tag_indicator char(2) NOT NULL 
default '',
+                                               subfieldcode char(1) NOT NULL 
default '',
+                                               subfieldorder tinyint(4) NOT 
NULL default '1',
+                                               subfieldvalue varchar(255) 
default NULL,
+                                               PRIMARY KEY  (subfieldid),
+                                               KEY authid (authid),
+                                               KEY tag (tag),
+                                               KEY subfieldcode (subfieldcode),
+                                               KEY subfieldvalue 
+                                       )",
+    auth_word => "(
+                               authid bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
+                               tagsubfield char(4) NOT NULL default '',
+                               tagorder tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
+                               subfieldorder tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
+                               word varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
+                               sndx_word varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
+                               KEY authid (authid),
+                               KEY marc_search (tagsubfield,word),
+                               KEY word (word),
+                               KEY sndx_word (sndx_word)
+                       )",
+    suggestions => "(
+                               suggestionid int(8) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+                               suggestedby int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+                               managedby int(11) default NULL ,
+                               STATUS varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
+                               note text,
+                               author varchar(80) default NULL ,
+                               title varchar(80) default NULL ,
+                               copyrightdate smallint(6) default NULL ,
+                               publishercode varchar(255) default NULL ,
+                               date timestamp(8) NOT NULL ,
+                               volumedesc varchar(255) default NULL ,
+                               publicationyear smallint(6) default '0',
+                               place varchar(255) default NULL ,
+                               isbn varchar(10) default NULL ,
+                               mailoverseeing smallint(1) default '0',
+                               biblionumber int(11) default NULL ,
+                               PRIMARY KEY (suggestionid) ,
+                               KEY suggestedby(suggestedby) ,
+                               KEY managedby(managedby)
+                       )",
+    aqbasket => "(basketno int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+                               creationdate date,
+                               closedate date,
+                               booksellerid varchar(10),
+                               authorisedby varchar(10),
+                               booksellerinvoicenumber text,
+                               PRIMARY KEY (basketno)
+                               )",
+    serial => "(serialid int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+                               biblionumber varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
+                               subscriptionid varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
+                               serialseq varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
+                               status tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
+                               planneddate date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
+                               publishedddate date NOT NULL default 
+                               PRIMARY KEY  (serialid)
+                               )",
+    subscription => "(biblionumber int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+                                               subscriptionid int(11) NOT NULL 
+                                               librarian varchar(100) default 
+                                               startdate date default 
+                                               aqbooksellerid int(11) default 
+                                               cost int(11) default '0',
+                                               aqbudgetid int(11) default '0',
+                                               weeklength tinyint(4) default 
+                                               monthlength tinyint(4) default 
+                                               numberlength tinyint(4) default 
+                                               periodicity tinyint(4) default 
+                                               dow varchar(100) default '',
+                                               numberingmethod varchar(100) 
default '',
+                                               notes text,
+                                               status varchar(100) NOT NULL 
default '',
+                                               add1 int(11) default 0,
+                                               every1 int(11) default 0,
+                                               whenmorethan1 int(11) default 0,
+                                               setto1 int(11),
+                                               lastvalue1 int(11),
+                                               add2 int(11) default 0,
+                                               every2 int(11) default 0,
+                                               whenmorethan2 int(11) default 0,
+                                               setto2 int(11),
+                                               lastvalue2 int(11),
+                                               add3 int(11) default 0,
+                                               every3 int(11) default 0,
+                                               innerloop1 int(11) default 0,
+                                               innerloop2 int(11) default 0,
+                                               innerloop3 int(11) default 0,
+                                               whenmorethan3 int(11) default 0,
+                                               setto3 int(11),
+                                               lastvalue3 int(11),
+                                               PRIMARY KEY  (subscriptionid)
+                                               )",
+    subscriptionhistory => "(biblionumber int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+                                                       subscriptionid int(11) 
NOT NULL default '0',
+                                                       histstartdate date NOT 
NULL default '0000-00-00',
+                                                       enddate date default 
+                                                       missinglist longtext 
+                                                       recievedlist longtext 
+                                                       opacnote varchar(150) 
NOT NULL default '',
+                                                       librariannote 
varchar(150) NOT NULL default '',
+                                                       PRIMARY KEY  
+                                                       KEY biblionumber 
+                               )",
+    labels => "(labelid int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
                                itemnumber varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
                                timestamp timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
                                PRIMARY KEY  (labelid)
-       labels_conf                => "(
-                               id int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+    labels_conf => "(id int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment,
                                barcodetype char(100) default '',
                                title tinyint(1) default '0',
                                isbn tinyint(1) default '0',
@@ -161,107 +381,105 @@
                                barcode tinyint(1) default '0',
                                dewey tinyint(1) default '0',
                                class tinyint(1) default '0',
+                          subclass tinyint(1) default '0',
+                          itemcallnumber tinyint(1) default '0',
                                author tinyint(1) default '0',
                                papertype char(100) default '',
+                          printingtype char(10) default NULL,
                                startrow int(2) default NULL,
+                          guidebox tinyint(1) default NULL,
                                PRIMARY KEY  (id)
-      clubsAndServices          => "(
-                                     casId int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
-                                     casaId int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'foreign 
key to clubsAndServicesArchetypes',
-                                     title text NOT NULL,
-                                     description text,
-                                     casData1 text COMMENT 'Data described in 
-                                     casData2 text COMMENT 'Data described in 
-                                     casData3 text COMMENT 'Data described in 
-                                     startDate date NOT NULL,
-                                     endDate date default NULL,
-                                     branchcode varchar(4) default NULL 
COMMENT 'branch where club or service was created.',
-                                     `timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL default 
-                                     PRIMARY KEY  (casId)
-                                    )",
-      clubsAndServicesArchetypes => "(
-                                     casaId int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
-                                     type enum('club','service') NOT NULL 
default 'club',
-                                     title text NOT NULL COMMENT 'title of 
this archetype',
-                                     description text NOT NULL COMMENT 'long 
description of this archetype',
-                                     publicEnrollment tinyint(1) NOT NULL 
default '0' COMMENT 'If 1, patron should be able to enroll in club or service 
from OPAC, if 0, only a librarian should be able to enroll a patron in the club 
or service.',
-                                     casData1Title text COMMENT 'Title of 
contents in cas.data1',
-                                     casData2Title text COMMENT 'Title of 
contents in cas.data2',
-                                     casData3Title text COMMENT 'Title of 
contents in cas.data3',
-                                     caseData1Title text COMMENT 'Title of 
what is stored in cAsE.data1',
-                                     caseData2Title text COMMENT 'Title of 
what is stored in cAsE.data2',
-                                     caseData3Title text COMMENT 'Title of 
what is stored in cAsE.data3',
-                                     casData1Desc text,
-                                     casData2Desc text,
-                                     casData3Desc text,
-                                     caseData1Desc text,
-                                     caseData2Desc text,
-                                     caseData3Desc text,
-                                     branchcode varchar(4) default NULL 
COMMENT 'branch where archetype was created.',
-                                     `timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL default 
-                                     PRIMARY KEY  (casaId)
-                                     )",
-      clubsAndServicesEnrollments => "(
-                                      caseId int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
-                                      casaId int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'foreign 
key to clubsAndServicesArchtypes',
-                                      casId int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'foreign 
key to clubsAndServices',
-                                      borrowernumber int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 
'foreign key to borrowers',
-                                      data1 text COMMENT 'data described in 
-                                      data2 text,
-                                      data3 text,
-                                      dateEnrolled date NOT NULL COMMENT 'date 
borrowers service begins',
-                                      dateCanceled date default NULL COMMENT 
'date borrower decided to end service',
-                                      `timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL default 
-                                      branchcode varchar(4) default NULL 
COMMENT 'foreign key to branches',
-                                      PRIMARY KEY  (caseId)
-                                      )",
-      collections => "(
-                      colId int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
-                      colTitle varchar(100) NOT NULL ,
-                      colDesc text NOT NULL default '',
-                      colBranchcode varchar(4) default NULL COMMENT 
'branchcode for branch where item should be held.',
-                      PRIMARY KEY  (colId)
-                      )",
-     collectionsTracking => "(
-                             ctId int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
-                             colId int(11) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT 
-                             itemnumber int(11) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT 
-                             PRIMARY KEY  (ctId)
-                             )",
 my %requirefields = (
-       subscription => { 'letter' => 'char(20) NULL', 'distributedto' => 'text 
-       itemtypes => { 'imageurl' => 'char(200) NULL', 'notforreserve' => 
-       aqbookfund => { 'branchcode' => 'varchar(4) NULL'},
-       aqbudget => { 'branchcode' => 'varchar(4) NULL'},
-       auth_header => { 'marc' => 'BLOB NOT NULL', 'linkid' => 'INT(4) NULL'},
-       items => { 'onloan' => 'date NOT NULL default 0000-00-00', 
'Cutterextra' => 'VARCHAR(45)'},
-       biblioitems=>{'lcsort'=>'VARCHAR(45)','marc'=>'BLOB NOT NULL'},
-       auth_subfield_structure =>{ 'hidden' => 'TINYINT(3) NOT NULL UNSIGNED 
ZEROFILL', 'kohafield' => 'VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL', 'linkid' =>  'TINYINT(1) NOT 
-#    tablename        => { 'field' => 'fieldtype' },
+    biblio        => { 'abstract' => 'text' },
+    deletedbiblio => { 'abstract' => 'text', 'marc' => 'blob' },
+    deleteditems =>
+      { 'marc' => 'blob', 'paidfor' => 'text', 'location' => 'varchar(80)' },
+    biblioitems => {
+        'lccn' => 'char(25)',
+        'url'  => 'varchar(255)',
+        'marc' => 'text'
+    },
+    deletedbiblioitems => {
+        'lccn' => 'char(25)',
+        'url'  => 'varchar(255)',
+        'marc' => 'text'
+    },
+    branchtransfers => { 'datearrived'    => 'datetime' },
+    statistics      => { 'borrowernumber' => 'int(11)' },
+    aqbooksellers   => {
+        'invoicedisc' => 'float(6,4)',
+        'nocalc'      => 'int(11)'
+    },
+    borrowers => {
+        'userid'        => 'char(30)',
+        'password'      => 'char(30)',
+        'flags'         => 'int(11)',
+        'textmessaging' => 'varchar(30)',
+        'zipcode'       => 'varchar(25)',
+        'homezipcode'   => 'varchar(25)',
+        'sort1'         => 'char(80)',
+        'sort2'         => 'char(80)',
+    },
+    aqorders => {
+        'budgetdate' => 'date',
+        'sort1'      => 'char(80)',
+        'sort2'      => 'char(80)',
+    },
+    aqbudget => {
+        'aqbudgetid' => 'tinyint(4) auto_increment primary key',
+        'branchcode' => 'varchar(4)',
+    },
+    aqbookfund => { 'branchcode' => 'varchar(4)', },
+    items      => { 'paidfor'    => 'text', 'location' => 'char(80)' },
+    #added so that reference items are not available for reserves...
+    itemtypes         => { 'notforloan' => 'smallint(6)' },
+    systempreferences => {
+        'explanation' => 'char(80)',
+        'type'        => 'char(20)',
+        'options'     => 'text'
+    },
+    z3950servers       => { 'syntax' => 'char(80)' },
+    marc_tag_structure =>
+      { 'frameworkcode' => 'char(4) not NULL default \'\'' },
+    marc_subfield_structure => {
+        'seealso'       => 'char(255)',
+        'frameworkcode' => 'char(4) not NULL default \'\'',
+        'hidden'        => 'tinyint(1)',
+        'isurl'         => 'tinyint(1)',
+        'link'          => 'char(80)',
+    },
+    bookshelf => {
+        'owner'    => 'char(80)',
+        'category' => 'char(1)',
+    },
+    marc_biblio => { 'frameworkcode' => 'char(4) not NULL default \'\'' },
+    serial => { 'publisheddate' => 'date'},
 my %dropable_table = (
-       sessionqueries  => 'sessionqueries',
-       marcrecorddone  => 'marcrecorddone',
-       users                   => 'users',
-       itemsprices             => 'itemsprices',
-       biblioanalysis  => 'biblioanalysis',
-       borexp                  => 'borexp',
-# tablename => 'tablename',
+    classification => 'classification',
+    multipart      => 'multipart',
+    multivolume    => 'multivolume',
+    newitems       => 'newitems',
+    procedures     => 'procedures',
+    publisher      => 'publisher',
+    searchstats    => 'searchstats',
+    serialissues   => 'serialissues',
 my %uselessfields = (
-# tablename => "field1,field2",
-       borrowers => 
-       );
+    aqorders => "requisitionedby,authorisedby,booksellerid,
+                       deliverydays,followupdays,
+                       numberfollowupsallowed,numberfollowupssent,
+                       dateprinted,sourced,quantityreceiveddamaged,
+                       subscriptionfrom,subscriptionto
+                       "
 # the other hash contains other actions that can't be done elsewhere. they are 
 # either BEFORE of AFTER everything else, depending on "when" entry (default 
@@ -274,936 +492,1046 @@
 # values given in the %tabledata hash.
 my %tabledata = (
-# tablename => [
-#      {       uniquefielrequired => 'fieldname', # the primary key in the 
-#              fieldname => fieldvalue,
-#              fieldname2 => fieldvalue2,
-#      },
-# ],
-    clubsAndServicesArchetypes => [{
-            uniquefieldrequired => 'casaId',
-            title => 'New Items E-mail List',
-            description => 'This archetype allows a library to create e-mail 
lists that patrons can subscribe to and recieve e-mails of new items at the 
-            publicEnrollment => 1,
-            casData1Title => 'Itemtype',
-            casData2Title => 'Callnumber',
-            casData1Desc => 'The Item Type of the items to get.',
-            casData2Desc => 'The Callnumber format of the items to get. Use % 
for wildcard.',
-            timestamp => '',
-    }],
+    userflags => [
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
+            bit                 => 0,
+            flag                => 'superlibrarian',
+            flagdesc            => 'Access to all librarian functions',
+            defaulton           => 0
+        },
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
+            bit                 => 1,
+            flag                => 'circulate',
+            flagdesc            => 'Circulate books',
+            defaulton           => 0
+        },
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
+            bit                 => 2,
+            flag                => 'catalogue',
+            flagdesc            => 'View Catalogue (Librarian Interface)',
+            defaulton           => 0
+        },
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
+            bit                 => 3,
+            flag                => 'parameters',
+            flagdesc            => 'Set Koha system paramters',
+            defaulton           => 0
+        },
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
+            bit                 => 4,
+            flag                => 'borrowers',
+            flagdesc            => 'Add or modify borrowers',
+            defaulton           => 0
+        },
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
+            bit                 => 5,
+            flag                => 'permissions',
+            flagdesc            => 'Set user permissions',
+            defaulton           => 0
+        },
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
+            bit                 => 6,
+            flag                => 'reserveforothers',
+            flagdesc            => 'Reserve books for patrons',
+            defaulton           => 0
+        },
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
+            bit                 => 7,
+            flag                => 'borrow',
+            flagdesc            => 'Borrow books',
+            defaulton           => 1
+        },
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
+            bit                 => 8,
+            flag                => 'reserveforself',
+            flagdesc            => 'Reserve books for self',
+            defaulton           => 0
+        },
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
+            bit                 => 9,
+            flag                => 'editcatalogue',
+            flagdesc  => 'Edit Catalogue (Modify bibliographic/holdings data)',
+            defaulton => 0
+        },
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
+            bit                 => 10,
+            flag                => 'updatecharges',
+            flagdesc            => 'Update borrower charges',
+            defaulton           => 0
+        },
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
+            bit                 => 11,
+            flag                => 'acquisition',
+            flagdesc            => 'Acquisition and/or suggestion management',
+            defaulton           => 0
+        },
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
+            bit                 => 12,
+            flag                => 'management',
+            flagdesc            => 'Set library management parameters',
+            defaulton           => 0
+        },
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
+            bit                 => 13,
+            flag                => 'tools',
+            flagdesc            => 'Use tools (export, import, barcodes)',
+            defaulton           => 0
+        },
+    ],
     systempreferences => [
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'Activate_Log',
-            value               => 'On',
-           forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                    'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'Turn Log Actions on DB On an Off',
-           type                => 'YesNo',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            variable => 'LibraryName',
+            value    =>
+'<i><b>Koha<br/>Free Software ILS<br/><br/></b>Koha : a gift, a 
contribution<br/> in Maori</i>',
+            explanation => 'Library name as shown on main opac page',
+            type        => ''
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'IndependantBranches',
-            value               => 0,
-           forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                    'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'Turn Branch independancy management On an 
-           type                => 'YesNo',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            variable    => 'autoMemberNum',
+            value       => '1',
+            explanation => 'Member number is auto-calculated',
+            type        => 'YesNo'
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'ReturnBeforeExpiry',
-            value               => 'Off',
-           forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                    'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'If Yes, Returndate on issuing can\'t be 
after borrower card expiry',
-           type                => 'YesNo',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1,
+                'options'     => 1
+            },
+            variable    => 'acquisitions',
+            value       => 'normal',
+            explanation =>
+'Normal, budget-based acquisitions, or Simple bibliographic-data acquisitions',
+            type    => 'Choice',
+            options => 'simple|normal'
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'opacstylesheet',
-            value               => '',
-           forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                    'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'Enter a complete URL to use an alternate 
stylesheet in OPAC',
-           type                => 'free',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1,
+                'options'     => 1
+            },
+            variable    => 'dateformat',
+            value       => 'metric',
+            explanation =>
+              'date format (us mm/dd/yyyy, metric dd/mm/yyy, ISO yyyy/mm/dd)',
+            type    => 'Choice',
+            options => 'metric|us|iso'
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'opacsmallimage',
-            value               => '',
-           forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                    'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'Enter a complete URL to an image, will be 
on top/left instead of the Koha logo',
-           type                => 'free',
+            variable            => 'template',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            value       => 'default',
+            explanation => 'Preference order for intranet interface templates',
+            type        => 'Themes'
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'opaclargeimage',
-            value               => '',
-           forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                    'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'Enter a complete URL to an image, will be 
on the main page, instead of the Koha logo',
-           type                => 'free',
+            variable            => 'autoBarcode',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            value       => 'yes',
+            explanation => 'Barcode is auto-calculated',
+            type        => 'YesNo'
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'delimiter',
-            value               => ';',
-           forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                    'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'separator for reports exported to 
-           type                => 'free',
+            variable            => 'insecure',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            value       => 'no',
+            explanation =>
+'If YES, no auth at all is needed. Be careful if you set this to yes!',
+            type => 'YesNo'
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'MIME',
-            value               => 'OPENOFFICE.ORG',
-            forceupdate                => { 'explanation' => 1,
+            variable            => 'authoritysep',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
                                     'type' => 1,
-                                    'options' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'Define the default application for report 
exportations into files',
-               type            => 'Choice',
-               options         => 'EXCEL|OPENOFFICE.ORG'
+                'options'     => 1
+            },
+            value       => '--',
+            explanation =>
+              'the separator used in authority/thesaurus. Usually --',
+            type    => 'free',
+            options => '10'
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'Delimiter',
-            value               => ';',
-               forceupdate             => { 'explanation' => 1,
+            variable            => 'opaclanguages',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            value       => 'en',
+            explanation =>
+'Set the preferred order for translations.  The top language will be tried 
+            type => 'Languages'
+        },
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'opacthemes',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            value       => 'css',
+            explanation =>
+'Set the preferred order for themes.  The top theme will be tried first.',
+            type => 'Themes'
+        },
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'timeout',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            value       => '1200',
+            explanation =>
+              'Inactivity timeout for cookies authentication (in seconds)',
+            type => 'Integer'
+        },
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'marc',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            value       => 'yes',
+            explanation => 'Turn on MARC support',
+            type        => 'YesNo'
+        },
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'sortbynonfiling',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            value       => 'no',
+            explanation => 'Sort search results by MARC nonfiling characters',
+            type        => 'YesNo'
+        },
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'marcflavour',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
                                     'type' => 1,
-                                    'options' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'Define the default separator character for 
report exportations into files',
+                'options'     => 1
+            },
+            value       => 'MARC21',
+            explanation =>
+'your MARC flavor (MARC21 or UNIMARC) used for character encoding',
                type            => 'Choice',
-               options         => ';|tabulation|,|/|\|#'
+            options => 'MARC21|UNIMARC'
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'SubscriptionHistory',
-            value               => ';',
-               forceupdate             => { 'explanation' => 1,
+            variable            => 'checkdigit',
+            value               => 'none',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
                                     'type' => 1,
-                                    'options' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'Define the information level for serials 
history in OPAC',
+                'options'     => 1
+            },
+            explanation =>
+'Validity checks on membership number: none or "Katipo" style checks',
                type            => 'Choice',
-               options         => 'simplified|full'
+            options => 'none|katipo'
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'hidelostitems',
-            value               => 'No',
-           forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                    'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'show or hide "lost" items in OPAC.',
-           type                => 'YesNo',
+            variable            => 'maxoutstanding',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            value       => '5',
+            explanation =>
+              'maximum amount withstanding to be able make reserves ',
+            type => 'Integer'
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'IndependantBranches',
-            value               => '0',
-            forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                     'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'Turn Branch independancy management On an 
-            type                => 'YesNo',
+            variable            => 'maxreserves',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            value       => '5',
+            explanation => 'maximum number of reserves a member can make',
+            type        => 'Integer'
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'ReturnBeforeExpiry',
-            value               => '0',
-            forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                     'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'If Yes, Returndate on issuing can\'t be 
after borrower card expiry',
-            type                => 'YesNo',
+            variable            => 'noissuescharge',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            value       => '5',
+            explanation =>
+              'maximum amount withstanding to be able to check out an item',
+            type => 'Integer'
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'Disable_Dictionary',
+            variable            => 'KohaAdminEmailAddress',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            value       => 'address@hidden',
+            explanation => 'the email address where borrowers modifs are sent',
+            type        => 'free'
+        },
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'gist',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            value       => '0.125',
+            explanation =>
+              'the gist rate. NOT in %, but in numeric form (0.12 for 12%)',
+            type => 'free'
+        },
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'printcirculationslips',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
             value               => '0',
-            forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                     'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'Disables Dictionary buttons if set to yes',
-            type                => 'YesNo',
+            explanation =>
+              'if set to 1, print circulation slips. If set to 0, don\'t',
+            type => 'free'
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'hide_marc',
+            variable            => 'suggestion',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
             value               => '0',
-            forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                     'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'hide marc specific datas like subfield 
code & indicators to library',
-            type                => 'YesNo',
+            explanation => 'if set to 1, suggestions are activated in OPAC',
+            type        => 'free'
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'NotifyBorrowerDeparture',
+            variable            => 'ISBD',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            value       => 'Fill with appropriate value...',
+            explanation => 'ISBD',
+            type        => 'Textarea',
+            options => '150|50'
+        },
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'virtualshelves',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
             value               => '0',
-            forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                     'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'Delay before expiry where a notice is sent 
when issuing',
-            type                => 'Integer',
+            explanation => 'Set virtual shelves management ON or OFF',
+            type        => 'YesNo'
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'OpacPasswordChange',
-            value               => '1',
-            forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                     'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'Enable/Disable password change in OPAC 
(disable it when using LDAP auth)',
-            type                => 'YesNo',
+            variable            => 'itemcallnumber',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            value       => '676a',
+            explanation =>
+'The MARC field/subfield that is used to calculate the itemcallnumber (in 
UNIMARC : 676a for Dewey, 680a for Loc)',
+            type => 'free'
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'useDaysMode',
-            value               => 'Calendar',
-            forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                     'type' => 1},
-            explanation                        => 'How to calculate return 
dates : Calendar means holidays will be controled, Days means the return date 
don\'t depend on holidays',
+            variable            => 'BiblioDefaultView',
+            value               => 'normal',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1,
+                'options'     => 1
+            },
+            explanation =>
+'Define the default view of a biblio. Can be either normal, marc or isbd',
                type            => 'Choice',
-               options         => 'Calendar|Days'
+            options => 'normal|marc|isbd'
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'borrowerMandatoryField',
-            value               => 'zipcode|surname',
-            forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                     'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'List all mandatory fields for borrowers',
-            type                => 'free',
+            variable            => 'LabelMARCView',
+            value               => 'standard',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1,
+                'options'     => 1
+            explanation => 'Define how a MARC record will display',
+            type        => 'Choice',
+            options     => 'standard|economical'
+        },
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'borrowerRelationship',
-            value               => 'father|mother,grand-mother',
-            forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                     'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'The relationships between a guarantor & a 
guarantee (separated by | or ,)',
+            variable            => 'opacstylesheet',
+            value               => '',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            explanation =>
+'Enter a complete URL to use an alternate layout stylesheet in OPAC',
             type                => 'free',
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'ReservesMaxPickUpDelay',
-            value               => '10',
-            forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                     'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'Maximum delay to pick up a reserved 
+            variable            => 'opaccolorstylesheet',
+            value               => '',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            explanation =>
+              'Enter the name of the color stylesheet to use in the OPAC',
             type                => 'free',
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'TransfersMaxDaysWarning',
-            value               => '3',
-            forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                     'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'Max delay before considering the transfer 
has potentialy a problem',
+            variable            => 'opaclayoutstylesheet',
+            value               => '',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            explanation =>
+              'Enter the name of the layout stylesheet to use in the OPAC',
             type                => 'free',
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'memberofinstitution',
-            value               => '0',
-            forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                     'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'Are your patrons members of institutions',
+            variable            => 'opacreadinghistory',
+            value               => '1',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            explanation =>
+              'Turn on/off display of Patron Reading History in OPAC',
             type                => 'YesNo',
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'SpecifyDueDate',
+            variable            => 'opaclanguagesdisplay',
             value               => '1',
-            forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                     'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'Choose whether to display "Specify Due 
Date" form in Circulation',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            explanation =>
+              'Turn on/off display of Change Language feature on OPAC',
             type                => 'YesNo',
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'intranetreadinghistory',
-            value               => '1',
-            forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                     'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'Turn on/off display of Patron Reading 
History in Intranet',
-            type                => 'YesNo',
+            variable            => 'patronimages',
+            value               => '0',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            explanation =>
+'Turn on/off display of patron images in Intranet and specify a file extension 
for images',
+            type => 'free',
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'opacuserjs',
+            variable            => 'intranetstylesheet',
             value               => '',
-            forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                     'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'Custom javascript for inclusion in OPAC',
-            type        => 'Textarea',
-            options => '50|10'
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            explanation =>
+'Enter a complete URL to use an alternate layout stylesheet in Intranet',
+            type => 'free',
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'intranetuserjs',
+            variable            => 'intranetcolorstylesheet',
             value               => '',
-            forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                     'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'Custom javascript for inclusion in 
-            type        => 'Textarea',
-            options => '50|10'
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            explanation =>
+              'Enter the name of the color stylesheet to use in Intranet',
+            type => 'free',
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'confirmissuescharge',
+            variable            => 'opacsmallimage',
             value               => '',
-            forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                     'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'Minimum Charge on Patron Account to 
Require Confirmation on Issuing',
-            type        => 'Integer',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            explanation =>
+'Enter a complete URL to an image, will be on top/left instead of the Koha 
+            type => 'free',
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'useDaysMode',
-            value               => 'Datedue',
-            forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                     'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'How to calculate return dates : 
\'Calendar\' means that loan-length is increased by ALL holidays occuring 
between issuing date and due-date, \'Datedue\' means that due-date will be 
increased until next non-calendar day, \'Days\' means that holidays rules are 
-          type        => 'Choice',
-           options     => 'Calendar|Days|Datedue',
+            variable            => 'opaclargeimage',
+            value               => '',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            explanation =>
+'Enter a complete URL to an image, will be on the main page, instead of the 
Koha logo',
+            type => 'free',
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'useHolidayRules',
-            value               => 'PatronsBranch',
-            forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                     'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'determines whether current issuing branch 
or patrons branch is used to calculate',
-          type        => 'Choice',
-           options     => 'Patron|Issuing',
+            variable            => 'delimiter',
+            value               => ';',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
+            },
+            explanation => 'separator for reports exported to spreadsheet',
+            type        => 'free',
             uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
-            variable            => 'useIssuingRules',
-            value               => 'PatronsBranch',
-            forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,
-                                     'type' => 1},
-            explanation         => 'determines whether current issuing branch 
or patrons home branch are used to calculate the \'item loan length\' and 
+            variable            => 'MIME',
+            value               => 'OPENOFFICE.ORG',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1,
+                'options'     => 1
+            },
+            explanation =>
+'Define the default application for report exportations into files',
           type        => 'Choice',
-           options     => 'CircBranch|PatronsBranch',
+            options => 'EXCEL|OPENOFFICE.ORG'
-    ],
-my %fielddefinitions = (
-# fieldname => [
-#      {                 field => 'fieldname',
-#             type    => 'fieldtype',
-#             null    => '',
-#             key     => '',
-#             default => ''
-#         },
-#     ],
-       serial => [
-            field   => 'notes',
-            type    => 'TEXT',
-            null    => 'NULL',
-            key     => '',
-            default => '',
-            extra   => ''
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'Delimiter',
+            value               => ';',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1,
+                'options'     => 1
-    ],
-       aqbasket =>  [
-               {
-                       field   => 'booksellerid',
-                       type    => 'int(11)',
-                       null    => 'NOT NULL',
-                       key             => '',
-                       default => '1',
-                       extra   => '',
+            explanation =>
+'Define the default separator character for report exportations into files',
+            type    => 'Choice',
+            options => ';|tabulation|,|/|\|#'
-       ],
-       aqbooksellers =>  [
-                       field   => 'listprice',
-                       type    => 'varchar(10)',
-                       null    => 'NULL',
-                       key             => '',
-                       default => '',
-                       extra   => '',
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'SubscriptionHistory',
+            value               => ';',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1,
+                'options'     => 1
-               {
-                       field   => 'invoiceprice',
-                       type    => 'varchar(10)',
-                       null    => 'NULL',
-                       key             => '',
-                       default => '',
-                       extra   => '',
+            explanation =>
+              'Define the information level for serials history in OPAC',
+            type    => 'Choice',
+            options => 'simplified|full'
-       ],
-       issues =>  [
-                       field   => 'borrowernumber',
-                       type    => 'int(11)',
-                       null    => 'NULL', # can be null when a borrower is 
deleted and the foreign key rule executed
-                       key             => '',
-                       default => '',
-                       extra   => '',
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'hidelostitems',
+            value               => 'No',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
-               {
-                       field   => 'itemnumber',
-                       type    => 'int(11)',
-                       null    => 'NULL', # can be null when a borrower is 
deleted and the foreign key rule executed
-                       key             => '',
-                       default => '',
-                       extra   => '',
+            explanation => 'show or hide "lost" items in OPAC.',
+            type        => 'YesNo',
-                       field   => 'issue_date',
-                       type    => 'date',
-                       null    => 'NULL', # should never be null, but won't 
hurt anything if it is
-                       key             => '',
-                       default => '',
-                       extra   => '',
-               },
-       ],
-       borrowers => [
-               {       field => 'max_issues_history',
-                       type => 'smallint(6)',
-                       null => 'NOT NULL',
-                       default => '0',
-                       after => 'sort2',
-                       comment=> 'Maximum number of previous issues viewable 
by a borrower logged into the OPAC. 0 means no limit.',
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'IndependantBranches',
+            value               => '0',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
-               {       field => 'B_email',
-                       type => 'text',
-                       null => 'NULL',
-                       after => 'B_zipcode',
+            explanation => 'Turn Branch independency management On and Off',
+            type        => 'YesNo',
-                       field => 'streetnumber', # street number (hidden if 
streettable table is empty)
-                       type => 'char(10)',
-                       null => 'NULL',
-                       after => 'initials',
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'ReturnBeforeExpiry',
+            value               => '0',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
-               {
-                       field => 'streettype', # street table, list builded 
from a system table
-                       type => 'char(50)',
-                       null => 'NULL',
-                       after => 'streetnumber',
+            explanation =>
+'If Yes, Returndate on issuing can\'t be after borrower card expiry',
+            type => 'YesNo',
-                       field => 'B_streetnumber', # street number (hidden if 
streettable table is empty)
-                       type => 'char(10)',
-                       null => 'NULL',
-                       after => 'fax',
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'Disable_Dictionary',
+            value               => '0',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
-               {
-                       field => 'B_streettype', # street table, list builded 
from a system table
-                       type => 'char(50)',
-                       null => 'NULL',
-                       after => 'B_streetnumber',
+            explanation => 'Disables Dictionary buttons if set to yes',
+            type        => 'YesNo',
-                       field => 'phonepro',
-                       type => 'text',
-                       null => 'NULL',
-                       after => 'fax',
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'hide_marc',
+            value               => '0',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
-               {
-                       field => 'address2', # complement address
-                       type => 'text',
-                       null => 'NULL',
-                       after => 'address',
+            explanation =>
+'hide marc specific datas like subfield code & indicators to library',
+            type => 'YesNo',
-                       field => 'emailpro',
-                       type => 'text',
-                       null => 'NULL',
-                       after => 'fax',
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'NotifyBorrowerDeparture',
+            value               => '0',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
-               {
-                       field => 'contactfirstname', # contact's firstname
-                       type => 'text',
-                       null => 'NULL',
-                       after => 'contactname',
+            explanation =>
+              'Delay before expiry where a notice is sent when issuing',
+            type => 'Integer',
-                       field => 'contacttitle', # contact's title
-                       type => 'text',
-                       null => 'NULL',
-                       after => 'contactfirstname',
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'OpacPasswordChange',
+            value               => '1',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
-       ],
-       branches =>  [
-               {
-                       field   => 'branchip',
-                       type    => 'varchar(15)',
-                       null    => 'NULL',
-                       key             => '',
-                       default => '',
-                       extra   => '',
+            explanation =>
+'Enable/Disable password change in OPAC (disable it when using LDAP auth)',
+            type => 'YesNo',
-                       field   => 'branchprinter',
-                       type    => 'varchar(100)',
-                       null    => 'NULL',
-                       key             => '',
-                       default => '',
-                       extra   => '',
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'OpacNav',
+            value               => '',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 'Textarea',
-       ],
-       categories =>  [
-               {
-                       field   => 'category_type',
-                       type    => 'char(1)',
-                       null    => 'NOT NULL',
-                       key             => '',
-                       default => 'A',
-                       extra   => '',
+            explanation =>
+'Use HTML tabs to add navigational links to the left-hand navigational bar in 
+            type    => 'Textarea',
+            options => '70|10'
-       ],
-       reserves =>  [
-                       field   => 'waitingdate',
-                       type    => 'date',
-                       null    => 'NULL',
-                       key             => '',
-                       default => '',
-                       extra   => '',
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'IntranetNav',
+            value               => '',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1
-       ],
-       accountlines =>  [
-               {
-                       field   => 'branchcode',
-                       type    => 'varchar(4)',
-                       null    => 'NULL',
-                       key             => '',
-                       default => '',
-                       extra   => '',
+            explanation =>
+'Use HTML tabs to add navigational links to the left-hand navigational bar in 
+            type    => 'Textarea',
+            options => '70|10'
-       ],
-my %indexes = (
-#      table => [
-#              {       indexname => 'index detail'
-#              }
-#      ],
-       shelfcontents => [
-               {       indexname => 'shelfnumber',
-                       content => 'shelfnumber',
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'AnonSuggestions',
+            value               => '0',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                '
+                                        type' => 1
-               {       indexname => 'itemnumber',
-                       content => 'itemnumber',
-               }
-       ],
-       bibliosubject => [
-               {       indexname => 'biblionumber',
-                       content => 'biblionumber',
-               }
-       ],
-       items => [
-               {       indexname => 'homebranch',
-                       content => 'homebranch',
+            explanation =>
+              'Set to anonymous borrowernumber to enable Anonymous 
+            type => 'free',
-               {       indexname => 'holdingbranch',
-                       content => 'holdingbranch',
-               }
-       ],
-       aqbooksellers => [
-               {       indexname => 'PRIMARY',
-                       content => 'id',
-                       type => 'PRIMARY',
-               }
-       ],
-       aqbasket => [
-               {       indexname => 'booksellerid',
-                       content => 'booksellerid',
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'MARCOrgCode',
+            value               => '0',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                '
+                        type' => 1
-       ],
-       aqorders => [
-               {       indexname => 'basketno',
-                       content => 'basketno',
+            explanation =>
+'Your MARC Organization Code - 
+            type => 'free',
-       ],
-       aqorderbreakdown => [
-               {       indexname => 'ordernumber',
-                       content => 'ordernumber',
+        {   
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'ReceiveBackIssues',
+            value               => '5',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                '
+                        type' => 1
-               {       indexname => 'bookfundid',
-                       content => 'bookfundid',
+            explanation =>
+'How many previous serials to display when receiving serials',
+            type => 'free',
-       ],
-       currency => [
-               {       indexname => 'PRIMARY',
-                       content => 'currency',
-                       type => 'PRIMARY',
-               }
-       ],
-my %foreign_keys = (
-#      table => [
-#              {       key => 'the key in table' (must be indexed)
-#                      foreigntable => 'the foreigntable name', # (the parent)
-#                      foreignkey => 'the foreign key column(s)' # (in the 
-#                      onUpdate => 'CASCADE|SET NULL|NO ACTION| RESTRICT',
-#                      onDelete => 'CASCADE|SET NULL|NO ACTION| RESTRICT',
-#              }
-#      ],
-       shelfcontents => [
-               {       key => 'shelfnumber',
-                       foreigntable => 'bookshelf',
-                       foreignkey => 'shelfnumber',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'CASCADE',
-               },
-               {       key => 'itemnumber',
-                       foreigntable => 'items',
-                       foreignkey => 'itemnumber',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'CASCADE',
-               },
-       ],
-       # onDelete is RESTRICT on reference tables (branches, itemtype) as we 
don't want items to be 
-       # easily deleted, but branches/itemtype not too easy to empty...
-       biblioitems => [
-               {       key => 'biblionumber',
-                       foreigntable => 'biblio',
-                       foreignkey => 'biblionumber',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'CASCADE',
-               },
-               {       key => 'itemtype',
-                       foreigntable => 'itemtypes',
-                       foreignkey => 'itemtype',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'RESTRICT',
-               },
-       ],
-       items => [
-               {       key => 'biblioitemnumber',
-                       foreigntable => 'biblioitems',
-                       foreignkey => 'biblioitemnumber',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'CASCADE',
-               },
-               {       key => 'homebranch',
-                       foreigntable => 'branches',
-                       foreignkey => 'branchcode',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'RESTRICT',
-               },
-               {       key => 'holdingbranch',
-                       foreigntable => 'branches',
-                       foreignkey => 'branchcode',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'RESTRICT',
-               },
-       ],
-       additionalauthors => [
-               {       key => 'biblionumber',
-                       foreigntable => 'biblio',
-                       foreignkey => 'biblionumber',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'CASCADE',
-               },
-       ],
-       bibliosubject => [
-               {       key => 'biblionumber',
-                       foreigntable => 'biblio',
-                       foreignkey => 'biblionumber',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'CASCADE',
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'AmazonContent',
+            value               => '0',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                '
+                                       type' => 1
-       ],
-       aqbasket => [
-               {       key => 'booksellerid',
-                       foreigntable => 'aqbooksellers',
-                       foreignkey => 'id',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'RESTRICT',
+            explanation =>
+'Turn On Amazon Content - You MUST set AmazonDevKey and AmazonAssocTag if 
+            type => 'YesNo',
-       ],
-       aqorders => [
-               {       key => 'basketno',
-                       foreigntable => 'aqbasket',
-                       foreignkey => 'basketno',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'CASCADE',
-               },
-               {       key => 'biblionumber',
-                       foreigntable => 'biblio',
-                       foreignkey => 'biblionumber',
-                       onUpdate => 'SET NULL',
-                       onDelete => 'SET NULL',
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'AmazonDevKey',
+            value               => '',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                '
+                                       type' => 1
-       ],
-       aqbooksellers => [
-               {       key => 'listprice',
-                       foreigntable => 'currency',
-                       foreignkey => 'currency',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'CASCADE',
-               },
-               {       key => 'invoiceprice',
-                       foreigntable => 'currency',
-                       foreignkey => 'currency',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'CASCADE',
+            explanation =>
+'see: aws-portal.amazon.com/gp/aws/developer/registration/index.html',
+            type => 'free',
-       ],
-       aqorderbreakdown => [
-               {       key => 'ordernumber',
-                       foreigntable => 'aqorders',
-                       foreignkey => 'ordernumber',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'CASCADE',
-               },
-               {       key => 'bookfundid',
-                       foreigntable => 'aqbookfund',
-                       foreignkey => 'bookfundid',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'CASCADE',
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'AmazonAssocTag',
+            value               => '',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                '
+                                       type' => 1
-       ],
-       branchtransfers => [
-               {       key => 'frombranch',
-                       foreigntable => 'branches',
-                       foreignkey => 'branchcode',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'CASCADE',
-               },
-               {       key => 'tobranch',
-                       foreigntable => 'branches',
-                       foreignkey => 'branchcode',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'CASCADE',
-               },
-               {       key => 'itemnumber',
-                       foreigntable => 'items',
-                       foreignkey => 'itemnumber',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'CASCADE',
+            explanation =>
+              'see: associates.amazon.com/gp/flex/associates/apply-login.html',
+            type => 'free',
-       ],
-       issuingrules => [
-               {       key => 'categorycode',
-                       foreigntable => 'categories',
-                       foreignkey => 'categorycode',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'CASCADE',
-               },
-               {       key => 'itemtype',
-                       foreigntable => 'itemtypes',
-                       foreignkey => 'itemtype',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'CASCADE',
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type'        => 1,
+                'options'     => 1
-       ],
-       issues => [     # constraint is SET NULL : when a borrower or an item 
is deleted, we keep the issuing record
-       # for stat purposes
-               {       key => 'borrowernumber',
-                       foreigntable => 'borrowers',
-                       foreignkey => 'borrowernumber',
-                       onUpdate => 'SET NULL',
-                       onDelete => 'SET NULL',
-               },
-               {       key => 'itemnumber',
-                       foreigntable => 'items',
-                       foreignkey => 'itemnumber',
-                       onUpdate => 'SET NULL',
-                       onDelete => 'SET NULL',
+            variable    => 'TemplateEncoding',
+            value       => 'iso-8859-1',
+            explanation => 'Specify the encoding to use in Templates',
+            type        => 'Choice',
+            options     => 'iso-8859-1|utf-8'
-       ],
-       reserves => [
-               {       key => 'borrowernumber',
-                       foreigntable => 'borrowers',
-                       foreignkey => 'borrowernumber',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'CASCADE',
-               },
-               {       key => 'biblionumber',
-                       foreigntable => 'biblio',
-                       foreignkey => 'biblionumber',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'CASCADE',
-               },
-               {       key => 'itemnumber',
-                       foreigntable => 'items',
-                       foreignkey => 'itemnumber',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'CASCADE',
-               },
-               {       key => 'branchcode',
-                       foreigntable => 'branches',
-                       foreignkey => 'branchcode',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'CASCADE',
+        {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'opaccredits',
+            value               => '',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                '
+                                        type' => 1
-       ],
-       borrowers => [ # foreign keys are RESTRICT as we don't want to delete 
borrowers when a branch is deleted
-       # but prevent deleting a branch as soon as it has 1 borrower !
-               {       key => 'categorycode',
-                       foreigntable => 'categories',
-                       foreignkey => 'categorycode',
-                       onUpdate => 'RESTRICT',
-                       onDelete => 'RESTRICT',
-               },
-               {       key => 'branchcode',
-                       foreigntable => 'branches',
-                       foreignkey => 'branchcode',
-                       onUpdate => 'RESTRICT',
-                       onDelete => 'RESTRICT',
+            explanation =>
+              'Put any HTML Credits at the bottom of the OPAC page',
+            type    => 'Textarea',
+            options => '70|10'
-       ],
-       accountlines => [
-               {       key => 'borrowernumber',
-                       foreigntable => 'borrowers',
-                       foreignkey => 'borrowernumber',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'CASCADE',
-               },
-               {       key => 'itemnumber',
-                       foreigntable => 'items',
-                       foreignkey => 'itemnumber',
-                       onUpdate => 'SET NULL',
-                       onDelete => 'SET NULL',
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'opacheader',
+            value               => '',
+            forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,                       
+                                                       'type' => 1},
+            explanation         => 'Enter HTML to be included as a custom 
header in the OPAC',
+            type                => 'Textarea',
+                       options                         => '30|10'
-       ],
-       auth_tag_structure => [
-               {       key => 'authtypecode',
-                       foreigntable => 'auth_types',
-                       foreignkey => 'authtypecode',
-                       onUpdate => 'CASCADE',
-                       onDelete => 'CASCADE',
+               {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'IntranetBiblioDefaultView',
+            value               => 'marc',
+            forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,                       
+                                                               'type' => 1},
+            explanation         => 'Define the default view of a biblio in the 
intranet. Can be either normal, marc, or ISBD',
+            type                => 'Choice',
+                       options                         => 'normal|marc|isbd'
-       ],
-       # FIXME : don't constraint auth_*_table and auth_word, as they may be 
replaced by zebra
+                               {
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'opacbookbag',
+            value               => '1',
+            forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,                       
+                                                               'type' => 1},
+            explanation         => 'Enable or disable display of biblio basket 
(book bag)',
+            type                => 'YesNo'
+        },
-# column changes
-my %column_change = (
-       # table
-       borrowers => [
-                                       from => 'emailaddress',
-                                       to => 'email',
-                                       after => 'city',
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'opacuserlogin',
+            value               => '1',
+            forceupdate         => { 'explanation' => 1,                       
+                                                               'type' => 1},
+            explanation         => 'Enable or disable display of user login 
+            type                => 'YesNo'
-                                       from => 'streetaddress',
-                                       to => 'address',
-                                       after => 'initials',
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'serialsadditems',
+            value               => '0',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                '
+                                        type' => 1
+            },
+            explanation =>
+'If set, a new item will be automatically added when receiving an issue',
+            type => 'YesNo',
-                                       from => 'faxnumber',
-                                       to => 'fax',
-                                       after => 'phone',
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'advancedMARCeditor',
+            value               => '0',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                '
+                                        type' => 1
+            },
+            explanation =>
+"If set, the MARC editor won't show you tag/subfields description",
+            type => 'YesNo',
-                                       from => 'textmessaging',
-                                       to => 'opacnote',
-                                       after => 'userid',
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'z3950NormalizeAuthor',
+            value               => '0',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                '
+                                        type' => 1
+            },
+            explanation =>
+"If set, Personnal Authorities will replace authors in biblio.author",
+            type => 'YesNo',
-                                       from => 'altnotes',
-                                       to => 'contactnote',
-                                       after => 'opacnote',
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'z3950AuthorAuthFields',
+            value               => '701,702,700',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                '
+                                        type' => 1
+            },
+            explanation =>
+"contains the MARC biblio tags of person authorities to fill biblio.author 
with when importing biblio",
+            type => 'free',
-                                       from => 'physstreet',
-                                       to => 'B_address',
-                                       after => 'fax',
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'AuthDisplayHierarchy',
+            value               => '1',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                '
+                                        type' => 1
+            },
+            explanation =>
+"Display hierarchies in details for Authorities.",
+            type => 'YesNo',
+            value =>0,
-                                       from => 'streetcity',
-                                       to => 'B_city',
-                                       after => 'B_address',
+            uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
+            variable            => 'MinPasswordLength',
+            value               => '5',
+            forceupdate         => {
+                'explanation' => 1,
+                'type' => 1
+            },
+            explanation => "Minimum length for patron passwords",
+            type => 'Integer',
+            value =>5,
+    ],
+my %fielddefinitions = (
+    printers => [
-                                       from => 'phoneday',
-                                       to => 'mobile',
-                                       after => 'phone',
+            field   => 'printername',
+            type    => 'char(40)',
+            null    => '',
+            key     => 'PRI',
+            default => ''
+    ],
+    aqbookfund => [
-                                       from => 'zipcode',
-                                       to => 'zipcode',
-                                       after => 'city',
+            field   => 'bookfundid',
+            type    => 'varchar(5)',
+            null    => '',
+            key     => 'PRI',
+            default => ''
+    ],
+    aqbudget => [
-                                       from => 'homezipcode',
-                                       to => 'B_zipcode',
-                                       after => 'B_city',
+            field   => 'aqbudgetid',
+            type    => 'tinyint(4)',
+            null    => '',
+            key     => 'PRI',
+            default => '',
+            extra   => 'auto_increment'
+    ],
+    z3950servers => [
-                                       from => 'altphone',
-                                       to => 'B_phone',
-                                       after => 'B_zipcode',
+            field   => 'id',
+            type    => 'int(11)',
+            null    => '',
+            key     => 'PRI',
+            default => '',
+            extra   => 'auto_increment'
+    ],
+    marc_breeding => [
-                                       from => 'expiry',
-                                       to => 'dateexpiry',
-                                       after => 'dateenrolled',
+            field   => 'z3950random',
+            type    => 'varchar(40)',
+            null    => 'NULL',
+            key     => '',
+            default => '',
+            extra   => ''
-                                       from => 'guarantor',
-                                       to => 'guarantorid',
-                                       after => 'contactname',
+            field   => 'encoding',
+            type    => 'varchar(40)',
+            null    => 'NOT NULL',
+            key     => '',
+            default => '',
+            extra   => ''
+    ],
+    serial => [
-                                       from => 'textmessaging',
-                                       to => 'opacnotes',
-                                       after => 'flags',
+            field   => 'notes',
+            type    => 'varchar(255)',
+            null    => 'NULL',
+            key     => '',
+            default => '',
+            extra   => ''
+    ],
+    biblioitems => [
-                                       from => 'altnotes',
-                                       to => 'contactnotes',
-                                       after => 'opacnotes',
+            field   => 'dewey',
+            type    => 'varchar(30)',
+            null    => 'NULL',
+            key     => '',
+            default => '',
+            extra   => ''
+    ],
+    auth_header =>[
-                                       from => 'altrelationship',
-                                       to => 'relationship',
-                                       after => 'borrowernotes',
+            field => 'authtrees',
+            type  => 'text',
+            null    => 'NULL',
+            key     => '',
+            default => '',
+            extra   => ''
-               );
-foreach my $table (keys %column_change) {
-       $sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from $table");
-       $sth->execute();
-       undef %types;
-       while ( ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = 
$sth->fetchrow )
-       {
-               $types{$column}->{type} ="$type";
-               $types{$column}->{null} = "$null";
-               $types{$column}->{key} = "$key";
-               $types{$column}->{default} = "$default";
-               $types{$column}->{extra} = "$extra";
-       }    # while
-       my $tablerows = $column_change{$table};
-       foreach my $row ( @$tablerows ) {
-               if ($types{$row->{from}}->{type}) {
-                       print "altering $table $row->{from} to $row->{to}\n";
-                       # ALTER TABLE `borrowers` CHANGE `faxnumber` `fax` TEXT 
-#                      alter table `borrowers` change `faxnumber` `fax` type 
text  null after phone
-                       my $sql = 
-                               "alter table `$table` change `$row->{from}` 
`$row->{to}` $types{$row->{from}}->{type} ".
-                               ($types{$row->{from}}->{null} eq 'YES'?" 
-                               ($types{$row->{from}}->{default}?" default 
-                               "$types{$row->{from}}->{extra} after 
$row->{after} ";
-#                      print "$sql";
-                       $dbh->do($sql);
-               }
-       }
 # Initialize
@@ -1228,7 +1556,6 @@
     $existingtables{$table} = 1;
 # Now add any missing tables
 foreach $table ( keys %requiretables ) {
     unless ( $existingtables{$table} ) {
@@ -1252,133 +1579,558 @@
+unless ( $existingtables{'z3950servers'} ) {
+    #MJR: added syntax entries to close bug 624
+    print "Adding z3950servers table...\n" unless $silent;
+    my $sti = $dbh->prepare(
+        "create table z3950servers (
host char(255),
port int,
db char(255),
userid char(255),
password char(255),
name text,
id int,
checked smallint,
rank int,
syntax char(80))"
+    );
+    $sti->execute;
+    $sti = $dbh->prepare(
+        "insert into z3950servers
+                                                               values 
+                                                               7090,
+                                                               'voyager',
+                                                               '', '',
+                                                               'Library of 
+                                                               1, 1, 1, 
+    );
+    $sti->execute;
+unless ( $existingtables{'issuingrules'} ) {
+    $dbh->do("alter table categoryitem rename issuingrules");
+    $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE issuingrules ADD maxissueqty int(4) default NULL");
+    $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE issuingrules ADD issuelength int(4) default NULL");
+    $dbh->do(
+        "ALTER TABLE issuingrules ADD branchcode varchar(4) NOT NULL default 
+    );
+    print "renaming categoryitem\n" unless $silent;
+# Columns
+foreach $table ( keys %requirefields ) {
+    print "Check table $table\n" if $debug and not $silent;
+    $sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from $table");
+    $sth->execute();
+    undef %types;
+    while ( ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = $sth->fetchrow 
+    {
+        $types{$column} = $type;
+    }    # while
+    foreach $column ( keys %{ $requirefields{$table} } ) {
+        print "  Check column $column  [$types{$column}]\n"
+          if $debug and not $silent;
+        if ( !$types{$column} ) {
+            # column doesn't exist
+            print "Adding $column field to $table table...\n" unless $silent;
+            $query = "alter table $table
+                       add column $column " . 
+            print "Execute: $query\n" if $debug;
+            my $sti = $dbh->prepare($query);
+            $sti->execute;
+            if ( $sti->err ) {
+                print "**Error : $sti->errstr \n";
+                $sti->finish;
+            }    # if error
+        }    # if column
+    }    # foreach column
+}    # foreach table
+foreach $table ( keys %fielddefinitions ) {
+    print "Check table $table\n" if $debug;
+    $sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from $table");
+    $sth->execute();
+    my $definitions;
+    while ( ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = $sth->fetchrow 
+    {
+        $definitions->{$column}->{type}    = $type;
+        $definitions->{$column}->{null}    = $null;
+        $definitions->{$column}->{null}    = 'NULL' if $null eq 'YES';
+        $definitions->{$column}->{key}     = $key;
+        $definitions->{$column}->{default} = $default;
+        $definitions->{$column}->{extra}   = $extra;
+    }    # while
+    my $fieldrow = $fielddefinitions{$table};
+    foreach my $row (@$fieldrow) {
+        my $field   = $row->{field};
+        my $type    = $row->{type};
+        my $key     = $row->{key};
+        my $default = $row->{default};
+        my $null    = $row->{null};
+        #              $default="''" unless $default;
+        my $extra = $row->{extra};
+        my $def   = $definitions->{$field};
+        unless ( $type eq $def->{type}
+            && $null  eq $def->{null}
+            && $key   eq $def->{key}
+            && $extra eq $def->{extra} )
+        {
+            if ( $null eq '' ) {
+                $null = 'NOT NULL';
+            }
+            if ( $key eq 'PRI' ) {
+                $key = 'PRIMARY KEY';
+            }
+            unless ( $extra eq 'auto_increment' ) {
+                $extra = '';
+            }
+            # if it's a new column use "add", if it's an old one, use "change".
+            my $action;
+            if ( $definitions->{$field}->{type} ) {
+                $action = "change $field";
+            }
+            else {
+                $action = "add";
+            }
+        # if it's a primary key, drop the previous pk, before altering the 
+            my $sth;
+            if ( $key ne 'PRIMARY KEY' ) {
+                $sth =
+                  $dbh->prepare(
+"alter table $table $action $field $type $null $key $extra default ?"
+                  );
+            }
+            else {
+                $sth =
+                  $dbh->prepare(
+"alter table $table drop primary key, $action $field $type $null $key $extra 
default ?"
+                  );
+            }
+            $sth->execute($default);
+            print "  Alter $field in $table\n" unless $silent;
+        }
+    }
+# Get list of columns from borrowers table
+my %itemtypes;
+my %nullenabled;
+$sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from borrowers");
+while ( my ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = $sth->fetchrow )
+    $itemtypes{$column}   = $type;
+    $nullenabled{$column} = $null;
+unless ( $itemtypes{'cardnumber'} eq 'varchar(20)' ) {
+    $itemtypes{'cardnumber'} =~ /varchar\((\d+)\)/;
+    my $oldlength = $1;
+    if ( $oldlength < 16 ) {
+        print
+"Setting maximum cardnumber length to 16 (was $oldlength) and marking 
+          unless $silent;
+        my $sti =
+          $dbh->prepare(
+            "alter table borrowers change cardnumber cardnumber varchar(16)");
+        $sti->execute;
+        $sti->finish;
+        $sti = $dbh->prepare("alter table borrowers drop index cardnumber");
+        $sti->execute;
+        $sti->finish;
+        $sti = $dbh->prepare("alter table borrowers add unique(cardnumber)");
+        $sti->execute;
+        $sti->finish;
+    }
+# Get list of columns from items table
+$sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from items");
+while ( my ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = $sth->fetchrow )
+    $itemtypes{$column}   = $type;
+    $nullenabled{$column} = $null;
+unless ( $itemtypes{'barcode'} eq 'varchar(20)' ) {
+    $itemtypes{'barcode'} =~ /varchar\((\d+)\)/;
+    my $oldlength = $1;
+    if ( $oldlength < 20 ) {
+        print "Setting maximum barcode length to 20 (was $oldlength).\n"
+          unless $silent;
+        my $sti =
+          $dbh->prepare("alter table items change barcode barcode 
+        $sti->execute;
+    }
+# dropping unique barcode index & setting barcode to null allowed.
+$sth = $dbh->prepare("show index from items");
+while (
+    my (
+        $table,       $non_unique, $key_name,    $Seq_in_index,
+        $Column_name, $Collation,  $cardinality, $sub_part,
+        $Packed,      $comment
+    )
+    = $sth->fetchrow
+  )
+    if ( $key_name eq 'barcode' && $non_unique eq 0 ) {
+        print "dropping BARCODE index to enable empty barcodes\n"
+          unless $silent;
+        $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE `items` DROP INDEX `barcode`");
+    }
+$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE `items` CHANGE `barcode` `barcode` VARCHAR( 20 )")
+  unless ( $nullenabled{barcode} eq 'YES' );
+# creating fulltext index in bibliothesaurus if needed
+$sth = $dbh->prepare("show index from bibliothesaurus");
+my $exists = 0;
+while (
+    my (
+        $table,       $non_unique, $key_name,    $Seq_in_index,
+        $Column_name, $Collation,  $cardinality, $sub_part,
+        $Packed,      $comment
+    )
+    = $sth->fetchrow
+  )
+    if ( $key_name eq 'category_2' ) {
+        $exists = 1;
+    }
+print "Creating fulltext index on bibliothesaurus\n" unless $exists or $silent;
+    'create fulltext index category_2 on bibliothesaurus (category,freelib)')
+  unless $exists;
+# creating  index in z3950results if needed
+$sth = $dbh->prepare("show index from z3950results");
+my $exists = 0;
+while (
+    my (
+        $table,       $non_unique, $key_name,    $Seq_in_index,
+        $Column_name, $Collation,  $cardinality, $sub_part,
+        $Packed,      $comment
+    )
+    = $sth->fetchrow
+  )
+    if ( $key_name eq 'query_server' ) {
+        $exists = 1;
+    }
+print "Creating  index on z3950results\n" unless $exists or $silent;
+$dbh->do('create unique index query_server on z3950results (queryid,server)')
+  unless $exists;
+# changing z3950daemon field to NULL in marc_breeding
+"ALTER TABLE `marc_breeding` CHANGE `z3950random` `z3950random` VARCHAR( 40 )"
+# making borrowernumber an auto_increment field
+"ALTER TABLE `borrowers` CHANGE `borrowernumber` `borrowernumber` INTEGER 
+# changing indexes in marc_*_structure to use frameworkcode
+$dbh->do('alter table marc_subfield_structure drop index tab');
+$dbh->do('create index tab on marc_subfield_structure (frameworkcode,tab)');
+$dbh->do('alter table marc_subfield_structure drop index kohafield');
+'create index kohafield on marc_subfield_structure (frameworkcode,kohafield)'
+# extending the timestamp in branchtransfers...
+my %branchtransfers;
+$sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from branchtransfers");
+while ( my ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = $sth->fetchrow )
+    $branchtransfers{$column} = $type;
+unless ( $branchtransfers{'datesent'} eq 'datetime' ) {
+    print "Setting type of datesent in branchtransfers to datetime.\n"
+      unless $silent;
+    my $sti =
+      $dbh->prepare(
+        "alter table branchtransfers change datesent datesent datetime");
+    $sti->execute;
+unless ( $branchtransfers{'datearrived'} eq 'datetime' ) {
+    print "Setting type of datearrived in branchtransfers to datetime.\n"
+      unless $silent;
+    my $sti =
+      $dbh->prepare(
+        "alter table branchtransfers change datearrived datearrived datetime");
+    $sti->execute;
+# changing the branchcategories table around...
+my %branchcategories;
+$sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from branchcategories");
+while ( my ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = $sth->fetchrow )
+    $branchcategories{$column} = $type;
+unless ( $branchcategories{'categorycode'} eq 'varchar(4)' ) {
+    print
+"Setting type of categorycode in branchcategories to varchar(4),\n and making 
the primary key.\n"
+      unless $silent;
+    my $sti =
+      $dbh->prepare(
+"alter table branchcategories change categorycode categorycode varchar(4) not 
+      );
+    $sti->execute;
+    $sti =
+      $dbh->prepare(
+        "alter table branchcategories add primary key (categorycode)");
+    $sti->execute;
+unless ( $branchcategories{'categoryname'} eq 'text' ) {
+    print "Changing branchcode in branchcategories to categoryname text.\n"
+      unless $silent;
+    my $sth =
+      $dbh->prepare(
+        "alter table branchcategories change branchcode categoryname text");
+    $sth->execute;
+unless ( $branchcategories{'codedescription'} eq 'text' ) {
+    print
+      "Replacing branchholding in branchcategories with codedescription 
+      unless $silent;
+    my $sth =
+      $dbh->prepare(
+        "alter table branchcategories change branchholding codedescription 
+      );
+    $sth->execute;
+# changing the items table around...
+my %items;
+$sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from items");
+while ( my ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = $sth->fetchrow )
+    $items{$column} = $type;
+if ( $items{'bulk'} eq "varchar(30)" ) {
+    print "  Setting callnumber in items table\n" unless $silent;
+    my $sti =
+      $dbh->prepare(
+"ALTER TABLE `items` CHANGE `bulk` `itemcallnumber` VARCHAR( 30 ) DEFAULT NULL"
+      );
+    $sti->execute;
+    $sti =
+      $dbh->prepare(
+"update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield=\"items.itemcallnumber\" where 
+      );
+    $sti->execute;
-# Columns
+# changing the marc_subfield_structure table around...
+my %marc_subfield_structure;
-foreach $table ( keys %requirefields ) {
-    print "Check table $table\n" if $debug and not $silent;
-    $sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from $table");
-    $sth->execute();
-    undef %types;
-    while ( ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = $sth->fetchrow 
-    {
-        $types{$column} = $type;
-    }    # while
-    foreach $column ( keys %{ $requirefields{$table} } ) {
-        print "  Check column $column  [$types{$column}]\n" if $debug and not 
-        if ( !$types{$column} ) {
+$sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from marc_subfield_structure");
+while ( my ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = $sth->fetchrow )
+    $marc_subfield_structure{$column} = $type;
-            # column doesn't exist
-            print "Adding $column field to $table table...\n" unless $silent;
-            $query = "alter table $table
-                       add column $column " . 
-            print "Execute: $query\n" if $debug;
-            my $sti = $dbh->prepare($query);
+if ( $marc_subfield_structure{thesaurus_category} ) {
+    print "  changing thesaurus_category in marc_subfield_structure table\n"
+      unless $silent;
+    my $sti =
+      $dbh->prepare(
+"ALTER TABLE marc_subfield_structure CHANGE `thesaurus_category` 
`authtypecode` VARCHAR(10 ) DEFAULT NULL"
+      );
-            if ( $sti->err ) {
-                print "**Error : $sti->errstr \n";
-                $sti->finish;
-            }    # if error
-        }    # if column
-    }    # foreach column
-}    # foreach table
-foreach $table ( keys %fielddefinitions ) {
-       print "Check table $table\n" if $debug;
-       $sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from $table");
-       $sth->execute();
-       my $definitions;
-       while ( ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = 
$sth->fetchrow )
-       {
-               $definitions->{$column}->{type}    = $type;
-               $definitions->{$column}->{null}    = $null;
-               $definitions->{$column}->{null}    = 'NULL' if $null eq 'YES';
-               $definitions->{$column}->{key}     = $key;
-               $definitions->{$column}->{default} = $default;
-               $definitions->{$column}->{extra}   = $extra;
-       }    # while
-       my $fieldrow = $fielddefinitions{$table};
-       foreach my $row (@$fieldrow) {
-               my $field   = $row->{field};
-               my $type    = $row->{type};
-               my $null    = $row->{null};
-#              $null    = 'YES' if $row->{null} eq 'NULL';
-               my $key     = $row->{key};
-               my $default = $row->{default};
-               my $null    = $row->{null};
-#              $default="''" unless $default;
-               my $extra   = $row->{extra};
-               my $def     = $definitions->{$field};
-               my $after       = ($row->{after}?" after ".$row->{after}:"");
-               unless ( $type eq $def->{type}
-                       && $null eq $def->{null}
-                       && $key eq $def->{key}
-                       && $extra eq $def->{extra} )
-               {
-                       if ( $null eq '' ) {
-                               $null = 'NOT NULL';
-                       }
-                       if ( $key eq 'PRI' ) {
-                               $key = 'PRIMARY KEY';
-                       }
-                       unless ( $extra eq 'auto_increment' ) {
-                               $extra = '';
+# creating  index in issuingrules if needed
+$sth = $dbh->prepare("show index from issuingrules");
+my $exists = 0;
+while (
+    my (
+        $table,       $non_unique, $key_name,    $Seq_in_index,
+        $Column_name, $Collation,  $cardinality, $sub_part,
+        $Packed,      $comment
+    )
+    = $sth->fetchrow
+  )
+    if ( $key_name eq 'PRIMARY' ) {
+        $exists = 1;
+print "Creating  index on issuing rules\n" unless $exists or $silent;
+'ALTER TABLE issuingrules ADD PRIMARY KEY ( branchcode, categorycode, itemtype 
+  )
+  unless $exists;
+$dbh->do('ALTER TABLE marc_tag_structure drop primary key');
+    'ALTER TABLE marc_tag_structure ADD PRIMARY KEY ( frameworkcode, tagfield 
-                       # if it's a new column use "add", if it's an old one, 
use "change".
-                       my $action;
-                       if ($definitions->{$field}->{type}) {
-                               $action="change $field"
-                       } else {
-                               $action="add";
-                       }
-# if it's a primary key, drop the previous pk, before altering the table
-                       my $sth;
-                       if ($key ne 'PRIMARY KEY') {
-                               $sth =$dbh->prepare("alter table $table $action 
$field $type $null $key $extra default ? $after");
-                       } else {
-                               $sth =$dbh->prepare("alter table $table drop 
primary key, $action $field $type $null $key $extra default ? $after");
-                       }
-                       $sth->execute($default);
-                       print "  alter or create $field in $table\n" unless 
-               }
-       }
+$dbh->do('ALTER TABLE marc_subfield_structure drop primary key');
+'ALTER TABLE marc_subfield_structure ADD PRIMARY KEY ( frameworkcode, 
tagfield, tagsubfield )'
+"alter table marc_subfield_table change tagorder tagorder int not null default 
+"alter table marc_word change tagorder tagorder int not null default '1'"
+# Get list of columns from marc_word table
+my %marc_word;
+my %nullenabled;
+$sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from marc_word");
+while ( my ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = $sth->fetchrow )
+    $marc_word{$column}   = $type;
+    $nullenabled{$column} = $null;
+if ( $marc_word{subfieldid} ) {
-# Populate tables with required data
+    #create field tagsubfield, copy tag+subfieldid, then drop tag and 
+    print "Modifying marc_word (concat on tag and subfield for better perfs)\n"
+      unless $silent;
+    $dbh->do(
+"ALTER TABLE `marc_word` ADD `tagsubfield` CHAR( 4 ) NOT NULL AFTER `bibid`"
+    );
+    $dbh->do("update marc_word set tagsubfield=concat(tag,subfieldid)");
+    $dbh->do("alter table marc_word drop tag");
+    $dbh->do("alter table marc_word drop subfieldid");
+    $dbh->do("create index Search_Marc on marc_word (tagsubfield,word)");
+# Populate tables with required data
 # synch table and deletedtable.
-foreach my $table (('borrowers','items','biblio','biblioitems')) {
+foreach my $table ( ( 'borrowers', 'items', 'biblio', 'biblioitems' ) ) {
        my %deletedborrowers;
        print "synch'ing $table\n";
        $sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from deleted$table");
-       while ( my ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = 
$sth->fetchrow ) {
-               $deletedborrowers{$column}=1;
+    while ( my ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) =
+        $sth->fetchrow )
+    {
+        $deletedborrowers{$column} = 1;
        $sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from $table");
        my $previous;
-       while ( my ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = 
$sth->fetchrow ) {
-               unless ($deletedborrowers{$column}) {
-                       my $newcol="alter table deleted$table add $column 
-                       if ($null eq 'YES') {
+    while ( my ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) =
+        $sth->fetchrow )
+    {
+        unless ( $deletedborrowers{$column} ) {
+            my $newcol = "alter table deleted$table add $column $type";
+            if ( $null eq 'YES' ) {
                                $newcol .= " NULL ";
-                       } else {
+            }
+            else {
                                $newcol .= " NOT NULL ";
                        $newcol .= "default $default" if $default;
                        $newcol .= " after $previous" if $previous;
-                       $previous=$column;
+            $previous = $column;
                        print "creating column $column\n";
+# fill aqbasket if it's empty and aqorder is not
+# => it means it has just been created & must be filled
+$sth = $dbh->prepare("select count(*) from aqbasket");
+if ( $sth->fetchrow == 0 ) {
+    $sth = $dbh->prepare("select count(*) from aqorders");
+    $sth->execute;
+    if ( $sth->fetchrow > 0 ) {
+        print "Populating new table aqbasket\n";
+        print
+"IMPORTANT NOTE: error message \"Duplicate entry 'X' for key 1\" may appear. 
it should not be a real trouble\n";
+        $sth =
+          $dbh->prepare(
+"select distinct 
basketno,booksellerid,authorisedby,entrydate,booksellerinvoicenumber from 
+          );
+        $sth->execute;
+        my ( $basketno, $booksellerid, $authorisedby, $entrydate,
+            $booksellerinvoicenumber );
+        my $sth2 =
+          $dbh->prepare(
+"insert into aqbasket 
values (?,?,?,?,?)"
+          );
+        while (
+            (
+                $basketno,     $booksellerid,
+                $authorisedby, $entrydate,
+                $booksellerinvoicenumber
+            )
+            = $sth->fetchrow
+          )
+        {
+            print
+            $sth2->execute( $basketno, $entrydate, $booksellerid, 
+                $booksellerinvoicenumber );
+        }
+    }
+# update publisheddate 
+$sth = $dbh->prepare("select count(*) from serial where publisheddate is 
+my ($emptypublished) = $sth->fetchrow;
+if ($emptypublished) {
+    print "Updating publisheddate\n";
+    $dbh->do("update serial set publisheddate=planneddate where publisheddate 
is NULL");
 foreach my $table ( keys %tabledata ) {
     print "Checking for data required in table $table...\n" unless $silent;
     my $tablerows = $tabledata{$table};
@@ -1391,14 +2143,18 @@
 "select $uniquefieldrequired from $table where $uniquefieldrequired=?"
-               if ($sth->rows) {
-                       foreach my $field (keys %$forceupdate) {
-                               if ($forceupdate->{$field}) {
-                                       my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update 
systempreferences set $field=? where $uniquefieldrequired=?");
-                                       $sth->execute($row->{$field}, 
+        if ( $sth->rows ) {
+            foreach my $field ( keys %$forceupdate ) {
+                if ( $forceupdate->{$field} ) {
+                    my $sth =
+                      $dbh->prepare(
+"update systempreferences set $field=? where $uniquefieldrequired=?"
+                      );
+                    $sth->execute( $row->{$field}, $uniquevalue );
+                }
-               } else {
+        else {
                        print "Adding row to $table: " unless $silent;
                        my @values;
                        my $fieldlist;
@@ -1423,165 +2179,21 @@
-# check indexes and create them when needed
-print "Checking for index required...\n" unless $silent;
-foreach my $table ( keys %indexes ) {
-       #
-       # read all indexes from $table
-       #
-       $sth = $dbh->prepare("show index from $table");
-       $sth->execute;
-       my %existingindexes;
-       while ( my ( $table, $non_unique, $key_name, $Seq_in_index, 
$Column_name, $Collation, $cardinality, $sub_part, $Packed, $comment ) = 
$sth->fetchrow ) {
-               $existingindexes{$key_name} = 1;
-       }
-       # read indexes to check
-       my $tablerows = $indexes{$table};
-       foreach my $row (@$tablerows) {
-               my $key_name=$row->{indexname};
-               if ($existingindexes{$key_name} eq 1) {
-#                      print "$key_name existing";
-               } else {
-                       print "\tCreating index $key_name in $table\n";
-                       my $sql;
-                       if ($row->{indexname} eq 'PRIMARY') {
-                               $sql = "alter table $table ADD PRIMARY KEY 
-                       } else {
-                               $sql = "alter table $table ADD INDEX $key_name 
($row->{content}) $row->{type}";
-                       }
-                       $dbh->do($sql);
-            print "Error $sql : $dbh->err \n" if $dbh->err;
-               }
-       }
-# check foreign keys and create them when needed
-print "Checking for foreign keys required...\n" unless $silent;
-foreach my $table ( keys %foreign_keys ) {
-       #
-       # read all indexes from $table
-       #
-       $sth = $dbh->prepare("show table status like '$table'");
-       $sth->execute;
-       my $stat = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
-       # read indexes to check
-       my $tablerows = $foreign_keys{$table};
-       foreach my $row (@$tablerows) {
-               my $foreign_table=$row->{foreigntable};
-               if ($stat->{'Comment'} =~/$foreign_table/) {
-#                      print "$foreign_table existing\n";
-               } else {
-                       print "\tCreating foreign key $foreign_table in 
-                       # first, drop any orphan value in child table
-                       if ($row->{onDelete} ne "RESTRICT") {
-                               my $sql = "delete from $table where $row->{key} 
not in (select $row->{foreignkey} from $row->{foreigntable})";
-                               $dbh->do($sql);
-                               print "SQL ERROR: $sql : $dbh->err \n" if 
-                       }
-                       my $sql="alter table $table ADD FOREIGN KEY $row->{key} 
($row->{key}) REFERENCES $row->{foreigntable} ($row->{foreignkey})";
-                       $sql .= " on update ".$row->{onUpdate} if 
-                       $sql .= " on delete ".$row->{onDelete} if 
-                       $dbh->do($sql);
-                       if ($dbh->err) {
-                               print "====================
-An error occured during :
-It probably means there is something wrong in your DB : a row 
($table.$row->{key}) refers to a value in 
$row->{foreigntable}.$row->{foreignkey} that does not exist. solve the problem 
and run updater again (or just the previous SQL statement).
-You can find those values with select
-\t$table.* from $table where $row->{key} not in (select $row->{foreignkey} 
from $row->{foreigntable})
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-# create frameworkcode row in biblio table & fill it with 
-# 1st, get how many biblio we will have to do...
-$sth = $dbh->prepare('select count(*) from marc_biblio');
-my ($totaltodo) = $sth->fetchrow;
-$sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from biblio");
-my $definitions;
-my $bibliofwexist=0;
-while ( ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = $sth->fetchrow ){
-       $bibliofwexist=1 if $column eq 'frameworkcode';
-unless ($bibliofwexist) {
-       print "moving biblioframework to biblio table\n";
-       $dbh->do('ALTER TABLE `biblio` ADD `frameworkcode` VARCHAR( 4 ) NOT 
NULL AFTER `biblionumber`');
-       $sth = $dbh->prepare('select biblionumber,frameworkcode from 
-       $sth->execute;
-       my $sth_update = $dbh->prepare('update biblio set frameworkcode=? where 
-       my $totaldone=0;
-       while (my ($biblionumber,$frameworkcode) = $sth->fetchrow) {
-               $sth_update->execute($frameworkcode,$biblionumber);
-               $totaldone++;
-               print "\r$totaldone / $totaltodo" unless ($totaldone % 100);
-       }
-       print "\rdone\n";
-# moving MARC data from marc_subfield_table to biblioitems.marc
-$sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from biblioitems");
-my $definitions;
-my $marcdone=0;
-while ( ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = $sth->fetchrow ){
-       $marcdone=1 if ($type eq 'blob' && $column eq 'marc') ;
-unless ($marcdone) {
-       print "moving MARC record to biblioitems table\n";
-       # changing marc field type
-       $dbh->do('ALTER TABLE `biblioitems` CHANGE `marc` `marc` BLOB NULL 
-       # adding marc xml, just for convenience
-       $dbh->do('ALTER TABLE `biblioitems` ADD `marcxml` TEXT CHARACTER SET 
utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL ');
-       # moving data from marc_subfield_value to biblio
-       $sth = $dbh->prepare('select bibid,biblionumber from marc_biblio');
-       $sth->execute;
-       my $sth_update = $dbh->prepare('update biblioitems set marc=?, 
marcxml=? where biblionumber=?');
-       my $totaldone=0;
-       while (my ($bibid,$biblionumber) = $sth->fetchrow) {
-               my $record = MARCgetbiblio($dbh,$bibid);
-       #Force UTF-8 in record leader
-               $record->encoding('UTF-8');
-               print $record->as_formatted if ($biblionumber==3902);
-               $totaldone++;
-               print "\r$totaldone / $totaltodo" unless ($totaldone % 100);
-       }
-       print "\rdone\n";
 # at last, remove useless fields
 foreach $table ( keys %uselessfields ) {
-       my @fields = split /,/,$uselessfields{$table};
+    my @fields = split /,/, $uselessfields{$table};
        my $fields;
        my $exists;
        foreach my $fieldtodrop (@fields) {
                $fieldtodrop =~ s/\t//g;
                $fieldtodrop =~ s/\n//g;
-               $exists =0;
+        $exists = 0;
                $sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from $table");
-               while ( my ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = 
$sth->fetchrow )
+        while ( my ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) =
+            $sth->fetchrow )
-                       $exists =1 if ($column eq $fieldtodrop);
+            $exists = 1 if ( $column eq $fieldtodrop );
                if ($exists) {
                        print "deleting $fieldtodrop field in $table...\n" 
unless $silent;
@@ -1591,441 +2203,351 @@
 }    # foreach
-# MOVE all tables TO UTF-8 and innoDB
-$sth = $dbh->prepare("show table status");
-while ( my $table = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
-#      if ($table->{Engine} ne 'InnoDB') {
-#              $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $table->{Name} TYPE = innodb");
-#              print "moving $table->{Name} to InnoDB\n";
-#      }
-       unless ($table->{Collation} =~ /^utf8/) {
-               $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $table->{Name} CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET 
-               $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $table->{Name} DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 
COLLATE utf8_general_ci");
-               # FIXME : maybe a ALTER TABLE tbl_name CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET 
utf8 would be better, def char set seems to work fine. If any problem 
encountered, let's try with convert !
-               print "moving $table->{Name} to utf8\n";
-       } else {
-       }
-# those 2 subs are a copy of Biblio.pm, version 2.2.4
-# they are useful only once, for moving from 2.2 to 3.0
-# the MARCgetbiblio & MARCgetitem subs in Biblio.pm
-# are still here, but uses other tables
-# (the ones that are filled by updatedatabase !)
-sub MARCgetbiblio {
-    # Returns MARC::Record of the biblio passed in parameter.
-    my ( $dbh, $bibid ) = @_;
-    my $record = MARC::Record->new();
-#      warn "". $bidid;
-    my $sth =
-      $dbh->prepare(
-                                from marc_subfield_table
-                                where bibid=? order by 
-                        "
-    );
-    my $sth2 =
-      $dbh->prepare(
-        "select subfieldvalue from marc_blob_subfield where blobidlink=?");
-    $sth->execute($bibid);
-    my $prevtagorder = 1;
-    my $prevtag      = 'XXX';
-    my $previndicator;
-    my $field;        # for >=10 tags
-    my $prevvalue;    # for <10 tags
-    while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
-        if ( $row->{'valuebloblink'} ) {    #---- search blob if there is one
-            $sth2->execute( $row->{'valuebloblink'} );
-            my $row2 = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref;
-            $sth2->finish;
-            $row->{'subfieldvalue'} = $row2->{'subfieldvalue'};
-        }
-        if ( $row->{tagorder} ne $prevtagorder || $row->{tag} ne $prevtag ) {
-            $previndicator .= "  ";
-            if ( $prevtag < 10 ) {
-                               if ($prevtag ne '000') {
-                       $record->add_fields( ( sprintf "%03s", $prevtag ), 
$prevvalue ) unless $prevtag eq "XXX";    # ignore the 1st loop
-                               } else {
-                               }
-            }
-            else {
-                $record->add_fields($field) unless $prevtag eq "XXX";
-            }
-            undef $field;
-            $prevtagorder  = $row->{tagorder};
-            $prevtag       = $row->{tag};
-            $previndicator = $row->{tag_indicator};
-            if ( $row->{tag} < 10 ) {
-                $prevvalue = $row->{subfieldvalue};
-            }
-            else {
-                $field = MARC::Field->new(
-                    ( sprintf "%03s", $prevtag ),
-                    substr( $row->{tag_indicator} . '  ', 0, 1 ),
-                    substr( $row->{tag_indicator} . '  ', 1, 1 ),
-                    $row->{'subfieldcode'},
-                    $row->{'subfieldvalue'}
-                );
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            if ( $row->{tag} < 10 ) {
-                $record->add_fields( ( sprintf "%03s", $row->{tag} ),
-                    $row->{'subfieldvalue'} );
-            }
-            else {
-                $field->add_subfields( $row->{'subfieldcode'},
-                    $row->{'subfieldvalue'} );
-            }
-            $prevtag       = $row->{tag};
-            $previndicator = $row->{tag_indicator};
-        }
-    }
-    # the last has not been included inside the loop... do it now !
-    if ( $prevtag ne "XXX" )
-    { # check that we have found something. Otherwise, prevtag is still XXX 
and we
-         # must return an empty record, not make MARC::Record fail because we 
try to
-         # create a record with XXX as field :-(
-        if ( $prevtag < 10 ) {
-            $record->add_fields( $prevtag, $prevvalue );
-        }
-        else {
-            #                  my $field = MARC::Field->new( $prevtag, "", "", 
-            $record->add_fields($field);
-        }
-    }
-    return $record;
-sub MARCgetitem {
-    # Returns MARC::Record of the biblio passed in parameter.
-    my ( $dbh, $bibid, $itemnumber ) = @_;
-    my $record = MARC::Record->new();
-    # search MARC tagorder
-    my $sth2 =
-      $dbh->prepare(
-"select tagorder from marc_subfield_table,marc_subfield_structure where 
marc_subfield_table.tag=marc_subfield_structure.tagfield and 
marc_subfield_table.subfieldcode=marc_subfield_structure.tagsubfield and 
bibid=? and kohafield='items.itemnumber' and subfieldvalue=?"
-    );
-    $sth2->execute( $bibid, $itemnumber );
-    my ($tagorder) = $sth2->fetchrow_array();
-    #---- TODO : the leader is missing
-    my $sth =
-      $dbh->prepare(
-                                from marc_subfield_table
-                                where bibid=? and tagorder=? order by 
-                        "
-    );
-    $sth2 =
-      $dbh->prepare(
-        "select subfieldvalue from marc_blob_subfield where blobidlink=?");
-    $sth->execute( $bibid, $tagorder );
-    while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
-        if ( $row->{'valuebloblink'} ) {    #---- search blob if there is one
-            $sth2->execute( $row->{'valuebloblink'} );
-            my $row2 = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref;
-            $sth2->finish;
-            $row->{'subfieldvalue'} = $row2->{'subfieldvalue'};
-        }
-        if ( $record->field( $row->{'tag'} ) ) {
-            my $field;
-#--- this test must stay as this, because of strange behaviour of mySQL/Perl 
DBI with char var containing a number...
-            #--- sometimes, eliminates 0 at beginning, sometimes no ;-\\\
-            if ( length( $row->{'tag'} ) < 3 ) {
-                $row->{'tag'} = "0" . $row->{'tag'};
-            }
-            $field = $record->field( $row->{'tag'} );
-            if ($field) {
-                my $x =
-                  $field->add_subfields( $row->{'subfieldcode'},
-                    $row->{'subfieldvalue'} );
-                $record->delete_field($field);
-                $record->add_fields($field);
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            if ( length( $row->{'tag'} ) < 3 ) {
-                $row->{'tag'} = "0" . $row->{'tag'};
-            }
-            my $temp =
-              MARC::Field->new( $row->{'tag'}, " ", " ",
-                $row->{'subfieldcode'} => $row->{'subfieldvalue'} );
-            $record->add_fields($temp);
-        }
-    }
-    return $record;
 # $Log: updatedatabase,v $
-# Revision  2007/06/21 23:11:24  rangi
-# Code to allow the librarians to set an itemtype as not for reserve
+# Revision  2007/10/31 12:17:19  kylemhall
+# Updated database for new Reserves system features.
-# Revision  2007/06/12 16:49:41  kylemhall
-# Added max_issues_history to borrowers table. Max_issues_history defines
-# how many items will show up in the OPAC Reading History page. So, if
-# max_issues_history is set to 5, the page will only list the last 5 items
-# the borrower has returned.
-# If max_issues_history is set to 0, then history is unlimited,
-# i.e. The same as before max_issues_history was added.
+# Revision  2007/04/30 11:54:05  tipaul
+# fix for #1333 (MinPasswordLength error)
-# Revision  2007/05/17 18:43:50  kylemhall
-# *** empty log message ***
+# Revision  2007/03/06 15:16:06  tipaul
+# MinPasswordLength
-# Revision  2007/05/16 21:12:26  sushi
-# adding 3 holidays/issuingrules toggle sysprefs
+# Revision  2007/02/12 10:53:11  toins
+# Commiting BUG FIX for
-# Revision  2007/04/26 15:34:55  kylemhall
-# Added the 'New Items E-mail List' archetype in ClubsAndServices for use with 
+# (changing tagorder to int(11) instead of tinyint)
-# Revision  2007/04/23 15:13:45  kylemhall
-# Added tables for RotatingCollections.pm
+# Revision  2006/08/31 14:37:04  tipaul
+# fix for :
+# http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1140
+# (published date never null now)
-# Revision  2007/04/13 18:40:19  kylemhall
-# Adding 'Clubs & Services' Module to Koha, more to come!
+# Revision  2006/08/09 16:28:30  kados
+# adds ReceiveBackIssues systempref with default set to 5
-# Revision  2007/02/20 16:26:51  rych
-# add confirmissuescharge- minimum charge for issuing confirmation dialog to 
+# Revision  2006/07/31 13:31:27  kados
+# slight bug fix for adding publisheddate field to serial table
-# Revision  2007/02/09 17:32:02  kylemhall
-# *** empty log message ***
+# Revision  2006/07/31 13:25:47  kados
+# labels_conf section changed itemcallno to itemcallnumber to be
+# consistent.
+# Revision  2006/07/31 13:10:39  hdl
+# adding publisheddate column to serial table.
+# Revision  2006/07/31 10:15:42  hdl
+# BugFixing : MARCdetail : displayin field values with ESCAPE=HTML  (in order 
to manage  '<''>' characters)
+# Adding  Hierarchy display for authorities.
+# Please Note That it relies on the fact that authorities id are stored in $3 
of authorities notice.
+# And Broader terms is supposed to be indicated by a g for 550$5 subfield, 
narrower term : an h for the same subfield.
+# It CAN SURELY be generalised but only with a bunch of sytem preferences.
-# Revision  2006/09/21 20:04:21  oleonard
-# - adding system preferences for opacuserjs and intranetuserjs. Allows 
libraries to add custom javascript to be included in page headers
-# - consolidating OPAC javascript includes and enabling opacuserjs in templates
-# - removing NPL-specific markup from opac-main.tmpl
-# - minor visual changes in stylesheets
+# I added the ability to do a search on ANY authtypecode.
-# Revision  2006/09/19 13:40:57  oleonard
-# Enabling intranetreadinghistory system preference for showing/hiding reading 
history in moremember.pl
+# Revision  2006/07/28 01:13:41  sushi
+# updated 'labels_conf' table.
-# Revision  2006/07/13 21:09:25  oleonard
-# Adding system preference to control whether 'Specify Due Date' form appears 
on circulation page
+# Revision  2006/07/15 18:53:24  kados
+# OpacNav should be a textarea, now it is.
-# Revision  2006/05/28 19:20:24  tgarip1957
-# New fields required for authorities and items for zebradb and etc.
+# Revision  2006/06/20 18:02:23  oleonard
+# Fixing two minor typos
-# Revision 1.140  2006/05/22 22:40:45  rangi
-# Adding new systempreference allowing for the library to add borrowers to 
institutions (rest homes, parishes, schools, classes etc).
+# Revision  2006/06/13 12:34:15  hdl
+# Adding publication date to issues arrival. So that two dates can be used.
-# Revision 1.139  2006/05/19 19:31:29  tgarip1957
-# Added new fields to auth_header and auth_subfield_table to allow ZEBRA use 
of authorities and new MARC framework like structure.
-# Authority tables are modified to be compatible with new MARC frameworks. 
This change is part of Authority Linking & Zebra authorities. Requires change 
in Mysql database. It will break head unless all changes regarding this is 
implemented. This warning will take place on all commits regarding this
+# Revision  2006/06/02 15:21:40  tipaul
+# moving dewey to a varchar
-# Revision 1.138  2006/05/19 16:51:44  alaurin
-# update database for :
-# - new feature ip and printer management
-# adding two fields in branches table (branchip,branchprinter)
+# Revision  2006/04/27 18:07:40  oleonard
+# Adding two new system preferences:
-# - waiting date : adding one field in reserves table(waiting date) to 
calculate the Maximum delay to pick up a reserved document when it's available
+# 1. opacuserlogin shows/hides login-based features like reserves, private 
shelves, and login forms. On by default.
+# 2. opacbookbag shows/hides the book bag (biblio basket). On by default.
-# new system preference :
-# - ReservesMaxPickUpDelay : Maximum delay to pick up a reserved document
-# TransfersMaxDaysWarning : Max delay before considering the transfer as 
potentialy a problem
+# Revision  2006/04/22 13:52:12  oleonard
+# Adding opacheader and IntranetBiblioDefaultView system preferences
-# Revision 1.137  2006/04/18 09:36:36  plg
+# Revision  2006/04/21 08:54:55  hdl
+# Adding two new sysprefs :
+# - z3950NormalizeAuthor of type YesNo. Set this to yes if you want author 
field to be filled with authorities fields when importing biblio in z3950
+# - z3950AuthorAuthfields, free text : type in comma-separated list of fields 
to search for author names for AuthorNormalization.
+# Adding a feature on a Z3950 import.
+# You can now automatically fill author with person name authority contained 
in the biblio if sysprefs are filled.
+# Revision  2006/04/18 09:34:15  plg
 # bug fixed: typo fixed in labels and labels_conf tables creation query.
-# Revision 1.136  2006/04/17 21:55:33  sushi
-# Added 'labels' and 'labels_conf' tables, for spine lable tool.
+# Revision  2006/04/17 21:19:52  sushi
+# Added labels, and label_conf tables for spine labels tool.
+# Revision  2006/04/05 14:58:04  kados
+# adding TemplateEncoding syspref: allows librarian to specify the
+# encoding to use on templates.
+# Revision  2006/04/04 13:54:10  tipaul
+# advancedMARCeditor systempref management
+# Revision  2006/03/18 22:55:26  kados
+# add syspref for the MARC Organization Code of the library
+# Revision  2006/03/08 17:50:55  kados
+# Modifying patronimages: now it can be used to specify the file extension
+# of the images (to avoid hard-codeing in templates).
+# Revision  2006/03/08 13:28:23  tipaul
+# changing the size of some new systempref to a bloc (more convenient)
+# Revision  2006/03/04 06:05:13  kados
+# New syspref: AnonSuggestions to allow an anonymous patron to make a
+# suggestion (requested by NPL). To enable, set to the borrowernumber
+# of the anonymous patron (must be created).
+# Revision  2006/03/03 16:20:23  kados
+# hopefully fixes truncated amazon.com links in syspref
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Revision  2006/03/01 21:44:16  kados
+# Adds 'opacreadinghistory' syspref for turning this on/off for libraries
+# who are scared of their government (ie, in countries where there a
+# patriot act) :-)
+# Revision  2006/03/01 15:52:13  kados
+# Whoops ... should have checked, that name is already used. Changed it to
+# opaclanguagesdisplay.
+# Revision  2006/03/01 15:51:28  kados
+# adds opaclanguages syspref, which allows turning on/off the display of
+# the languages pref on OPAC (default is on)
+# Revision  2006/03/01 15:38:53  kados
+# Adding patronimages syspref. Adding opaclayoutstylesheet. Some explainations
+# are in order:
+# Right now there are three stylesheet sysprefs:
+# opacstylesheet - an external stylesheet specified by URL (replaces all other
+# stylesheets)
+# opaccolorstylesheet - local stylesheet specified by filename
+# opaclayoutstylesheet - local stylesheet specified by filename
-# Revision 1.135  2006/04/15 02:37:03  tgarip1957
-# Marc record should be set to UTF-8 in leader.Force it.
-# XML should be with<record> wrappers
+# Revision  2006/02/27 15:40:32  tipaul
+# setting serialadditems systempreference to 0 by default : no behaviour 
change when upgrading Koha
-# Revision 1.134  2006/04/14 09:37:29  tipaul
-# improvements from SAN Ouest Provence :
-# * introducing a category_type into categories. It can be A (adult), C 
(children), P (Professionnal), I (institution/organisation).
-# * each category_type has it's own forms to create members.
-# * the borrowers table has been heavily modified (many fields changed), to 
get something more logic & readable
-# * reintroducing guarantor/guanrantee system that is now independant from 
hardcoded C/A for categories
-# * updating templates to fit template rules
+# Revision  2006/02/23 03:19:48  kados
+# Adds the 'sortbynonfiling' systempref. With this enabled, Koha will
+# correctly sort title searches according to the nonfiling characters
+# in the MARC records.
-# (see mail feb, 17 on koha-devel "new features for borrowers" for more 
+# Revision  2006/02/21 20:00:13  kados
+# setting default value for LabelMARCView to 'standard'
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Revision 1.133  2006/04/13 08:36:42  plg
-# new: function C4::Date::get_date_format_string_for_DHTMLcalendar based on
-# the system preference prefered date format.
+# Revision  2006/02/21 18:40:08  kados
+# Adding LabeledMARCView systempref to choose whether tags are displayed
+# in standard or economical format. Later, this can be used to display
+# 'strict' format with no labels for insane librarians who want that.
-# improvement: book fund list and budget list screen redesigned. Filters on
-# each field. Columns are not sortable yet. Using DHTML Calendar to fill date
-# fields instead of manual filling. Pagination system. From the book fund
-# list, you can reach the budget list, filtered on a book fund, or not. A
-# budget can be added only from book fund list screen.
+# Revision  2006/02/07 15:33:35  hdl
+# Adding a new system preference : serialsadditem
-# bug fixed: branchcode was missing in table aqbudget.
+# Adding two functions in Biblio.pm : getitemlocation and getitemstatus 
(helpful to get location list and status list, status is supposed to be in 
relation with items.notforloan)
-# bug fixed: when setting a branchcode to a book fund, all associated budgets
-# move to this branchcode.
+# Adding a new function in Bull.pm : serialsitemize which take serial id and 
item information and creates the item
+# Modifying statecollection to add a new line (used for data input)
-# modification: when adding/modifying budget/fund, MySQL specific "REPLACE..."
-# statements replaced by standard SQL compliant statement.
+# Revision  2006/02/05 21:53:54  kados
+# Adds database support for IntranetNav systempref -- used to add HTML
+# tags to left-hand navigation menu on Intranet.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# bug fixed: when adding/modifying a budget, if the book fund is associated to
-# a branch, the branch selection is disabled and set to the book fund branch.
+# Revision  2006/02/04 18:17:00  kados
+# Adds opaccolorstylesheet, intranetstylesheet, intranetcolorstylesheet
+# to systemprefs.
-# Revision 1.132  2006/04/06 12:37:05  hdl
-# Bugfixing : aqbookfund needed a field.
+# Revision  2006/02/04 05:16:40  kados
+# Allows putting credits at bottom of OPAC page
-# Revision 1.131  2006/03/03 17:02:22  tipaul
-# commit for holidays and news management.
-# (some forgotten files)
+# Revision  2006/02/04 01:44:59  kados
+# Adds Fully Preferences-based Amazon.com feature. See mail to koha-devel
+# for details.
-# Revision 1.130  2006/03/03 16:35:21  tipaul
-# commit for holidays and news management.
+# Revision  2006/02/03 23:12:23  kados
+# Adds system prefs for using Amazon.com content in the OPAC
-# Contrib from Tümer Garip (from Turkey) :
-# * holiday :
-# in /tools/ the holiday.pl script let you define holidays (days where the 
library is closed), branch by branch. You can define 3 types of holidays :
-# - single day : only this day is closed
-# - repet weekly (like "sunday") : the day is holiday every week
-# - repet yearly (like "July, 4") : this day is closed every year.
+# Revision  2006/02/03 20:55:16  kados
+# Adding a new system preference: OpacNav. Can be used to add HTML
+# navigation links to the left-hand navbar in the OPAC.
-# You can also put exception :
-# - sunday is holiday, but "2006 March, 5th" the library will be open
+# Revision  2005/12/30 11:13:29  tipaul
+# * tool to synchronise TABLE and deletedTABLE structures in updatedatabase
-# The holidays are used for return date calculation : the return date is set 
to the next date where the library is open. A systempreference (useDaysMode) 
set ON (Calendar) or OFF (Normal) the calendar calculation.
+# Revision  2005/12/05 09:50:35  tipaul
+# New systempreference : OpacPasswordChange if set to Yes (default) the user 
can change it's password. If set to No, he can't. Useful for libraries with 
LDAP auth, where the password is checked in LDAP, not in Koha, thus Koha can't 
change it
-# Revision 1.129  2006/02/27 18:19:33  hdl
-# New table used in overduerules.pl tools page.
+# Revision  2005/12/05 09:41:35  tipaul
+# typo fix : NofifyBorrowerDeparture instead of NotifiyBorrowerDeparture
-# Revision 1.128  2006/01/25 15:16:06  tipaul
-# updating DB :
-# * removing useless tables
-# * adding useful indexes
-# * altering some columns definitions
-# * The goal being to have updater working fine for foreign keys.
+# Revision  2005/11/29 14:50:30  hdl
+# Adding a notice before departure of a borrower
-# For me it's done, let me know if it works for you. You can see an updated 
schema of the DB (with constraints) on the wiki
+# Revision  2005/10/25 12:36:21  tipaul
+# * adding a feature to enable reordering of subfields in MARC editor (can be 
considered as a bug ? at least one of my libraries think that yes !)
+# * as the MARC editor begins to be really heavy, i've also added a marc_hide 
systempref. It hides all marc features not requested by libraries that want 
MARC but not too much. It hides MARC tag & subfield code, reordering buttons as 
well as indicators. by default, hide_marc is off
-# Revision 1.127  2006/01/24 17:57:17  tipaul
-# DB improvements : adding foreign keys on some tables. partial stuff done.
+# Revision  2005/10/06 12:16:46  tipaul
+# removing a useless systempreference
-# Revision 1.126  2006/01/06 16:39:42  tipaul
-# synch'ing head and rel_2_2 (from 2.2.5, including npl templates)
-# Seems not to break too many things, but i'm probably wrong here.
-# at least, new features/bugfixes from 2.2.5 are here (tested on some features 
on my head local copy)
+# Revision  2005/09/30 13:56:57  hdl
+# Two new system preferences:
+# SortItemsby and Disable_Dictionary
-# - removing useless directories (koha-html and koha-plucene)
+# Revision  2005/09/23 11:08:27  tipaul
+# some code cleaning, should not change anything otherwise
-# Revision 1.125  2006/01/04 15:54:55  tipaul
-# utf8 is a : go for beta test in HEAD.
-# some explanations :
-# - updater/updatedatabase => will transform all tables in innoDB (not related 
to utf8, just to warn you) AND collate them in utf8 / utf8_general_ci. The SQL 
-# - *-top.inc will show the pages in utf8
-# - THE HARD THING : for me, mysql-client and mysql-server were set up to 
communicate in iso8859-1, whatever the mysql collation ! Thus, pages were 
improperly shown, as datas were transmitted in iso8859-1 format ! After a full 
day of investigation, someone on usenet pointed "set NAMES 'utf8'" to explain 
that I wanted utf8. I could put this in my.cnf, but if I do that, ALL databases 
will "speak" in utf8, that's not what we want. Thus, I added a line in 
Context.pm : everytime a DB handle is opened, the communication is set to utf8.
-# - using marcxml field and no more the iso2709 raw marc biblioitems.marc 
+# Revision  2005/09/09 08:19:57  hdl
+# Undoing Logs
-# Revision 1.124  2005/10/27 12:09:05  tipaul
-# new features for serial module :
-# - the last 5 issues are now shown, and their status can be changed (but not 
reverted to "waited", as there can be only one "waited")
-# - the library can create a "distribution list". this paper contains a list 
of borrowers (selected from the borrower list, or manually entered), and print 
it for a given issue. once printed, the sheet can be put on the issue and 
distributed to every reader on the list (one by one).
+# Revision  2005/08/26 12:28:57  hdl
+# Adding a test on a temporary value before processing it in Biblio.pm
+# Adding branchcode fields to aqbookfund and aqbasket.
-# Revision 1.123  2005/10/26 09:13:37  tipaul
-# big commit, still breaking things...
+# Revision  2005/08/24 09:02:25  hdl
+# Adding a notes field into serial table.
+# Manage a note for a serial number...
+# Will allow a librarian to say "contact with supplier for this serial : Will 
be received on date...  " or anything else.
-# * synch with rel_2_2. Probably the last non manual synch, as rel_2_2 should 
not be modified deeply.
-# * code cleaning (cleaning warnings from perl -w) continued
+# Revision  2005/06/06 15:23:36  tipaul
+# adding a systempref to choose either to show or hide "lost" items. Note that 
"lost items" can be related to an authorised value list, so does not necessary 
mean "item definetly lost". Even here, some libraries want to see lost items, 
and some don't want. This parameter will make everybody happy !
-# Revision 1.122  2005/09/02 14:18:38  tipaul
-# new feature : image for itemtypes.
+# Revision  2005/06/06 14:15:55  tipaul
+# adding 2 systemparameters to define an alternate image as logo in opac (the 
image on main page & on each top-left page)
-# * run updater/updatedatabase to create imageurl field in itemtypes.
-# * go to Koha >> parameters >> itemtypes >> modify (or add) an itemtype. You 
will see around 20 nice images to choose between (thanks to owen). If you 
prefer your own image, you also can type a complete url 
-# * go to OPAC, and search something. In the result list, you now have the 
picture instead of the text itemtype.
+# Revision  2005/06/02 21:05:34  hdl
+# adding variable SubscriptionHistory
-# Revision 1.121  2005/08/24 08:49:03  hdl
-# Adding a note field in serial table.
-# This will allow librarian to mention a note on a peculiar waiting serial 
+# Revision  2005/03/29 15:41:43  tipaul
+# * new permissions : management & tools. You now have 2 new permissions :
+#      - management : means the user can manage library parameters, but NOT 
system parameters.
+#      - parameters : means the user can manage all parameters (including 
system parameters : marc structure, authorised values, system preferences. Was 
the only flag previously existing)
+#      - tools : means the user can import/export datas & edit barcodes.
+# note that for compatibility reasons, a user having "parameters" can access 
+# * new permission scheme. In every template new variables are available. They 
are written CAN_user_permission, with permission being one of the permission 
flag. templates can now show or hidde menu entries depending on user 
permissions. For example, a user with just circ permissions should have only 
the "circulation" button on home page. Templates are NOT updated in this 
version (except for system parameters, as proof of concept), they will be in 
the next ones. But the scheme is ready.
-# Revision 1.120  2005/08/09 14:10:32  tipaul
-# 1st commit to go to zebra.
-# don't update your cvs if you want to have a working head...
+# Revision  2005/03/17 17:15:18  tipaul
+# defaulting opacstylesheet to '' instead of 'normal' (that is stupid)
-# this commit contains :
-# * updater/updatedatabase : get rid with marc_* tables, but DON'T remove 
them. As a lot of things uses them, it would not be a good idea for instance to 
drop them. If you really want to play, you can rename them to test head without 
them but being still able to reintroduce them...
-# * Biblio.pm : modify MARCgetbiblio to find the raw marc record in 
biblioitems.marc field, not from marc_subfield_table, modify 
MARCfindframeworkcode to find frameworkcode in biblio.frameworkcode, modify 
some other subs to use biblio.biblionumber & get rid of bibid.
-# * other files : get rid of bibid and use biblionumber instead.
+# Revision 1.100  2004/12/10 16:11:32  tipaul
+# Improvement : adding a systempref to define default view in OPAC (either 
normal, MARC or ISBD). Created automatically during install or update. Check 
that you have a Koha >> parameters >> systempreferences >> BiblioDefaultView, 
Variable type : Choice, Variable options : normal|marc|isbd
-# What is broken :
-# * does not do anything on zebra yet.
-# * if you rename marc_subfield_table, you can't search anymore.
-# * you can view a biblio & bibliodetails, go to MARC editor, but NOT save any 
-# * don't try to add a biblio, it would add data poorly... (don't try to 
delete either, it may work, but that would be a surprise ;-) )
+# Revision 1.99  2004/12/02 17:17:00  tipaul
+# adding acquisition permission
-# IMPORTANT NOTE : you need MARC::XML package 
(http://search.cpan.org/~esummers/MARC-XML-0.7/lib/MARC/File/XML.pm), that 
requires a recent version of MARC::Record
-# Updatedatabase stores the iso2709 data in biblioitems.marc field & an xml 
version in biblioitems.marcxml Not sure we will keep it when releasing the 
stable version, but I think it's a good idea to have something readable in sql, 
at least for development stage.
+# Revision 1.98  2004/11/26 20:26:49  tipaul
+# bugfix for auth_header creation
-# Revision 1.119  2005/08/04 16:07:58  tipaul
-# Synch really broke this script...
+# Revision 1.97  2004/11/23 09:11:08  tipaul
+# adding itemcallnumber entry
-# Revision 1.118  2005/08/04 16:02:55  tipaul
-# oops... error in synch between 2.2 and head
+# Revision 1.96  2004/11/16 13:03:45  tipaul
+# removing ldap systempref, it's now in C4/Auth_with_ldap.pm separate package
-# Revision 1.117  2005/08/04 14:24:39  tipaul
-# synch'ing 2.2 and head
+# Revision 1.95  2004/11/08 19:57:32  tipaul
+# bugfix
-# Revision 1.116  2005/08/04 08:55:54  tipaul
-# Letters / alert system, continuing...
+# Revision 1.94  2004/09/06 10:00:29  tipaul
+# adding a "location" field to the library.
+# This field is useful when the callnumber contains no information on the room 
where the item is stored.
+# With this field, we now have 3 levels of informations to find a book :
+# * the branch.
+# * the location.
+# * the callnumber.
-# * adding a package Letters.pm, that manages Letters & alerts.
-# * adding feature : it's now possible to define a "letter" for any 
subscription created. If a letter is defined, users in OPAC can put an alert on 
the subscription. When an issue is marked "arrived", all users in the alert 
will recieve a mail (as defined in the "letter"). This last part (= send the 
mail) is not yet developped. (Should be done this week)
-# * adding feature : it's now possible to "put to an alert" in OPAC, for any 
serial subscription. The alert is stored in a new table, called alert. An alert 
can be put only if the librarian has activated them in subscription (and they 
activate it just by choosing a "letter" to sent to borrowers on new issues)
-# * adding feature : librarian can see in borrower detail which alerts they 
have put, and a user can see in opac-detail which alert they have put too.
+# This should be versatile enough to solve any storing method.
+# This hack is quite simple, due to the nice Biblio.pm API. The MARC => koha 
db link is automatically managed. Just add the link in the parameters section.
-# Note that the system should be generic enough to manage any type of alert.
-# I plan to extend it soon to virtual shelves : a borrower will be able to put 
an alert on a virtual shelf, to be warned when something is changed in the 
virtual shelf (mail being sent once a day by cron, or manually by the shelf 
owner. Anyway, a mail won't be sent on every change, users would be spammed by 
Koha ;-) )
+# Revision 1.93  2004/08/12 14:50:50  tipaul
+# bugfixes
-# Revision 1.115  2005/08/02 16:15:34  tipaul
-# adding 2 fields to letter system :
-# * module (acquisition, catalogue...) : it will be usefull to show the 
librarian only letters he may be interested by.
-# * title, that will be used as mail subject.
+# Revision 1.92  2004/08/06 16:38:42  tipaul
+# changing DB structure to calculate next issue number.
+# Seems to work fine.
-# Revision 1.114  2005/07/28 15:10:13  tipaul
-# Introducing new "Letters" system : Letters will be used everytime you want 
to sent something to someone (through mail or paper). For example, sending a 
mail for overdues use letter that you can put as parameters. Sending a mail to 
a borrower when a suggestion is validated uses a letter too.
-# the letter table contains 3 fields :
-# * code => the code of the letter
-# * name => the complete name of the letter
-# * content => the complete text. It's a TEXT field type, so has no limits.
+# Still misses the date calculation & the test of end of subscription (maybe 
for monday ?)
-# My next goal now is to work on point 2-I "serial issue alert"
-# With this feature, in serials, a user can subscribe the "issue alert". For 
every issue arrived/missing, a mail is sent to all subscribers of this list. 
The mail warns the user that the issue is arrive or missing. Will be in head.
-# (see mail on koha-devel, 2005/04/07)
+# Revision 1.91  2004/07/15 09:52:28  tipaul
+# Acquisition & Suggestion :
+# * acquisition rewritte : create a aqbasket table to deal with "bookseller 
order header".
+# * add "close basket" feature : a closed basket can't be modified
+# * suggestion feature : manage suggestions in acquisition (after suggestion 
filled in OPAC)
-# The "serial issue alert" will be the 1st to use this letter system that 
probably needs some tweaking ;-)
+# Revision 1.90  2004/07/06 08:24:18  tipaul
+# adding 2 free fields that can be used for sorting purposes
-# Once it will be stabilised default letters (in any languages) could be added 
during installer to help the library begin with this new feature.
+# Revision 1.89  2004/07/02 15:55:08  tipaul
+# Adding 2 new fields, called "sort1" and "sort2"
+# They can be used for sorting & statistics reasons by the library.
-# Revision 1.113  2005/07/28 08:38:41  tipaul
-# For instance, the return date does not rely on the borrower expiration date. 
A systempref will be added in Koha, to modify return date calculation schema :
-# * ReturnBeforeExpiry = yes => return date can't be after expiry date
-# * ReturnBeforeExpiry = no  => return date can be after expiry date
+# Revision 1.88  2004/06/26 23:34:26  rangi
+# Fixing typo
-# Revision 1.112  2005/07/26 08:19:47  hdl
-# Adding IndependantBranches System preference variable in order to manage 
Branch independancy.
+# Revision 1.87  2004/06/23 13:03:09  tipaul
+# fixes in DB structure
+# Revision 1.86  2004/06/22 11:30:57  tipaul
+# adding -s (silent) flag, to have a silent install.
+# only updater will be verbose
+# Revision 1.85  2004/06/17 15:19:44  tipaul
+# missing Marc_Search index on marc_word
+# Revision 1.84  2004/06/17 08:25:21  tipaul
+# DB modifs : merging tag & subfield in marc_word table
+# Revision 1.83  2004/06/10 08:32:02  tipaul
+# MARC authority management (continued)
+# Revision 1.82  2004/06/03 12:46:58  tipaul
+# * frameworks and itemtypes are independant
+# WARNING : will work only if applied to a 2.0 base. some modifs have been 
done since last commit that will NOT be applied if you run updatedatabase again.
+# Revision 1.81  2004/05/28 09:56:21  tipaul
+# bugfix
+# Revision 1.80  2004/05/28 08:32:00  tipaul
+# adding :
+# * MARC authority file
+# * seealso & hidden in MARC biblio structure.
+# Revision 1.79  2004/05/18 09:50:07  tipaul
+# *** empty log message ***
+# Revision 1.78  2004/05/10 09:29:33  tipaul
+# css is now the default theme for OPAC.
+# It will be the theme used for improvements and new things in OPAC.
+# Revision 1.77  2004/05/06 14:56:51  tipaul
+# adding table issuingrules (previously called categoryitem
+# Revision 1.76  2004/05/03 09:32:25  tipaul
+# adding printcirculationsplit parameter (already existed, but was not in 
systempref by defaul)
+# Revision 1.75  2004/04/14 19:49:00  tipaul
+# seealso field set to 255 chars
+# Revision 1.74  2004/03/11 16:10:16  tipaul
+# *** empty log message ***
-# Revision 1.111  2005/07/25 15:35:38  tipaul
-# we have decided that moving to Koha 3.0 requires being already in Koha 2.2.x
-# So, the updatedatabase script can highly be cleaned (90% removed).
-# Let's play with the new Koha DB structure now ;-)
+# Revision 1.73  2004/03/06 20:26:13  tipaul
+# adding seealso feature in MARC searches

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