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[Koha-cvs] koha/acqui finishreceive.pl [rel_3_0]

From: paul poulain
Subject: [Koha-cvs] koha/acqui finishreceive.pl [rel_3_0]
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 09:35:00 +0000

CVSROOT:        /sources/koha
Module name:    koha
Branch:         rel_3_0
Changes by:     paul poulain <tipaul>   07/01/25 09:35:00

Modified files:
        acqui          : finishreceive.pl 

Log message:
        synch'ing finishreceive with rel_2_2


Index: finishreceive.pl
RCS file: /sources/koha/koha/acqui/finishreceive.pl,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -u -b -r1.20.2.9 -r1.20.2.10
--- finishreceive.pl    22 Dec 2006 17:17:39 -0000
+++ finishreceive.pl    25 Jan 2007 09:35:00 -0000
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 #script to add a new item and to mark orders as received
 #written 1/3/00 by address@hidden
 # Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications
 # This file is part of Koha.
@@ -20,250 +21,51 @@
 # Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
 # Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
-# this script makes the items, addorder.pl has already made the biblio and 
biblioitem records: MASON
-=head1 NAME
-=over 4
 use strict;
 use C4::Output;
 use C4::Acquisition;
 use C4::Biblio;
 use CGI;
-use C4::Circulation::Circ2;
-use C4::Reserves2;
-use C4::Interface::CGI::Output;
-use C4::Auth;
-my $input = new CGI;
-my $dbh   = C4::Context->dbh;
+use C4::Search;
-my ( $template, $borrowernumber, $cookie ) = get_template_and_user(
-    {
-        template_name   => "acqui/finishreceive.tmpl",
-        query           => $input,
-        type            => "intranet",
-        authnotrequired => 0,
-        flagsrequired   => { editcatalogue => 1 },
-        debug           => 1,
-    }
+my $input=new CGI;
-my $user             = $input->remote_user;
-my $biblionumber     = $input->param('biblio');
-my $biblioitemnumber = $input->param('biblioitemnum');
-my $ordnum           = $input->param('ordnum');
-my $cost             = $input->param('cost');
-my $invoiceno        = $input->param('invoice');
-my $replacement    = $input->param('rrp');
-my $gst            = $input->param('gst');
-my $freight        = $input->param('freight');
-my $freightperitem = $input->param('freightperitem');
+my $user=$input->remote_user;
+my $biblionumber = $input->param('biblionumber');
+my $biblioitemnumber=$input->param('biblioitemnumber');
+my $ordnum=$input->param('ordnum');
+my $quantrec=$input->param('quantityrec');
+my $quantity=$input->param('quantity');
+my $cost=$input->param('cost');
+my $invoiceno=$input->param('invoice');
+my $datereceived=$input->param('datereceived');
+my $replacement=$input->param('rrp');
+my $gst=$input->param('gst');
+my $freight=$input->param('freight');
 my $supplierid     = $input->param('supplierid');
-my $title         = $input->param('title');
-my $author        = $input->param('author');
-my $copyrightdate = $input->param('copyrightdate');
-my $itemtype      = $input->param('format');
-my $isbn          = $input->param('ISBN');
-my $seriestitle   = $input->param('series');
-my $branch        = $input->param('branch');
-my $holdingbranch = $branch;
-my $barcode       = $input->param('barcode');
-my $bookfund      = $input->param('bookfund');
-my $quantity      = $input->param('quantity');
-my $quantrec      = $input->param('quantityrec');
-my $ecost         = $input->param('ecost');
-my $unitprice     = $input->param('unitprice');
-my $notes         = $input->param('notes');
-my $booksellers   = $input->param('booksellers');
-my $foo           = $input->param('foo');
-my $volinf        = $input->param('volinf');
-my $daterecieved  = $input->param('daterecieved');
-my $catview = $input->param('catview');    # for editing from moredetail.tmpl
-my $barcodeexists = $input->param('barcodeexists');  # if barcode exists
-my $newitemfailed = $input->param('newitemfailed');  # if create new item 
-my $createbibitem =
-  $input->param('createbibitem');    # user wants to create a new bibitem
-#get additional info on biblionumber and bibitem from db for additional needed 
fields before modbiblio.
-( my $bibliocount,     my @biblios )     = &GetBiblio($biblionumber);
-my @biblioitems = &GetBiblioItemByBiblioNumber($biblionumber);
-my $biblioitemcount = scalar @biblioitems;
-( my $itemscount, my @items ) = &getitemsbybiblioitem($biblioitemnumber);
-my $bibliohash = {
-    biblionumber  => $biblionumber,
-    title         => $title,
-    author        => $author,
-    abstract      => $biblios[0]->{'abstract'},
-    copyrightdate => $copyrightdate,
-    seriestitle   => $seriestitle,
-    serial        => $biblios[0]->{'serial'},
-    unititle      => $biblios[0]->{'unititle'},
-    notes         => $biblios[0]->{'notes'}
+my $branch=$input->param('branch');
-my $biblioitemhash = {
-    illus            => $biblioitems[0]->{'illus'},
-    number           => $biblioitems[0]->{'number'},
-    itemtype         => $itemtype,
-    place            => $biblioitems[0]->{'place'},
-    biblioitemnumber => $biblioitemnumber,
-    issn             => $biblioitems[0]->{'issn'},
-    size             => $biblioitems[0]->{'size'},
-    marc             => $biblioitems[0]->{'marc'},
-    timestamp        => $biblioitems[0]->{'timestamp'},
-    biblionumber     => $biblionumber,
-    url              => $biblioitems[0]->{'url'},
-    dewey            => $biblioitems[0]->{'dewey'},
-    isbn             => $isbn,
-    publishercode    => $biblioitems[0]->{'publishercode'},
-    lccn             => $biblioitems[0]->{'iccn'},
-    volume           => $biblioitems[0]->{'volume'},
-    subclass         => $biblioitems[0]->{'subclass'},
-    notes            => $biblioitems[0]->{'notes'},
-    classification   => $biblioitems[0]->{'classification'},
-    volumeddesc      => $volinf,
-    publicationyear  => $biblioitems[0]->{'publicationyear'},
-    volumedate       => $biblioitems[0]->{'volumedate'},
-    pages            => $biblioitems[0]->{'pages'}
-my $itemhash = {
-    biblionumber   => $biblionumber,
-    itemnum        => $items[0]->{'itemnumber'},
-    barcode        => $barcode,
-    notes          => $items[0]->{'notes'},
-    itemcallnumber => $items[0]->{'itemcallnumber'},
-    notforloan     => $items[0]->{'notforloan'},
-    location       => $items[0]->{'location'},
-    bibitemnum     => $biblioitemnumber,
-    homebranch     => $items[0]->{'homebranch'},
-    lost           => $items[0]->{'itemlost'},
-    withdrawn      => $items[0]->{'withdrawn'},
-    holdingbranch  => $items[0]->{'holdingbranch'},
-    replacement    => $replacement
-# check if barcode exists, if so redirect back to orderreceive.pl and give 
-my $error = &checkitems( 1, $barcode );
-#warn "barcode check for $barcode result = $error";
-if ($error) {
-    print $input->redirect(
-    );
-# or if barcode is blank
-else {
+# if ($quantrec != 0){
+#      $cost /= $quantrec;
+# }
-    if ( $createbibitem eq "YES" ) {
-        &modbiblio($bibliohash);
-        $biblioitemnumber = &newbiblioitem($biblioitemhash);
-#lets do a lookup on aqorders, with ordnum, then insert biblioitem fiels with 
new biblioitem number
-        &ModOrderBiblioNumber($biblioitemnumber,$ordnum, $biblionumber);
-    } else {
-        &modbiblio($bibliohash);
-        &modbibitem($biblioitemhash);
-    }
-    if ($catview) {
-        &moditem($itemhash);
-        print $input->redirect(
-        );
-    }
-    if ( $quantity != 0 ) {
+if ($quantity != 0) {
         # save the quantity recieved.
-        ModReceiveOrder( $biblionumber, $ordnum, $quantrec, $user, $cost,
-            $invoiceno, $freightperitem, $bookfund, $replacement,$daterecieved 
+    $datereceived = 
         # create items if the user has entered barcodes
-        my @barcodes = split( /\,| |\|/, $barcode );    #WTF?
-        my ($error) = newitems(
-            {
-                biblioitemnumber => $biblioitemnumber,
+    my $barcode=$input->param('barcode');
+    my @barcodes=split(/\,| |\|/,$barcode);
+    my ($error) = newitems({ biblioitemnumber => $biblioitemnumber,
                 biblionumber     => $biblionumber,
                 replacementprice => $replacement,
                 price            => $cost,
                 booksellerid     => $supplierid,
                 homebranch       => $branch,
-                loan             => 0
-            },
-            @barcodes
-        );
-        if ($error)
-        { #if  newitems failes then display error, and send them back to 
-            print $input->redirect(
-            );
-        }
-        elsif ( $itemtype ne 'P' && $itemtype ne 'PP' ) {   # chris's new if 
-            my %env;
-            my $item = getiteminformation(0, $barcode );
-            my ( $resfound, $resrec ) = CheckReserves( 0, $barcode );
-            if ($resfound) {                                # reserves is found
-                my ($borrower) =
-                  getpatroninformation( \%env, $resrec->{'borrowernumber'}, 0 
-                $template->param(
-                    borrowernumber => $borrower->{'borrowernumber'},
-                    cardnumber     => $borrower->{'cardnumber'},
-                    firstname      => $borrower->{'firstname'},
-                    surname        => $borrower->{'surname'},
-                    invoice        => $invoiceno,
-                    id             => $supplierid,
-                    freight        => $freight,
-                    gst            => $gst,
-                    items          => $quantity,
-                    ordnum         => $ordnum,
-                    biblionumber   => $biblionumber,
-                    barcode        => $barcode,
-                );
-                output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie,
-                  $template->output;
-            }
-            else {    #no reserves found
-                $invoiceno =~
-                  s/\&/\%26/g;   # swapping pesky & with url friendly hex 
-                print $input->redirect(
-                );
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            print $input->redirect(
-                "/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/acqui-home.pl")
-              ;    # chris's new bit
-        }    # end of if
-    }
-    else {
-        #        print $input->header;
-        DelOrder( $biblionumber, $ordnum );
+                    loan             => 0 },
+                @barcodes);
+    print 
+} else {
+    print $input->header;
+    delorder($biblionumber,$ordnum);
         print $input->redirect("/acquisitions/");
-    }

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