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[Koha-cvs] koha/z3950/server zed-koha-server.pl [rel_3_0]
From: |
paul poulain |
Subject: |
[Koha-cvs] koha/z3950/server zed-koha-server.pl [rel_3_0] |
Date: |
Fri, 17 Nov 2006 13:03:18 +0000 |
CVSROOT: /sources/koha
Module name: koha
Branch: rel_3_0
Changes by: paul poulain <tipaul> 06/11/17 13:03:18
Removed files:
z3950/server : zed-koha-server.pl
Log message:
removing useless basic z3950 server, as zebra IS a powerful z3950 server
Index: zed-koha-server.pl
RCS file: zed-koha-server.pl
diff -N zed-koha-server.pl
--- zed-koha-server.pl 20 Jun 2005 14:37:15 -0000 1.5
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications
-# This file is part of Koha.
-# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-# version.
-# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
-# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
-# Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# Script Name: zed-koha-server.pl
-# Script Version: 1.4
-# Date: 2004/06/02
-# Author: Joshua Ferraro [jmf at kados dot org]
-# Description: A very basic Z3950 Server
-# Usage: zed-koha-server.pl
-# Revision History:
-# 0.00 2003/08/14: Original version; search works.
-# 0.01 2003/10/02: First functional version; search and fetch
-# records returned in USMARC (ISO2709) format,
-# Bath compliant to Level 1 in Functional Areas A, B.
-# 0.02 2004/04/14: Cleaned up documentation, etc. No functional
-# changes.
-# 1.30 2004/04/22: Changing version numbers to correspond with CVS;
-# Fixed the substitution bug (e.g., 4=100 before 4=1);
-# Added support for the truncation attribute (5=1 and
-# 5=100; thanks to Tomasz M. Wolniewicz for pointing
-# out these improvements)
-# 1.4.0 2004/06/02: Changed sql queries to account for the difference
-# between bibid and biblionumber. Thanks again to
-# Tomasz M. Wolniewicz for suggesting a great solution
-# to this problem.
-# Note: After installing SimpleServer (indexdata.dk/simpleserver) and
-# changing the leader information in Koha's MARCgetbiblio subroutine in
-# Biblio.pm you can run this script as root:
-# ./zed-koha-server.pl
-# and the server will start running on port 9999 and will allow searching
-# and retrieval of records in MARC21 (USMARC; ISO2709) bibliographic format.
-# ----------------------------------
-use DBI;
-use Net::Z3950::OID;
-use Net::Z3950::SimpleServer;
-use MARC::Record;
-use C4::Context;
-use C4::Biblio;
-use strict;
-# my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-my @bib_list; ## Stores the list of biblionumbers in a query
- ## I should eventually move this to different scope
-my $handler = Net::Z3950::SimpleServer->new(INIT => \&init_handler,
- SEARCH => \&search_handler,
- FETCH => \&fetch_handler);
-$handler->launch_server("zed-koha-server.pl", @ARGV);
-sub init_handler {
- my $args = shift;
- my $session = {};
- # FIXME: I should force use of my database name
- $args->{IMP_NAME} = "Zed-Koha";
- $args->{IMP_VER} = "1.40";
- $args->{ERR_CODE} = 0;
- $args->{HANDLE} = $session;
- if (defined($args->{PASS}) && defined($args->{USER})) {
- printf("Received USER/PASS=%s/%s\n", $args->{USER},$args->{PASS});
- }
-sub run_query { ## Run the query and store the biblionumbers:
- my ($sql_query, $query, $args) = @_;
- my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
- my $sth_get = $dbh->prepare("$sql_query");
- ## Send the query to the database:
- $sth_get->execute($query);
- my $count = 0;
- while(my ($data)=$sth_get->fetchrow_array) {
- ## Store Biblioitem info for later
- $bib_list[$count] = "$data";
- ## Implement count:
- $count ++;
- }
- $args->{HITS} = $count;
- print "got search: ", $args->{RPN}->{query}->render(), "\n";
-sub search_handler {
- my($args) = @_;
- ## Place the user's query into a variable
- my $query = $args->{QUERY};
- ## The actual Term
- my $term = $args->{term};
- $term =~ s| |\%|g;
- $term .= "\%"; ## Add the wildcard to search term
- $_ = "$query";
- ## Strip out the junk and call the mysql query subroutine:
- if (/1=7/) { ## isbn
- $query =~ s|address@hidden 1.2.840.10003.3.1 address@hidden 1=7
- $query =~ s|"||g;
- $query =~ s| |%|g;
- ## Bib-1 Structure Attributes:
- $query =~ s|address@hidden||g;
- $query =~ s|4=100||g; ## date (un-normalized)
- $query =~ s|4=101||g; ## name (normalized)
- $query =~ s|4=102||g; ## sme (un-normalized)
- $query =~ s|4=1||g; ## Phrase
- $query =~ s|4=2||g; ## Keyword
- $query =~ s|4=3||g; ## Key
- $query =~ s|4=4||g; ## year
- $query =~ s|4=5||g; ## Date (normalized)
- $query =~ s|4=6||g; ## word list
- $query =~ s|5=100||g; ## truncation
- $query =~ s|5=1||g; ## truncation
- $query =~ s|address@hidden ||g;
- $query =~ s|2=3||g;
- $query =~ s|,|%|g; ## replace commas with wildcard
- $query .= "\%"; ## Add the wildcard to search term
- $query .= "\%"; ## Add the wildcard to search term
- print "The term was:\n";
- print "$term\n";
- print "The query was:\n";
- print "$query\n";
- my $sql_query = "SELECT marc_biblio.bibid FROM marc_biblio
RIGHT JOIN biblioitems ON marc_biblio.biblionumber = biblioitems.biblionumber
WHERE biblioitems.isbn LIKE ?";
- &run_query($sql_query, $query, $args);
- }
- elsif (/1=1003/) { ## author
- $query =~ s|address@hidden||g;
- $query =~ s|1.2.840.10003.3.1||g;
- $query =~ s|1=1003||g;
- ## Bib-1 Structure Attributes:
- $query =~ s|address@hidden ||g;
- $query =~ s|4=100||g; ## date (un-normalized)
- $query =~ s|4=101||g; ## name (normalized)
- $query =~ s|4=102||g; ## sme (un-normalized)
- $query =~ s|4=1||g; ## Phrase
- $query =~ s|4=2||g; ## Keyword
- $query =~ s|4=3||g; ## Key
- $query =~ s|4=4||g; ## year
- $query =~ s|4=5||g; ## Date (normalized)
- $query =~ s|4=6||g; ## word list
- $query =~ s|5=100||g; ## truncation
- $query =~ s|5=1||g; ## truncation
- $query =~ s|2=3||g;
- $query =~ s|"||g;
- $query =~ s| |%|g;
- $query .= "\%"; ## Add the wildcard to search term
- print "$query\n";
- my $sql_query = "SELECT marc_biblio.bibid FROM marc_biblio
RIGHT JOIN biblio ON marc_biblio.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber WHERE
biblio.author LIKE ?";
- &run_query($sql_query, $query, $args);
-## used for debugging--works!
-## print "@bib_list\n";
- }
- elsif (/1=4/) { ## title
- $query =~ s|address@hidden||g;
- $query =~ s|1.2.840.10003.3.1||g;
- $query =~ s|1=4||g;
- $query =~ s|"||g;
- $query =~ s| |%|g;
- ## Bib-1 Structure Attributes:
- $query =~ s|address@hidden||g;
- $query =~ s|4=100||g; ## date (un-normalized)
- $query =~ s|4=101||g; ## name (normalized)
- $query =~ s|4=102||g; ## sme (un-normalized)
- $query =~ s|4=1||g; ## Phrase
- $query =~ s|4=2||g; ## Keyword
- $query =~ s|4=3||g; ## Key
- $query =~ s|4=4||g; ## year
- $query =~ s|4=5||g; ## Date (normalized)
- $query =~ s|4=6||g; ## word list
- $query =~ s|5=100||g; ## truncation
- $query =~ s|5=1||g; ## truncation
- $query =~ s|2=3||g;
- #$query =~ s|address@hidden||g;
- $query .= "\%"; ## Add the wildcard to search term
- print "The term was:\n";
- print "$term\n";
- print "The query was:\n";
- print "$query\n";
- my $sql_query = "SELECT marc_biblio.bibid FROM marc_biblio
RIGHT JOIN biblio ON marc_biblio.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber WHERE
biblio.title LIKE ?";
- &run_query($sql_query, $query, $args);
- }
- elsif (/1=21/) { ## subject
- $query =~ s|address@hidden 1.2.840.10003.3.1 address@hidden
1=21 ||g;
- $query =~ s|"||g;
- $query =~ s| |%|g;
- ## Bib-1 Structure Attributes:
- $query =~ s|address@hidden ||g;
- $query =~ s|4=100||g; ## date (un-normalized)
- $query =~ s|4=101||g; ## name (normalized)
- $query =~ s|4=102||g; ## sme (un-normalized)
- $query =~ s|4=1||g; ## Phrase
- $query =~ s|4=2||g; ## Keyword
- $query =~ s|4=3||g; ## Key
- $query =~ s|4=4||g; ## year
- $query =~ s|4=5||g; ## Date (normalized)
- $query =~ s|4=6||g; ## word list
- $query =~ s|5=100||g; ## truncation
- $query =~ s|5=1||g; ## truncation
- $query .= "\%"; ## Add the wildcard to search term
- print "$query\n";
- my $sql_query = "SELECT marc_biblio.bibid FROM marc_biblio
RIGHT JOIN biblio ON marc_biblio.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber WHERE
biblio.subject LIKE ?";
- &run_query($sql_query, $query, $args);
- }
- elsif (/1=1016/) { ## any
- $query =~ s|address@hidden 1.2.840.10003.3.1 address@hidden
1=1016 ||g;
- $query =~ s|"||g;
- $query =~ s| |%|g;
- ## Bib-1 Structure Attributes:
- $query =~ s|address@hidden||g;
- $query =~ s|4=100||g; ## date (un-normalized)
- $query =~ s|4=101||g; ## name (normalized)
- $query =~ s|4=102||g; ## sme (un-normalized)
- $query =~ s|4=1||g; ## Phrase
- $query =~ s|4=2||g; ## Keyword
- $query =~ s|4=3||g; ## Key
- $query =~ s|4=4||g; ## year
- $query =~ s|4=5||g; ## Date (normalized)
- $query =~ s|4=6||g; ## word list
- $query =~ s|5=100||g; ## truncation
- $query =~ s|5=1||g; ## truncation
- $query .= "\%"; ## Add the wildcard to search term
- print "$query\n";
- my $sql_query = "SELECT bibid FROM marc_word WHERE word LIKE?";
- &run_query($sql_query, $query, $args);
- }
-sub fetch_handler {
- my ($args) = @_;
- # warn "in fetch_handler"; ## troubleshooting
- my $offset = $args->{OFFSET};
- $offset -= 1; ## because $args->{OFFSET} 1 = record
- chomp (my $bibid = $bib_list[$offset]); ## Not sure about this
- ## print "the bibid is:$bibid\n";
- my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
- my $MARCRecord = &MARCgetbiblio($dbh,$bibid);
- $MARCRecord->leader(' nac 22 1u 4500');
- ## Set the REP_FORM
- $args->{REP_FORM} = &Net::Z3950::OID::unimarc;
- ## Return the record string to the client
- $args->{RECORD} = $MARCRecord->as_usmarc();
-# $args->{RECORD} = $recordstringdone;
-## This stuff doesn't work yet...I should include boolean searching someday
-## though
-package Net::Z3950::RPN::Term;
-sub render {
- my $self = shift;
- return '"' . $self->{term} . '"';
-package Net::Z3950::RPN::And;
-sub render {
- my $self = shift;
- return '(' . $self->[0]->render() . ' AND ' .
- $self->[1]->render() . ')';
-package Net::Z3950::RPN::Or;
-sub render {
- my $self = shift;
- return '(' . $self->[0]->render() . ' OR ' .
- $self->[1]->render() . ')';
-package Net::Z3950::RPN::AndNot;
-sub render {
- my $self = shift;
- return '(' . $self->[0]->render() . ' ANDNOT ' .
- $self->[1]->render() . ')';
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- [Koha-cvs] koha/z3950/server zed-koha-server.pl [rel_3_0],
paul poulain <=