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[Koha-cvs] koha/C4 Search.pm [rel_3_0]
From: |
Antoine Farnault |
Subject: |
[Koha-cvs] koha/C4 Search.pm [rel_3_0] |
Date: |
Fri, 10 Nov 2006 08:41:35 +0000 |
CVSROOT: /sources/koha
Module name: koha
Branch: rel_3_0
Changes by: Antoine Farnault <toins> 06/11/10 08:41:35
Modified files:
C4 : Search.pm
Log message:
theses functions are already writed on Members.pm
Index: Search.pm
RCS file: /sources/koha/koha/C4/Search.pm,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -u -b -r1.120.2.21 -r1.120.2.22
--- Search.pm 2 Nov 2006 17:03:50 -0000
+++ Search.pm 10 Nov 2006 08:41:35 -0000
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
# set the version for version checking
-$VERSION = do { my @v = '$Revision: $' =~ /\d+/g;
+$VERSION = do { my @v = '$Revision: $' =~ /\d+/g;
shift(@v) . "." . join("_", map {sprintf "%03d", $_ } @v); };
=head1 NAME
@@ -1775,84 +1775,6 @@
return ($cnt,address@hidden);
-=item borrissues
- ($count, $issues) = &borrissues($borrowernumber);
-Looks up what the patron with the given borrowernumber has borrowed.
-C<&borrissues> returns a two-element array. C<$issues> is a
-reference-to-array, where each element is a reference-to-hash; the
-keys are the fields from the C<issues>, C<biblio>, and C<items> tables
-in the Koha database. C<$count> is the number of elements in
-sub borrissues {
- my ($bornum)address@hidden;
- my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
- my $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select * from issues,biblio,items where
- and items.itemnumber=issues.itemnumber
- and items.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber
- and issues.returndate is NULL order by date_due");
- $sth->execute($bornum);
- my @result;
- while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
- push @result, $data;
- }
- $sth->finish;
- return(scalar(@result), address@hidden);
-=item allissues
- ($count, $issues) = &allissues($borrowernumber, $sortkey, $limit);
-Looks up what the patron with the given borrowernumber has borrowed,
-and sorts the results.
-C<$sortkey> is the name of a field on which to sort the results. This
-should be the name of a field in the C<issues>, C<biblio>,
-C<biblioitems>, or C<items> table in the Koha database.
-C<$limit> is the maximum number of results to return.
-C<&allissues> returns a two-element array. C<$issues> is a
-reference-to-array, where each element is a reference-to-hash; the
-keys are the fields from the C<issues>, C<biblio>, C<biblioitems>, and
-C<items> tables of the Koha database. C<$count> is the number of
-elements in C<$issues>
-sub allissues {
- my ($bornum,$order,$limit)address@hidden;
- #FIXME: sanity-check order and limit
- my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
- my $query="Select * from issues,biblio,items,biblioitems
- where borrowernumber=? and
- items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber and
- items.itemnumber=issues.itemnumber and
- items.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber order by $order";
- if ($limit !=0){
- $query.=" limit $limit";
- }
- #print $query;
- my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
- $sth->execute($bornum);
- my @result;
- my $i=0;
- while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
- $result[$i]=$data;;
- $i++;
- }
- $sth->finish;
- return($i,address@hidden);
=item getboracctrecord
($count, $acctlines, $total) = &getboracctrecord($env, $borrowernumber);
- [Koha-cvs] koha/C4 Search.pm [rel_3_0], Antoine Farnault, 2006/11/02
- [Koha-cvs] koha/C4 Search.pm [rel_3_0],
Antoine Farnault <=
- [Koha-cvs] koha/C4 Search.pm [rel_3_0], paul poulain, 2006/11/15
- [Koha-cvs] koha/C4 Search.pm [rel_3_0], paul poulain, 2006/11/15
- [Koha-cvs] koha/C4 Search.pm [rel_3_0], paul poulain, 2006/11/16
- [Koha-cvs] koha/C4 Search.pm [rel_3_0], Antoine Farnault, 2006/11/20
- [Koha-cvs] koha/C4 Search.pm [rel_3_0], Antoine Farnault, 2006/11/21
- [Koha-cvs] koha/C4 Search.pm [rel_3_0], Antoine Farnault, 2006/11/27
- [Koha-cvs] koha/C4 Search.pm [rel_3_0], Antoine Farnault, 2006/11/28