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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/misc overduenotices.pl,,
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Subject: |
[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/misc overduenotices.pl,, |
Date: |
Thu, 28 Apr 2005 03:07:36 -0700 |
Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/misc
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv21632/misc
Modified Files:
Tag: rel_2_2
Log Message:
bugfixes & SQL code cleaning
Index: overduenotices.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/misc/overduenotices.pl,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -r1.1.4.1 -r1.1.4.2
*** overduenotices.pl 1 Mar 2005 13:11:43 -0000
--- overduenotices.pl 28 Apr 2005 10:07:33 -0000
*** 39,56 ****
use C4::Date;
use Mail::Sendmail; # comment out if not doing e-mail notices
! print "This script will send overdue notices by e-mail and prepare a file
of\nnotices for printing if the borrower does not have e-mail.\nYou MUST edit
this script for your library BEFORE you run it for the first time!\nSee the
comments in the script for directions on changing the script.\n\nDo you wish to
continue? (y/n) ";
! chomp($_ = <STDIN>);
! die unless (/^y/i); # comment these lines out once you've made the changes
! my $mindays = 7 # the notice will be sent after mindays days (grace period)
! my $maxdays = 30 # issues being more than maxdays late are managed somewhere
else. (borrower probably suspended)
! my $smtpserver = 'smtp.yourserver.com'; # your smtp server (the server who
sent mails)
! my $from = 'address@hidden';
! my $mailtitle = 'Overdue library items';
! my $librarymail = 'address@hidden'; # all notices without mail are sent (in 1
mail) to this mail address. They must then be managed manually.
# this parameter (the last) is the text of the mail that is sent.
# this text contains fields that are replaced by their value. Those fields
must be written between brackets
--- 39,73 ----
use C4::Date;
use Mail::Sendmail; # comment out if not doing e-mail notices
+ use Getopt::Long;
! my ($confirm, $nomail);
! GetOptions(
! 'c' => \$confirm,
! 'n' => \$nomail,
! );
! unless ($confirm) {
! print qq|
! This script will send overdue notices by e-mail and prepare a file
of\nnotices for printing if the borrower does not have e-mail.
! You MUST edit this script for your library BEFORE you run it for the first
! See the comments in the script for directions on changing the script.
! This script has 2 parameters :
! -c to confirm and remove this help & warning
! -n to avoid sending any mail. Instead, all mail messages are printed on
screen. Usefull for testing purposes.
! Do you wish to continue? (y/n)
! |;
! chomp($_ = <STDIN>);
! exit unless (/^y/i); # comment these lines out once you've made the
! }
! my $mindays = 7; # the notice will be sent after mindays days (grace period)
! my $maxdays = 30; # issues being more than maxdays late are managed somewhere
else. (borrower probably suspended)
! my $smtpserver = 'smtp.server.com'; # your smtp server (the server who sent
! my $from = 'address@hidden'; # all the mails sent to the borrowers will
appear coming from here.
! my $mailtitle = 'Overdues'; # the title of the mails
! my $librarymail = 'address@hidden'; # all notices without mail are sent (in 1
mail) to this mail address. They must then be managed manually.
# this parameter (the last) is the text of the mail that is sent.
# this text contains fields that are replaced by their value. Those fields
must be written between brackets
*** 68,119 ****
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
! my $sth = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT
FROM issues,borrowers,categorie WHERE returndate IS NULL AND
TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(date_due) BETWEEN $mindays and $maxdays AND
issues.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber and
borrowers.categorycode=categories.categorycode and
categories.overduenoticerequired=1 ORDER BY issues.borrowernumber");
! my $first_borrno = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT borrowernumber FROM issues WHERE
returndate IS NULL AND TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(date_due) BETWEEN $mindays and
$maxdays ORDER BY borrowernumber");
! my $get_date = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT CURDATE()");
! $get_date->execute;
! my $daydate = $get_date->fetchrow_arrayref;
! my $rawdate = $daydate->[0];
! my $date = format_date($rawdate);
! $first_borrno->execute; # get first borrowernumber
! my $firstborr = $first_borrno->fetchrow_arrayref;
! my $borrowernumber = $firstborr->[0];
! $first_borrno->finish;
! my $itemcount = 0;
! my $row;
my $count = 0; # to keep track of how many notices are printed
my $e_count = 0; # and e-mailed
! my ($firstname,$lastname,$address1,$address2,$city,$postcode,$email);
! while ($row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
! my $borrno = $row->[0];
! if ($itemcount==0) { # store values for first borrower
! $firstname = $row->[1];
! $lastname = $row->[2];
! $address1 = $row->[3];
! $address2 = $row->[4];
! unless ($address2) {
! $address2 = '';
! }
! $city = $row->[5];
! unless ($city) {
! $city = '';
! }
! $postcode = $row->[6];
! unless ($postcode) {
! $postcode = '';
! }
! $email = $row->[7];
! }
! if ($borrno == $borrowernumber) { # next borrower yet?
! $itemcount++;
! next;
! } else {
! $borrowernumber = $borrno;
my $notice = $mailtext;
- $notice =~ s/\<date\>/$date/g;
$notice =~ s/\<itemcount\>/$itemcount/g;
$notice =~ s/\<firstname\>/$firstname/g;
--- 85,99 ----
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
! my $sth = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT count(*),
FROM issues,borrowers,categories WHERE returndate IS NULL AND
TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(date_due) BETWEEN 0 and 500 AND
issues.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber and
borrowers.categorycode=categories.categorycode and
categories.overduenoticerequired=1 group by issues.borrowernumber");
! #
! # my $itemcount = 0;
! # my $row;
my $count = 0; # to keep track of how many notices are printed
my $e_count = 0; # and e-mailed
! my
! while
= $sth->fetchrow) {
my $notice = $mailtext;
$notice =~ s/\<itemcount\>/$itemcount/g;
$notice =~ s/\<firstname\>/$firstname/g;
*** 121,125 ****
$notice =~ s/\<address1\>/$address1/g;
$notice =~ s/\<address2\>/$address2/g;
- $notice =~ s/\<address3\>/$address3/g;
$notice =~ s/\<city\>/$city/g;
$notice =~ s/\<postcode\>/$postcode/g;
--- 101,104 ----
*** 127,162 ****
# if not using e-mail notices, comment out the following lines
if ($email) { # or you might check for
! my %mail = ( To => $email,
! From => $from,
! Subject => $mailtitle,
! Message => $notice,
! );
! sendmail(%mail);
} else {
- # if not using e-mail notices, comment out the above lines
- print $notice;
print OUTFILE $notice;
} # and comment this one out, too, if not using e-mail
- $itemcount = 1; #start the count for next notice
- $firstname = $row->[1]; # and store the new values
- $lastname = $row->[2];
- $address1 = $row->[3];
- $address2 = $row->[4];
- unless ($address2) {
- $address2 = '';
- }
- $city = $row->[5];
- unless ($city) {
- $city = '';
- }
- $postcode = $row->[6];
- unless ($postcode) {
- $postcode = '';
- }
- $email = $row->[7];
- }
--- 106,128 ----
# if not using e-mail notices, comment out the following lines
if ($email) { # or you might check for
! if ($nomail) {
! print "TO => $email\n";
! print "FROM => $from\n";
! print "SUBJECT => $mailtitle\n";
! print "MESSAGE => $notice\n";
! } else {
! my %mail = ( To => $email,
! From =>
! Subject =>
! Message =>
! );
! sendmail(%mail);
! }
} else {
print OUTFILE $notice;
} # and comment this one out, too, if not using e-mail
*** 166,177 ****
open ODUES, "overdues" or die "Cannot open file overdues: $!";
my $notice = "$e_count overdue notices e-mailed\n";
! my $notice .= "$count overdue notices in file for printing\n\n";
! my $notice .= <ODUES>;
! my %mail = ( To => $email,
! From => $from,
! Subject => 'Koha overdues',
! Message => $notice,
! );
! sendmail(%mail);
--- 132,150 ----
open ODUES, "overdues" or die "Cannot open file overdues: $!";
my $notice = "$e_count overdue notices e-mailed\n";
! $notice .= "$count overdue notices in file for printing\n\n";
+ $notice .= <ODUES>;
+ if ($nomail) {
+ print "TO => $email\n";
+ print "FROM => $from\n";
+ print "SUBJECT => Koha overdue\n";
+ print "MESSAGE => $notice\n";
+ } else {
+ my %mail = ( To => $email,
+ From => $from,
+ Subject => 'Koha
+ Message => $notice,
+ );
+ sendmail(%mail);
+ }
+ }
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- [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/misc overduenotices.pl,,,