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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/default/en/parameters marc_

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/default/en/parameters marc_subfields_structure.tmpl,,
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 08:56:09 -0800

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/default/en/parameters
In directory 

Modified Files:
      Tag: rel_2_2
Log Message:
minor html change

Index: marc_subfields_structure.tmpl
RCS file: 
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -r1.38.2.3 -r1.38.2.4
*** marc_subfields_structure.tmpl       11 Feb 2005 14:31:45 -0000
--- marc_subfields_structure.tmpl       25 Mar 2005 16:56:06 -0000
*** 1,4 ****
- <!-- clarification needed about this page. many questions... what is Lib? a 
Library? -->
  <!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="parameters-top.inc" -->
--- 1,2 ----
*** 8,12 ****
        <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="use-heading-flags-p" -->
!       <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="heading-edit-subfields-p" -->Edit MARC subfields 
constraints<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
        <!-- TMPL_ELSE --><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="action" --><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
--- 6,10 ----
        <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="use-heading-flags-p" -->
!       <!-- TMPL_IF NAME="heading-edit-subfields-p" -->Edit MARC subfields 
constraints for framework <!-- TMPL_IF name="frameworkcode" --><!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="frameworkcode" --><!-- TMPL_ELSE -->default<!-- /TMPL_IF --><!-- /TMPL_IF 
        <!-- TMPL_ELSE --><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="action" --><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
*** 20,50 ****
                        <h2 class="parameters">Tag <!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="tagfield" -->, Subfield <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="tagsubfield" --></h2>
                        <h3>MARC constraints</h3>
!                       <p>
!                               <label>&nbsp;</label><!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="repeatable" --> repeatable 
!                               <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="mandatory" --> mandatory
!                       </p>
!                       <p>
!                               <label>&nbsp;</label>
!                               <label>Search also</label><input type="text" 
name="seealso" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="seealso" -->" size=20> (example for 
200a : '200c','200d','200e'...)
!                       </p>
!                       <p><label>&nbsp;</label><label>Koha link:</label> <!-- 
TMPL_VAR NAME="kohafield" --></p>
                        <h3>Editor constaints</h3>
!                       <p> <label>&nbsp;</label>
!                               <label>Text for librarian</label>
!                               <input type="text" name="liblibrarian" 
value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="liblibrarian" -->" size="40" maxlength="80">
!                       </p>
!                       <p>
!                               <label>&nbsp;</label>
!                               <label>Text for OPAC</label> <input type="text" 
name="libopac" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="libopac" -->" size="40" 
!                       </p>
!                       <p><label>&nbsp;</label><label>Managed in tab</label> 
<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="tab" --> (ignore means that the subfield is NOT managed by 
!                       <p><label>&nbsp;</label><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="hidden" --> 
hidden (subfield is managed, but hidden. -should be filled by a plugin or 
!                       <p><label>&nbsp;</label><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="isurl" --> 
URL (if checked, it means that the subfield is an URL and can be clicked</p>
!                       <p>
!                               <label>&nbsp;</label><label>Auth value:</label> 
<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="authorised_value" -->
!                               or thesaurus: <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="authtypes" -->
!                               or plugin: <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="value_builder" 
!                               or link: <input type="text" name="link" 
value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="link" -->" size="10" maxlength="5"> (exemple :200b)
!                       </p>
--- 18,54 ----
                        <h2 class="parameters">Tag <!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="tagfield" -->, Subfield <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="tagsubfield" --></h2>
                        <h3>MARC constraints</h3>
!                       <ul>
!                               <p>
!                                       <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="repeatable" --> 
!                                       <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="mandatory" --> 
!                               </p>
!                               <!-- TMPL_IF name="frameworkcode" -->
!                                       <p>Search also: <i>(meaningful only for 
default framework)</i></p>
!                               <!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
!                                       <p>
!                                               Search also: <input type="text" 
name="seealso" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="seealso" -->" size=20> (example for 
200a : '200c','200d','200e'...)
!                                       </p>
!                               <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
!                               <p>Koha link:<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="kohafield" 
!                       </ul>
                        <h3>Editor constaints</h3>
!                       <ul>
!                               <p>Text for librarian: <input type="text" 
name="liblibrarian" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="liblibrarian" -->" size="40" 
!                               </p>
!                               <p>Text for OPAC: <input type="text" 
name="libopac" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="libopac" -->" size="40" 
!                               </p>
!                               <p>Managed in tab<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="tab" --> 
(ignore means that the subfield is NOT managed by Koha)</p>
!                               <p><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="hidden" --> hidden 
(subfield is managed, but hidden. -should be filled by a plugin or 
!                               <p><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="isurl" --> URL (if 
checked, it means that the subfield is an URL and can be clicked</p>
!                               <p>
!                                       <label>Auth value:</label> <!-- 
TMPL_VAR NAME="authorised_value" -->
!                                       or thesaurus: <!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="authtypes" -->
!                                       or plugin: <!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="value_builder" -->
!                               </p>
!                               <p>
!                                       <label>&nbsp;</label>Link to field :
!                                       <input type="text" name="link" 
value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="link" -->" size="10" maxlength="5"> (exemple :200b)
!                               </p>
!                       </ul>
*** 52,61 ****
        <input type="submit" value="OK">
-       <p>Note: in the last column, you can choose:
-       <ul><li>An "authorised value": it refers to a list of authorised values 
for this subfield. See the corresponding admin table.</li>
-       <li>A "thesaurus category": it refers to a thesaurus category. See the 
corresponding admin table.</li>
-       <li>A "value builder": values builders are perl programs that help you 
select the value of the field. They are MARC-flavor dependant and sometimes 
fill another subfield automatically.</li>
-       </ul>
-       </p>
  <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
--- 56,59 ----

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