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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/C4 Auth.pm,1.36,1.37

From: doXulting
Subject: [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/C4 Auth.pm,1.36,1.37
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 01:25:23 -0800

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/C4
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv11283/C4

Modified Files:
Log Message:
New param for the template in order to show only allowed links to user (In 
parameters screen only right now)

Index: Auth.pm
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/C4/Auth.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.36
retrieving revision 1.37
diff -C2 -r1.36 -r1.37
*** Auth.pm     5 Nov 2004 10:12:27 -0000       1.36
--- Auth.pm     23 Mar 2005 09:25:20 -0000      1.37
*** 122,130 ****
                $borrowernumber = getborrowernumber($user);
!               my ($borr, $flags) = getpatroninformation(undef, 
                my @bordat;
                $bordat[0] = $borr;
                $template->param(USER_INFO => address@hidden,
--- 122,192 ----
                $borrowernumber = getborrowernumber($user);
!               my ($borr, $alternativeflags) = getpatroninformation(undef, 
                my @bordat;
                $bordat[0] = $borr;
                $template->param(USER_INFO => address@hidden,
+               # We are going to use the $flags returned by checkauth
+               # to create the template's parameters that will indicate
+               # which menus the user can access.
+               if ($flags->{superlibrarian} == 1)
+               {
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_circulate => 1);
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_catalogue => 1);
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_parameters => 1);
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_borrowers => 1);
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_permission => 1);
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_reserveforothers => 1);
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_borrow => 1);
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_reserveforself => 1);
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_editcatalogue => 1);
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_updatecharge => 1);
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_acquisition => 1);
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_management => 1);
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_tools => 1); }
+               if ($flags->{circulate} == 1) {
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_circulate => 1); }
+               if ($flags->{catalogue} == 1) {
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_catalogue => 1); }

+               if ($flags->{parameters} == 1) {
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_parameters => 1);     
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_management => 1);
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_tools => 1); }

+               if ($flags->{borrowers} == 1) {
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_borrowers => 1); }

+               if ($flags->{permissions} == 1) {
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_permission => 1); }
+               if ($flags->{reserveforothers} == 1) {
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_reserveforothers => 1); }

+               if ($flags->{borrow} == 1) {
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_borrow => 1); }

+               if ($flags->{reserveforself} == 1) {
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_reserveforself => 1); }

+               if ($flags->{editcatalogue} == 1) {
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_editcatalogue => 1); }

+               if ($flags->{updatecharges} == 1) {
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_updatecharge => 1); }
+               if ($flags->{acquisition} == 1) {
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_acquisition => 1); }
+               if ($flags->{management} == 1) {
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_management => 1);
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_tools => 1); }
+               if ($flags->{tools} == 1) {
+                       $template->param(CAN_user_tools => 1); }

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