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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/C4/Circulation Circ2.pm,1.81,1.82
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Subject: |
[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/C4/Circulation Circ2.pm,1.81,1.82 |
Date: |
Wed, 15 Sep 2004 09:10:01 -0700 |
Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/C4/Circulation
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv5572/C4/Circulation
Modified Files:
Log Message:
fixing bugs in issue renewal
Index: Circ2.pm
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/C4/Circulation/Circ2.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.81
retrieving revision 1.82
diff -C2 -r1.81 -r1.82
*** Circ2.pm 14 Sep 2004 12:37:04 -0000 1.81
--- Circ2.pm 15 Sep 2004 16:09:57 -0000 1.82
*** 36,39 ****
--- 36,40 ----
use C4::Koha;
use C4::Accounts;
+ use Date::Manip;
*** 64,68 ****
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&getpatroninformation
! ¤tissues &getissues &getiteminformation &renewstatus
&canbookbeissued &issuebook &returnbook &find_reserves &transferbook
&calc_charges &listitemsforinventory &itemseen &fixdate);
--- 65,69 ----
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&getpatroninformation
! ¤tissues &getissues &getiteminformation &renewstatus &renewbook
&canbookbeissued &issuebook &returnbook &find_reserves &transferbook
&calc_charges &listitemsforinventory &itemseen &fixdate);
*** 612,616 ****
$sth2->execute($borrower->{'borrowernumber'}, "%$type%");
my $alreadyissued = $sth2->fetchrow;
! return ("$alreadyissued / ".($result->{maxissueqty}+0)) if
($result->{'maxissueqty'} <= $alreadyissued);
# check for branch=*
--- 613,617 ----
$sth2->execute($borrower->{'borrowernumber'}, "%$type%");
my $alreadyissued = $sth2->fetchrow;
! return ("a $alreadyissued / ".($result->{maxissueqty}+0)) if
($result->{'maxissueqty'} <= $alreadyissued);
# check for branch=*
*** 620,624 ****
$sth2->execute($borrower->{'borrowernumber'}, "%$type%");
my $alreadyissued = $sth2->fetchrow;
! return ("$alreadyissued / ".($result->{maxissueqty}+0)) if
($result->{'maxissueqty'} <= $alreadyissued);
# check for itemtype=*
--- 621,625 ----
$sth2->execute($borrower->{'borrowernumber'}, "%$type%");
my $alreadyissued = $sth2->fetchrow;
! return ("b $alreadyissued / ".($result->{maxissueqty}+0)) if
($result->{'maxissueqty'} <= $alreadyissued);
# check for itemtype=*
*** 628,632 ****
my $alreadyissued = $sth2->fetchrow;
! return ("$alreadyissued / ".($result->{maxissueqty}+0)) if
($result->{'maxissueqty'} <= $alreadyissued);
#check for borrowertype=*
--- 629,633 ----
my $alreadyissued = $sth2->fetchrow;
! return ("c $alreadyissued / ".($result->{maxissueqty}+0)) if
($result->{'maxissueqty'} <= $alreadyissued);
#check for borrowertype=*
*** 636,640 ****
$sth2->execute($borrower->{'borrowernumber'}, "%$type%");
my $alreadyissued = $sth2->fetchrow;
! return ("$alreadyissued / ".($result->{maxissueqty}+0)) if
($result->{'maxissueqty'} <= $alreadyissued);
--- 637,641 ----
$sth2->execute($borrower->{'borrowernumber'}, "%$type%");
my $alreadyissued = $sth2->fetchrow;
! return ("d $alreadyissued / ".($result->{maxissueqty}+0)) if
($result->{'maxissueqty'} <= $alreadyissued);
*** 644,656 ****
my $alreadyissued = $sth2->fetchrow;
! return ("$alreadyissued / ".($result->{maxissueqty}+0)) if
($result->{'maxissueqty'} <= $alreadyissued);
$sth->execute("*", $type, "");
my $result = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
! if (defined($result)) {
$sth2->execute($borrower->{'borrowernumber'}, "%$type%");
my $alreadyissued = $sth2->fetchrow;
! return ("$alreadyissued / ".($result->{maxissueqty}+0)) if
($result->{'maxissueqty'} <= $alreadyissued);
--- 645,657 ----
my $alreadyissued = $sth2->fetchrow;
! return ("e $alreadyissued / ".($result->{maxissueqty}+0)) if
($result->{'maxissueqty'} <= $alreadyissued);
$sth->execute("*", $type, "");
my $result = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
! if (defined($result) && $result->{maxissueqty}>=0) {
$sth2->execute($borrower->{'borrowernumber'}, "%$type%");
my $alreadyissued = $sth2->fetchrow;
! return ("f $alreadyissued / ".($result->{maxissueqty}+0)) if
($result->{'maxissueqty'} <= $alreadyissued);
*** 660,664 ****
$sth2->execute($borrower->{'borrowernumber'}, "%$type%");
my $alreadyissued = $sth2->fetchrow;
! return ("$alreadyissued / ".($result->{maxissueqty}+0)) if
($result->{'maxissueqty'} <= $alreadyissued);
--- 661,665 ----
$sth2->execute($borrower->{'borrowernumber'}, "%$type%");
my $alreadyissued = $sth2->fetchrow;
! return ("g $alreadyissued / ".($result->{maxissueqty}+0)) if
($result->{'maxissueqty'} <= $alreadyissued);
*** 668,672 ****
my $alreadyissued = $sth2->fetchrow;
! return ("$alreadyissued / ".($result->{maxissueqty}+0)) if
($result->{'maxissueqty'} <= $alreadyissued);
--- 669,673 ----
my $alreadyissued = $sth2->fetchrow;
! return ("h $alreadyissued / ".($result->{maxissueqty}+0)) if
($result->{'maxissueqty'} <= $alreadyissued);
*** 809,813 ****
my ($currentborrower) =
if ($currentborrower eq $borrower->{'borrowernumber'}) {
! my ($charge,$itemtype) = calc_charges($env, $dbh,
$iteminformation->{'itemnumber'}, $borrower->{'borrowernumber'});
if ($charge > 0) {
createcharge($env, $dbh,
$iteminformation->{'itemnumber'}, $borrower->{'borrowernumber'}, $charge);
--- 810,814 ----
my ($currentborrower) =
if ($currentborrower eq $borrower->{'borrowernumber'}) {
! my ($charge,$itemtype) = calc_charges($env,
$iteminformation->{'itemnumber'}, $borrower->{'borrowernumber'});
if ($charge > 0) {
createcharge($env, $dbh,
$iteminformation->{'itemnumber'}, $borrower->{'borrowernumber'}, $charge);
*** 850,854 ****
# Record in the database the fact that the book was issued.
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into issues (borrowernumber,
itemnumber, date_due, branchcode) values (?,?,?,?)");
! my $loanlength = $iteminformation->{loanlength} || 21;
my $datedue=time+($loanlength)*86400;
my @datearr = localtime($datedue);
--- 851,855 ----
# Record in the database the fact that the book was issued.
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into issues (borrowernumber,
itemnumber, date_due, branchcode) values (?,?,?,?)");
! my $loanlength =
my $datedue=time+($loanlength)*86400;
my @datearr = localtime($datedue);
*** 865,869 ****
# If it costs to borrow this book, charge it to the patron's
! my ($charge,$itemtype)=calc_charges($env, $dbh,
$iteminformation->{'itemnumber'}, $borrower->{'borrowernumber'});
if ($charge > 0) {
createcharge($env, $dbh,
$iteminformation->{'itemnumber'}, $borrower->{'borrowernumber'}, $charge);
--- 866,870 ----
# If it costs to borrow this book, charge it to the patron's
! my ($charge,$itemtype)=calc_charges($env,
$iteminformation->{'itemnumber'}, $borrower->{'borrowernumber'});
if ($charge > 0) {
createcharge($env, $dbh,
$iteminformation->{'itemnumber'}, $borrower->{'borrowernumber'}, $charge);
*** 875,878 ****
--- 876,928 ----
+ =head2 getLoanLength
+ Get loan length for an itemtype, a borrower type and a branch
+ my $loanlength = &getLoanLength($borrowertype,$itemtype,branchcode)
+ =cut
+ sub getLoanLength {
+ my ($borrowertype,$itemtype,$branchcode) = @_;
+ my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select issuelength from issuingrules where
categorycode=? and itemtype=? and branchcode=?");
+ # try to find issuelength & return the 1st available.
+ # check with borrowertype, itemtype and branchcode, then without one of
those parameters
+ $sth->execute($borrowertype,$itemtype,$branchcode);
+ my $loanlength = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
+ return $loanlength->{issuelength} if defined($loanlength);
+ $sth->execute($borrowertype,$itemtype,"");
+ my $loanlength = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
+ return $loanlength->{issuelength} if defined($loanlength);
+ $sth->execute($borrowertype,"*",$branchcode);
+ my $loanlength = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
+ return $loanlength->{issuelength} if defined($loanlength);
+ $sth->execute("*",$itemtype,$branchcode);
+ my $loanlength = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
+ return $loanlength->{issuelength} if defined($loanlength);
+ $sth->execute($borrowertype,"*","");
+ my $loanlength = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
+ return $loanlength->{issuelength} if defined($loanlength);
+ $sth->execute("*","*",$branchcode);
+ my $loanlength = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
+ return $loanlength->{issuelength} if defined($loanlength);
+ $sth->execute("*",$itemtype,"");
+ my $loanlength = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
+ return $loanlength->{issuelength} if defined($loanlength);
+ $sth->execute("*","*","");
+ my $loanlength = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
+ return $loanlength->{issuelength} if defined($loanlength);
+ # if no rule is set => 21 days (hardcoded)
+ return 21;
+ }
=head2 returnbook
*** 1519,1561 ****
sub renewstatus {
! # check renewal status
! # FIXME - Two people can't borrow the same book at once, so
! # presumably we can get $bornum from $itemno.
! my ($env,$bornum,$itemno)address@hidden;
! my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
! my $renews = 1;
! my $renewokay = 0;
! # Look in the issues table for this item, lent to this borrower,
! # and not yet returned.
! # FIXME - I think this function could be redone to use only one SQL
! # call.
! my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare("select * from issues
! where (borrowernumber = ?)
! and (itemnumber = ?')
! and returndate is null");
! $sth1->execute($bornum,$itemno);
! if (my $data1 = $sth1->fetchrow_hashref) {
! # Found a matching item
! # See if this item may be renewed. This query is convoluted
! # because it's a bit messy: given the item number, we need to find
! # the biblioitem, which gives us the itemtype, which tells us
! # whether it may be renewed.
! my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("select renewalsallowed from
! where (items.itemnumber = ?)
! and (items.biblioitemnumber = biblioitems.biblioitemnumber)
! and (biblioitems.itemtype = itemtypes.itemtype)");
! $sth2->execute($itemno);
! if (my $data2=$sth2->fetchrow_hashref) {
! $renews = $data2->{'renewalsallowed'};
! }
! if ($renews > $data1->{'renewals'}) {
! $renewokay = 1;
! }
! $sth2->finish;
! }
! $sth1->finish;
! return($renewokay);
--- 1569,1608 ----
sub renewstatus {
! # check renewal status
! my ($env,$bornum,$itemno)address@hidden;
! my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
! my $renews = 1;
! my $renewokay = 0;
! # Look in the issues table for this item, lent to this borrower,
! # and not yet returned.
! # FIXME - I think this function could be redone to use only one SQL
! my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare("select * from issues
! where
(borrowernumber = ?)
! and (itemnumber
= ?)
! and returndate
is null");
! $sth1->execute($bornum,$itemno);
! if (my $data1 = $sth1->fetchrow_hashref) {
! # Found a matching item
! # See if this item may be renewed. This query is convoluted
! # because it's a bit messy: given the item number, we need to
! # the biblioitem, which gives us the itemtype, which tells us
! # whether it may be renewed.
! my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("select renewalsallowed from
! where (items.itemnumber = ?)
! and (items.biblioitemnumber = biblioitems.biblioitemnumber)
! and (biblioitems.itemtype = itemtypes.itemtype)");
! $sth2->execute($itemno);
! if (my $data2=$sth2->fetchrow_hashref) {
! $renews = $data2->{'renewalsallowed'};
! }
! if ($renews > $data1->{'renewals'}) {
! $renewokay = 1;
! }
! $sth2->finish;
! }
! $sth1->finish;
! return($renewokay);
*** 1585,1655 ****
sub renewbook {
! # mark book as renewed
! # FIXME - A book can't be on loan to two people at once, so
! # presumably we can get $bornum from $itemno.
! my ($env,$bornum,$itemno,$datedue)address@hidden;
! my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
! # If the due date wasn't specified, calculate it by adding the
! # book's loan length to today's date.
! if ($datedue eq "" ) {
! #debug_msg($env, "getting date");
! my $loanlength=21; # Default loan length?
! # FIXME - This is bogus. If there's no
! # loan length defined for some book
! # type or whatever, then that should
! # be an error
! # Find this item's item type, via its biblioitem.
! my $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select * from biblioitems,items,itemtypes
! where (items.itemnumber = ?)
! and (biblioitems.biblioitemnumber = items.biblioitemnumber)
! and (biblioitems.itemtype = itemtypes.itemtype)");
! $sth->execute($itemno);
! if (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
! $loanlength = $data->{'loanlength'}
! }
! $sth->finish;
! my $ti = time; # FIXME - Unused
! # FIXME - Use
! # POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime(time + ...));
! my $datedu = time + ($loanlength * 86400);
! my @datearr = localtime($datedu);
! $datedue = (1900+$datearr[5])."-".($datearr[4]+1)."-".$datearr[3];
! }
! # Find the issues record for this book
! my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from issues where borrowernumber=? and
! itemnumber=? and returndate is null");
! $sth->execute($bornum,$itemno);
! my $issuedata=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
! # FIXME - Error-checking
! $sth->finish;
! # Update the issues record to have the new due date, and a new count
! # of how many times it has been renewed.
! my $renews = $issuedata->{'renewals'} +1;
! $sth=$dbh->prepare("update issues
! set date_due = ?, renewals = ?
! where borrowernumber=? and
! itemnumber=? and returndate is null");
! $sth->execute($datedue,$renews,$bornum,$itemno);
! $sth->finish;
! # Log the renewal
! UpdateStats($env,$env->{'branchcode'},'renew','','',$itemno);
! # Charge a new rental fee, if applicable?
! my ($charge,$type)=calc_charges($env, $itemno, $bornum);
! if ($charge > 0){
! my $accountno=getnextacctno($env,$bornum,$dbh);
! my $item=getiteminformation($env, $itemno);
! $sth=$dbh->prepare("Insert into accountlines
! values (?,?,now(),?,?,?,?,?)");
! $sth->execute($bornum,$accountno,$charge,"Renewal of Rental Item
$item->{'title'} $item->{'barcode'}",'Rent',$charge,$itemno);
! $sth->finish;
! # print $account;
! }
! # return();
--- 1632,1679 ----
sub renewbook {
! # mark book as renewed
! my ($env,$bornum,$itemno,$datedue)address@hidden;
! my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
! # If the due date wasn't specified, calculate it by adding the
! # book's loan length to today's date.
! if ($datedue eq "" ) {
! #debug_msg($env, "getting date");
! my $iteminformation = getiteminformation($env, $itemno,0);
! my $borrower = getpatroninformation($env,$bornum,0);
! my $loanlength =
! $datedue =
UnixDate(DateCalc($iteminformation->{date_due},"$loanlength days"),"%Y-%m-%d");
! }
! # Find the issues record for this book
! my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from issues where borrowernumber=? and
itemnumber=? and returndate is null");
! $sth->execute($bornum,$itemno);
! my $issuedata=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
! $sth->finish;
! # Update the issues record to have the new due date, and a new count
! # of how many times it has been renewed.
! my $renews = $issuedata->{'renewals'} +1;
! $sth=$dbh->prepare("update issues set date_due = ?, renewals = ?
! where borrowernumber=? and itemnumber=? and returndate is
! $sth->execute($datedue,$renews,$bornum,$itemno);
! $sth->finish;
! # Log the renewal
! UpdateStats($env,$env->{'branchcode'},'renew','','',$itemno);
! # Charge a new rental fee, if applicable?
! my ($charge,$type)=calc_charges($env, $itemno, $bornum);
! if ($charge > 0){
! my $accountno=getnextacctno($env,$bornum,$dbh);
! my $item=getiteminformation($env, $itemno);
! $sth=$dbh->prepare("Insert into accountlines
! values
! $sth->execute($bornum,$accountno,$charge,"Renewal of Rental
Item $item->{'title'} $item->{'barcode'}",'Rent',$charge,$itemno);
! $sth->finish;
! # print $account;
! }
! # return();
*** 1676,1712 ****
sub calc_charges {
! # calculate charges due
! my ($env, $itemno, $bornum)address@hidden;
! my $charge=0;
! my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
! my $item_type;
! # Get the book's item type and rental charge (via its biblioitem).
! my $sth1= $dbh->prepare("select itemtypes.itemtype,rentalcharge from
! where (items.itemnumber =?)
! and
(biblioitems.biblioitemnumber = items.biblioitemnumber)
(biblioitems.itemtype = itemtypes.itemtype)");
! $sth1->execute($itemno);
! # FIXME - Why not just use fetchrow_array?
! if (my $data1=$sth1->fetchrow_hashref) {
! $item_type = $data1->{'itemtype'};
! $charge = $data1->{'rentalcharge'};
! # Figure out the applicable rental discount
! my $sth2=$dbh->prepare("select rentaldiscount from
! borrowers,categoryitem
! where (borrowers.borrowernumber = ?)
! and (borrowers.categorycode = categoryitem.categorycode)
! and (categoryitem.itemtype = ?)");
! $sth2->execute($bornum,$item_type);
! if (my$data2=$sth2->fetchrow_hashref) {
! my $discount = $data2->{'rentaldiscount'};
! $charge *= (100 - $discount) / 100;
! }
! $sth2->finish;
! }
! $sth1->finish;
! # print "item $item_type";
! return ($charge,$item_type);
--- 1700,1720 ----
sub calc_charges {
! # calculate charges due
! my ($env, $itemno, $bornum)address@hidden;
! my $charge=0;
! my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
! my $item_type;
! # Get the book's item type and rental charge (via its biblioitem).
! my $sth1= $dbh->prepare("select itemtypes.itemtype,rentalcharge from
! where
(items.itemnumber =?)
! and
(biblioitems.biblioitemnumber = items.biblioitemnumber)
(biblioitems.itemtype = itemtypes.itemtype)");
! $sth1->execute($itemno);
! my $data1=$sth1->fetchrow_hashref;
! $item_type = $data1->{'itemtype'};
! $charge = $data1->{'rentalcharge'};
! $sth1->finish;
! return ($charge,$item_type);
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- [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/C4/Circulation Circ2.pm,1.81,1.82,