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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/misc Install.pm,1.75,1.76
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Subject: |
[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/misc Install.pm,1.75,1.76 |
Date: |
Tue, 29 Jun 2004 01:34:07 -0700 |
Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/misc
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv24420/misc
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Adding "directory-select" feature to the "select sql file to insert to your DB".
Index: Install.pm
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/misc/Install.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.75
retrieving revision 1.76
diff -C2 -r1.75 -r1.76
*** Install.pm 22 Jun 2004 15:32:43 -0000 1.75
--- Install.pm 29 Jun 2004 08:34:05 -0000 1.76
*** 1646,1650 ****
! my ($auto_install) = @_;
showmessage(getmessage('InstallFiles'),'none') unless
--- 1646,1650 ----
! # my ($auto_install) = @_;
showmessage(getmessage('InstallFiles'),'none') unless
*** 1963,2002 ****
system("$mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$user $database -e \"update
systempreferences set value='$language' where variable='opaclanguages'\"");
! # CHECK for any other file to append...
! my @sql;
! push @sql,"FINISHED";
if (-d "scripts/misc/sql-datas") {
! opendir D, "scripts/misc/sql-datas";
! foreach my $sql (readdir D) {
! next unless ($sql =~ /.txt$/);
! push @sql, $sql;
! }
! }
! my $loopend=0;
! while (not $loopend) {
! print heading("SELECT SQL FILE");
! print qq|
Select a file to append to the Koha DB.
enter a number. A detailled explanation of the file will be given
if you confirm, the file will be added to the DB
! for (my $i=0;$i<=$#sql;$i++) {
! print "$i => ".$sql[$i]."\n";
! }
! my $response =<STDIN>;
! if ($response==0) {
! $loopend = 1;
! } else {
! # show the content of the file
! my $FileToUpload = $sql[$response];
! open FILE,"scripts/misc/sql-datas/$FileToUpload";
! my $content = <FILE>;
! print heading("INSERT $FileToUpload ?")."$content\n";
! # ask confirmation
! $response=showmessage(getmessage('ConfirmFileUpload'),
'yn', 'y');
! # if confirmed, upload the file in the DB
! unless ($response =~/^n/i) {
! $FileToUpload =~ s/\.txt/\.sql/;
! system("$mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$user $database
--- 1963,2034 ----
system("$mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$user $database -e \"update
systempreferences set value='$language' where variable='opaclanguages'\"");
! my @dirs;
if (-d "scripts/misc/sql-datas") {
! # ask for directory to look for files to append
! my @directories;
! push @directories,"FINISHED";
! if (-d "scripts/misc/sql-datas") {
! opendir D, "scripts/misc/sql-datas";
! foreach my $dir (readdir D) {
! next if ($dir =~ /^\./);
! push @directories, $dir;
! }
! }
! my $loopend=0;
! while (not $loopend) {
! print heading("SELECT SQL DIRECTORY");
! print qq|
! Select a directory. You will see every file included in this directory and be
able to choose file(s) to import into Koha
! This is a VERY important feature. By selecting the proper options, you can
get a pre-setup Koha, almost ready to be put in production.
! Choose wisely.
! |;
! for (my $i=0;$i<=$#directories;$i++) {
! print "$i => ".$directories[$i]."\n";
! }
! my $sqluploaddir =<STDIN>;
! if ($sqluploaddir==0) {
! $loopend = 1;
! } else {
! $sqluploaddir = $directories[$sqluploaddir];
! # CHECK for any other file to append...
! my @sql;
! push @sql,"FINISHED";
! if (-d "scripts/misc/sql-datas/$sqluploaddir") {
! opendir D,
! foreach my $sql (readdir D) {
! next unless ($sql =~ /.txt$/);
! push @sql, $sql;
! }
! }
! $loopend=0;
! while (not $loopend) {
! print heading("SELECT SQL FILE");
! print qq|
Select a file to append to the Koha DB.
enter a number. A detailled explanation of the file will be given
if you confirm, the file will be added to the DB
! for (my $i=0;$i<=$#sql;$i++) {
! print "$i => ".$sql[$i]."\n";
! }
! my $response =<STDIN>;
! if ($response==0) {
! $loopend = 1;
! } else {
! # show the content of the file
! my $FileToUpload =
! open
! my $content = <FILE>;
! print heading("INSERT
$sqluploaddir/$FileToUpload ?")."$content\n";
! # ask confirmation
$response=showmessage(getmessage('ConfirmFileUpload'), 'yn', 'y');
! # if confirmed, upload the file
in the DB
! unless ($response =~/^n/i) {
! $FileToUpload =~
system("$mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$user $database
! }
! }
! }
! $loopend=0;
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- [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/misc Install.pm,1.75,1.76,