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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/updater updatedatabase,1.82,1.83
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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/updater updatedatabase,1.82,1.83 |
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Thu, 10 Jun 2004 01:32:05 -0700 |
Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/updater
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv12630/updater
Modified Files:
Log Message:
MARC authority management (continued)
Index: updatedatabase
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/updater/updatedatabase,v
retrieving revision 1.82
retrieving revision 1.83
diff -C2 -r1.82 -r1.83
*** updatedatabase 3 Jun 2004 12:46:58 -0000 1.82
--- updatedatabase 10 Jun 2004 08:32:02 -0000 1.83
*** 213,216 ****
--- 213,217 ----
authtypetext char(255) not NULL,
auth_tag_to_report char(3) not NULL,
+ summary text not NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (authtypecode)
*** 262,266 ****
subfieldorder tinyint(4) NOT
NULL default '1',
subfieldvalue varchar(255)
default NULL,
- valuebloblink bigint(20)
default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (subfieldid),
KEY authid (authid),
--- 263,266 ----
*** 1112,1115 ****
--- 1112,1132 ----
+ # changing the marc_subfield_structure table around...
+ my %marc_subfield_structure;
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from marc_subfield_structure");
+ $sth->execute;
+ while ( my ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = $sth->fetchrow
+ {
+ $marc_subfield_structure{$column} = $type;
+ }
+ if ($marc_subfield_structure{thesaurus_category}) {
+ print " changing thesaurus_category in marc_subfield_structure table\n";
+ my $sti =
+ $dbh->prepare("ALTER TABLE marc_subfield_structure CHANGE
`thesaurus_category` `authtypecode` VARCHAR(10 ) DEFAULT NULL");
+ $sti->execute;
+ }
# creating index in issuingrules if needed
*** 1184,1187 ****
--- 1201,1207 ----
# $Log$
+ # Revision 1.83 2004/06/10 08:32:02 tipaul
+ # MARC authority management (continued)
+ #
# Revision 1.82 2004/06/03 12:46:58 tipaul
# * frameworks and itemtypes are independant
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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/admin auth_subfields_structure.pl,1.2,1.3 auth_tag_structure.pl,1.1,1.2 authtypes.pl,1.2,1.3 marc_subfields_structure.pl,1.23,1.24
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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/default/en intranet-main.tmpl,1.19,1.20
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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/admin auth_subfields_structure.pl,1.2,1.3 auth_tag_structure.pl,1.1,1.2 authtypes.pl,1.2,1.3 marc_subfields_structure.pl,1.23,1.24
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