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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha memberentry.pl,1.29,1.30

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha memberentry.pl,1.29,1.30
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2003 04:12:41 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv9254

Modified Files:
Log Message:
templating Mr, Mrs, Ms...

Index: memberentry.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/memberentry.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.29
retrieving revision 1.30
diff -C2 -r1.29 -r1.30
*** memberentry.pl      8 Apr 2003 09:39:18 -0000       1.29
--- memberentry.pl      8 Apr 2003 11:12:39 -0000       1.30
*** 81,99 ****
-   my @titles = ('Miss', 'Mrs', 'Ms', 'Mr', 'Dr', 'Sir');
-       # FIXME - Assumes English. This ought to be made part of i18n.
-   my @titledata;
-   while (@titles) {
-     my %row;
-     my $title = shift @titles;
-     $row{'title'} = $title;
-     if ($data->{'title'} eq $title) {
-       $row{'selected'}=' selected';
-     } else {
-       $row{'selected'}='';
-     }
-     push(@titledata, \%row);
-   }
    my ($categories,$labels)=ethnicitycategories();
    my $ethnicitycategoriescount=$#{$categories};
--- 81,84 ----
*** 113,140 ****
-   my @areas = ('L','F','S','H','K','O','X','Z','V');
-   my %arealabels = ('L' => 'Levin',
-                 'F' => 'Foxton',
-                 'S' => 'Shannon',
-                 'H' => 'Horowhenua',
-                 'K' => 'Kapiti',
-                 'O' => 'Out of District',
-                 'X' => 'Temporary Visitor',
-                 'Z' => 'Interloan Libraries',
-                 'V' => 'Village');
-   my @areadata;
-   while (@areas) {
-     my %row;
-     my $shortcut = shift @areas;
-     $row{'shortcut'} = $shortcut;
-     if ($data->{'area'} eq $shortcut) {
-       $row{'selected'}=' selected';
-     } else {
-       $row{'selected'}='';
-     }
-     $row{'area'}=$arealabels{$shortcut};
-     push(@areadata, \%row);
-   }
--- 98,101 ----
*** 218,223 ****
                        flagloop        => address@hidden,
                        relshiploop     => address@hidden,
!                       titleloop       => address@hidden,
!                       arealoop        => address@hidden,
                        dateenrolled    => $data->{'dateenrolled'},
                        expiry          => $data->{'expiry'},
--- 179,183 ----
                        flagloop        => address@hidden,
                        relshiploop     => address@hidden,
!                       "title_".$data->{'title'} => " SELECTED ",
                        dateenrolled    => $data->{'dateenrolled'},
                        expiry          => $data->{'expiry'},
*** 226,230 ****
                        dateformat      => display_date_format(),
                        CGIbranch => $CGIbranch);
  output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;
--- 186,190 ----
                        dateformat      => display_date_format(),
                        CGIbranch => $CGIbranch);
! warn "title ==>".$data->{'title'}."<==";
  output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;

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