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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/misc installer.pl,1.8,1.9 Install.pm,1.5,1.6
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Subject: |
[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/misc installer.pl,1.8,1.9 Install.pm,1.5,1.6 |
Date: |
Wed, 15 Jan 2003 05:05:23 -0800 |
Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/misc
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv11125
Modified Files:
installer.pl Install.pm
Log Message:
ambrose li patch + bugfix for #158
Index: installer.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/misc/installer.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -C2 -r1.8 -r1.9
*** installer.pl 30 Dec 2002 09:26:33 -0000 1.8
--- installer.pl 15 Jan 2003 13:05:21 -0000 1.9
*** 36,40 ****
! #checkabortedinstall();
if (-e "$::etcdir/koha.conf") {
--- 36,40 ----
! checkabortedinstall();
if (-e "$::etcdir/koha.conf") {
Index: Install.pm
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/misc/Install.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -C2 -r1.5 -r1.6
*** Install.pm 6 Jan 2003 11:11:56 -0000 1.5
--- Install.pm 15 Jan 2003 13:05:21 -0000 1.6
*** 29,32 ****
--- 29,33 ----
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw( &checkperlmodules
+ &checkabortedinstall
*** 135,139 ****
! It looks like Koha is already installed on your system (/etc/koha.conf exists
already). If you would like to upgrade your system to %s, please use
the koha.upgrade script in this directory.
--- 136,140 ----
! It looks like Koha is already installed on your system (%s/koha.conf exists
already). If you would like to upgrade your system to %s, please use
the koha.upgrade script in this directory.
*** 179,183 ****
using basic authentication on your intranet, you will be required to log in to
access some of the features of the intranet. You can log in using the userid
! and password from the /etc/koha.conf configuration file at any time. Use the
"Members" module to add passwords for other accounts and set their
--- 180,184 ----
using basic authentication on your intranet, you will be required to log in to
access some of the features of the intranet. You can log in using the userid
! and password from the %s/koha.conf configuration file at any time. Use the
"Members" module to add passwords for other accounts and set their
*** 220,223 ****
--- 221,252 ----
+ # Assuming that Koha will be installed on a modern Unix with symlinks,
+ # it is possible to code the installer so that aborted installs can be
+ # detected. In case of such an event we can do our best to "roll back"
+ # the aborted install.
+ #
+ # FIXME: The "roll back" is not complete!
+ #
+ sub checkabortedinstall {
+ if (-l("$::etcdir/koha.conf")
+ && readlink("$::etcdir/koha.conf") =~ /\.tmp$/
+ ) {
+ print qq|
+ I have detected that you tried to install Koha before, but the installation
+ was aborted. I will try to continue, but there might be problems if the
+ database is already created.
+ |;
+ print "Please press <ENTER> to continue: ";
+ <STDIN>;
+ # Remove the symlink after the <STDIN>, so the user can back out
+ unlink "$::etcdir/koha.conf"
+ || die "Failed to remove incomplete $::etcdir/koha.conf: $!\n";
+ }
+ }
+ #
# Test for Perl and Modules
*** 508,511 ****
--- 537,542 ----
to the %s database, when authenticating from %s.
+ This user will also be used to access Koha's INTRANET interface.
Database user [%s]: |;
*** 603,607 ****
I was not able to determine the user that Apache is running as. This
information is necessary in order to set the access privileges correctly on
! /etc/koha.conf. This user should be set in one of the Apache configuration
files using the "User" directive.
--- 634,638 ----
I was not able to determine the user that Apache is running as. This
information is necessary in order to set the access privileges correctly on
! %s/koha.conf. This user should be set in one of the Apache configuration
files using the "User" directive.
*** 638,642 ****
my $message=getmessage('NoApacheConfFiles');
my $choice='';
! until (-f $choice) {
$choice=showmessage($message, "free", 1);
if (-f $choice) {
--- 669,673 ----
my $message=getmessage('NoApacheConfFiles');
my $choice='';
! until (-f $::realhttpdconf) {
$choice=showmessage($message, "free", 1);
if (-f $choice) {
*** 661,665 ****
! unless (open (HTTPDCONF, $::realhttpdconf)) {
warn "Insufficient privileges to open $::realhttpdconf for reading.\n";
sleep 4;
--- 692,696 ----
! unless (open (HTTPDCONF, "<$::realhttpdconf")) {
warn "Insufficient privileges to open $::realhttpdconf for reading.\n";
sleep 4;
*** 677,681 ****
unless ($::httpduser) {
! my $message=getmessage('EnterApacheUser');
until (length($::httpduser) && getpwnam($::httpduser)) {
$::httpduser=showmessage($message, "free", '');
--- 708,712 ----
unless ($::httpduser) {
! my $message=getmessage('EnterApacheUser', [$::etcdir]);
until (length($::httpduser) && getpwnam($::httpduser)) {
$::httpduser=showmessage($message, "free", '');
*** 808,816 ****
sub updateapacheconf {
! my $logfiledir=`grep ^ErrorLog $::realhttpdconf`;
chomp $logfiledir;
if ($logfiledir) {
! $logfiledir=~m#ErrorLog (.*)/[^/]*$#;
--- 839,848 ----
sub updateapacheconf {
! my $logfiledir=`grep ^ErrorLog "$::realhttpdconf"`;
chomp $logfiledir;
if ($logfiledir) {
! $logfiledir=~m#ErrorLog (.*)/[^/]*$#
! or die "Can't parse ErrorLog directive\n";
*** 825,829 ****
my $envmodule=0;
my $includesmodule=0;
! open HC, $::realhttpdconf;
while (<HC>) {
if (/^\s*#\s*LoadModule env_module /) {
--- 857,861 ----
my $envmodule=0;
my $includesmodule=0;
! open HC, "<$::realhttpdconf";
while (<HC>) {
if (/^\s*#\s*LoadModule env_module /) {
*** 857,861 ****
! if (`grep 'VirtualHost $::servername' $::realhttpdconf`) {
showmessage(getmessage('ApacheAlreadyConfigured', [$::realhttpdconf,
$::realhttpdconf]), 'PressEnter');
--- 889,893 ----
! if (`grep 'VirtualHost $::servername' "$::realhttpdconf"`) {
showmessage(getmessage('ApacheAlreadyConfigured', [$::realhttpdconf,
$::realhttpdconf]), 'PressEnter');
*** 934,937 ****
--- 966,973 ----
Apache's Basic Authorization.
+ This is going to be phased out very soon. However, setting this up can provide
+ an extra layer of security before the new authentication system is completely
+ in place.
Would you like to do this ([Y]/N): |;
*** 955,959 ****
! open AUTH, ">/etc/kohaintranet.pass";
my $salt=substr($chars, int(rand(length($chars))),1);
--- 991,995 ----
! open AUTH, ">$::etcdir/kohaintranet.pass";
my $salt=substr($chars, int(rand(length($chars))),1);
*** 965,969 ****
<Directory $::intranetdir>
! AuthUserFile /etc/kohaintranet.pass
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Koha Intranet (for librarians only)"
--- 1001,1005 ----
<Directory $::intranetdir>
! AuthUserFile $::etcdir/kohaintranet.pass
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Koha Intranet (for librarians only)"
*** 1007,1012 ****
system("touch $::opacdir/cgi-bin/opac");
! system("chown -R root.$::httpduser $::opacdir");
! system("chown -R root.$::httpduser $::intranetdir");
# Create /etc/koha.conf
--- 1043,1048 ----
system("touch $::opacdir/cgi-bin/opac");
! system("chown -R root:$::httpduser $::opacdir");
! system("chown -R root:$::httpduser $::intranetdir");
# Create /etc/koha.conf
*** 1019,1023 ****
! includes=$::intranetdir/htdocs/includes
--- 1055,1059 ----
! includes=$::opacdir/htdocs/includes
*** 1027,1030 ****
--- 1063,1068 ----
+ #XXX I had: intrahtdocs=$::intranetdir/cgi-bin/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl
+ #XXX I had: opachtdocs=$::intranetdir/cgi-bin/koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl
*** 1050,1054 ****
mysql server's root user password:
! Enter MySql root user password: |;
$messages->{'InvalidMysqlRootPassword'}->{en}="Invalid Password. Please try
--- 1088,1092 ----
mysql server's root user password:
! Enter MySQL root user password: |;
$messages->{'InvalidMysqlRootPassword'}->{en}="Invalid Password. Please try
*** 1059,1063 ****
! Creating the MySql database for Koha...
--- 1097,1101 ----
! Creating the MySQL database for Koha...
*** 1228,1231 ****
--- 1266,1272 ----
sub updatedatabase {
+ # At this point, $::etcdir/koha.conf must exist, for C4::Context
+ # We must somehow temporarily enable $::etcdir/koha.conf. A symlink can
+ # do this & at the same time facilitate detection of aborted installs.
my $result=system ("perl -I $::intranetdir/modules
if ($result) {
*** 1237,1245 ****
if ($response == 1) {
! system("cat script/misc/marc_datas/marc21_en/structure_def.sql
| $::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser -p$::mysqlpass $::dbname");
if ($response == 2) {
! system("cat
scripts/misc/marc_datas/unimarc_fr/structure_def.sql | $::mysqldir/bin/mysql
-u$::mysqluser -p$::mysqlpass $::dbname");
! system("cat scripts/misc/lang-datas/fr/stopwords.sql |
$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser -p$::mysqlpass $::dbname");
--- 1278,1286 ----
if ($response == 1) {
! system("cat scripts/misc/marc_datas/marc21_en/structure_def.sql
| $::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted $::dbname");
if ($response == 2) {
! system("cat
scripts/misc/marc_datas/unimarc_fr/structure_def.sql | $::mysqldir/bin/mysql
-u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted $::dbname");
! system("cat scripts/misc/lang-datas/fr/stopwords.sql |
$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted $::dbname");
*** 1250,1254 ****
! print "\n\nFinished updating database. Press <ENTER> to continue...";
--- 1291,1295 ----
! print "\n\nFinished basic updating of database. Press <ENTER> to
*** 1257,1263 ****
my $response=showmessage(getmessage('SampleData'), 'yn', 'n');
if ($response =~/^y/i) {
! system("gunzip sampledata-1.2.gz");
! system("cat sampledata-1.2 | $::mysqldir/bin/mysql
-u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted $::dbname");
! system("gzip -9 sampledata-1.2");
system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser
$::mysqlpass_quoted $::dbname -e \"insert into branches
(branchcode,branchname,issuing) values ('MAIN', 'Main Library', 1)\"");
system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser
$::mysqlpass_quoted $::dbname -e \"insert into branchrelations
(branchcode,categorycode) values ('MAIN', 'IS')\"");
--- 1298,1302 ----
my $response=showmessage(getmessage('SampleData'), 'yn', 'n');
if ($response =~/^y/i) {
! system("gunzip -d < sampledata-1.2.gz | $::mysqldir/bin/mysql
-u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted $::dbname");
system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser
$::mysqlpass_quoted $::dbname -e \"insert into branches
(branchcode,branchname,issuing) values ('MAIN', 'Main Library', 1)\"");
system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser
$::mysqlpass_quoted $::dbname -e \"insert into branchrelations
(branchcode,categorycode) values ('MAIN', 'IS')\"");
*** 1334,1338 ****
my %configfile;
! open (KC, "/etc/koha.conf");
while (<KC>) {
--- 1373,1377 ----
my %configfile;
! open (KC, "<$::etcdir/koha.conf");
while (<KC>) {
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- [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/misc installer.pl,1.8,1.9 Install.pm,1.5,1.6,