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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha koha.upgrade,,
From: |
Steve Tonnesen |
Subject: |
[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha koha.upgrade,, |
Date: |
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 11:43:53 -0700 |
Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv7751
Modified Files:
Tag: rel-1-2
Log Message:
Added module check to koha.upgrade and added HTML::Template and Digest::MD5 to
the list of required modules.
Index: koha.upgrade
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/koha.upgrade,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -r1.1.2.11 -r1.1.2.12
*** koha.upgrade 9 Jul 2002 20:16:41 -0000
--- koha.upgrade 11 Jul 2002 18:43:51 -0000
*** 102,105 ****
--- 102,162 ----
+ #
+ # Test for Perl and Modules
+ #
+ print qq|
+ ==============
+ |;
+ print "\nChecking perl modules ...\n";
+ unless (eval "require 5.004") {
+ die "Sorry, you need at least Perl 5.004\n";
+ }
+ my @missing = ();
+ unless (eval {require DBI}) { push @missing,"DBI" };
+ unless (eval {require Date::Manip}) { push @missing,"Date::Manip" };
+ unless (eval {require DBD::mysql}) { push @missing,"DBD::mysql" };
+ unless (eval {require Set::Scalar}) { push @missing,"Set::Scalar" };
+ unless (eval {require Digest::MD5}) { push @missing,"Digest::MD5" };
+ unless (eval {require HTML::Template}) { push @missing,"HTML::Template"
+ #unless (eval {require Net::Z3950}) {
+ # print qq|
+ #
+ #The Net::Z3950 module is missing. This module is necessary if you want to
+ #Koha's Z39.50 client to download bibliographic records from other libraries.
+ #To install this module, you will need the yaz client installed from
+ #http://www.indexdata.dk/yaz/ and then you can install the perl module with
+ #command:
+ #
+ #perl -MCPAN -e 'install Net::Z3950'
+ #
+ #Press the <ENTER> key to continue:
+ #|;
+ # <STDIN>;
+ #}
+ #
+ # Print out a list of any missing modules
+ #
+ if (@missing > 0) {
+ print "\n\n";
+ print "You are missing some Perl modules which are required by Koha.\n";
+ print "Once these modules have been installed, rerun this installer.\n";
+ print "They can be installed by running (as root) the following:\n";
+ foreach my $module (@missing) {
+ print " perl -MCPAN -e 'install \"$module\"'\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }} else{
+ print "All modules appear to be installed, continuing...\n";
+ };
my $backupdir='/usr/local/koha/backups';
print "Please specify a backup directory [$backupdir]: ";
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