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Re: [Jessie-discuss] Bug when closing stream

From: Casey Marshall
Subject: Re: [Jessie-discuss] Bug when closing stream
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 12:38:16 -0700

On Jun 29, 2005, at 12:05 AM, Martin Egholm Nielsen wrote:

Hi Casey,

I just encountered a problem in Jessie when a SSLSocket was closed:

Exception in thread "KeepAlive cleaner" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
    at java.lang.System.arraycopy(Native Method)
    at gnu.crypto.mode.CBC.decryptBlock(
    at gnu.crypto.mode.BaseMode.update(
at org.metastatic.jessie.provider.SecurityParameters.decrypt (Unknown Source) at org.metastatic.jessie.provider.RecordInput.readRecord (Unknown Source) at org.metastatic.jessie.provider.RecordInput.pollClose (Unknown Source) at org.metastatic.jessie.provider.SSLSocket.close(Unknown Source)
    at Acme.Serve.Serve$

All that "my" thread really does, is to try to close the ssl- socket when left unused for some time... It may be a concurrency problem - the socket being closed in the same time as someone is trying to actually use it - since it's a keep-alive connection...

I would guess that it is indeed a concurrency problem. GNU Crypto's CBC mode is not thread-safe, and I have usually taken the approach that synchronization is up to the code using the library, not the library itself, mostly to avoid performance hits in single-threaded applications.

Well, there there it is then :-)
However, it's not trivial to make it thread safe, because one thread may be "caught" in a blocking read-operation, hence the mutex may be locked forever without the second thread ever having a chance...

Well, you would have that problem still, if GNU Crypto's CBC mode were thread safe: CBC is a stateful mode, and closing an SSL socket requires sending a "close notify" message, so you cannot use a socket and close it simultaneously.

But then there is no way to kick an ongoing client connection?
E.g. to prevent DoS...

Yes, you can forcibly close the underlying TCP socket. The JSSE API lets you wrap an existing socket with an SSL layer, and you can close that socket if you need to.

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