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[Javaweb-submit] tiring innovation

From: Clare Elkins
Subject: [Javaweb-submit] tiring innovation
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 23:20:50 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

There was really nothing left to tell what it might have been, although a department store was a safe bet.
>From there, we were able to go down a floor to another section we hadn't been able to access, and it was the same way. We decided to start by checking out a nearby building that the St.
While we were talking, Chris mentioned about a building next door that was supposed to have some kind of sub-basement in it. There were clothes, furntiure, and pretty much anything else you'd expect to find at a garage sale.
There was no ladder, but someone had propped a rectangular piece of scrap against the wall.
It appeared that someone had been storing a lot of stuff down here and hadn't touched it for quite some time.
At the bottom of the tunnel, a rusted air vent gave way enough for me to slip inside, although it was a dirty experience. At the end, it simply came out on a catwalk at the other end of the basement.
However, it didn't take me long to discover that all the doors were locked from the outside or simply didn't open at all.
Pieces of the ceiling were dangling from above and there was lots of debris on the floor. However, it didn't take me long to discover that all the doors were locked from the outside or simply didn't open at all. Louis friends with us since we'd never been there before, but they hadn't been able to joins us that night. I had had the idea that we might be able to get close to it with the sinkhole only being a day old, but we were sadly mistaken.
It wasn't a basement, because the walls were natural rock and the chamber looked to be manmade and mined out.
Inside, unlike the other sections of the building, we found all kinds of junk.
I had no intention of running into some random homeless person or looter in a dark abandoned mall. The sinkhole was about half the size of a basketball court and had erupted under the side of the house at the end of the driveway. It looked to be some kind of old industrial building from the inside, and someone seemed to be renovating it.
Schools can post a job vacancy here. So, Hiccup and I headed back down to the other side of the basement to meet him where he would come out, and we got there about the same time as he did. I guess I couldn't blame him.
Everything had been gutted out, leaving bare concrete colummns and floors.
Pieces of the ceiling were dangling from above and there was lots of debris on the floor.
>From there, we were able to go down a floor to another section we hadn't been able to access, and it was the same way.
We decided to start by checking out a nearby building that the St. Pieces of the ceiling were dangling from above and there was lots of debris on the floor.
We introduced ourselves, and they were very excited to meet me.
It stretched away as far as my light would shine so I started heading down it.
Some EMS guys and policemen were walking around inside the tape, and I asked one if I could come across and take a couple pictures. Chris had bailed over the wall after me and had gone down the tunnel as well.
>From there, we were able to go down a floor to another section we hadn't been able to access, and it was the same way.
The signs posted on some of the plastic said they were doing asbestos removal.
We also saw the two guys from before wandering around down below taking pictures and waved to them. Chris had bailed over the wall after me and had gone down the tunnel as well. The owner's car was actually at the bottom, although it was impossible to see it.
It looked like someone had been stockpiling clothes and toiletries.
>From there, we wandered around a bit until we came to another set of escalators going up. All the tile had already been pulled up from the floor, and we could see shops all along the way had plastic covering their entrances.

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