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[Jailkit-users] jk_check: 1fix and some error messages

From: Christian Göttsche
Subject: [Jailkit-users] jk_check: 1fix and some error messages
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2011 17:20:50 +0100

Hi list,
i'am using jailkit on debian 5.0 and created a chrooted shell on the
basis on http://olivier.sessink.nl/jailkit/howtos_chroot_shell.html.
I edit in the /usr/sbin/jk_check the PREFIX into EXEPREFIX, but the
script doesn't work anyway. Although python2.5 and python2.5-minimal
is installed on my server, python doesn't know the function trim(); so
i have to edit the line 215 into
if (rpw[6].strip() != chrootsh):
and now it works. Haven't i install some packages or why doesn't he
know the function??

When i now run jk_check i get these error messages:
ERROR: user tunneluser has a /./ but does not have the /sbin/jk_chrootsh shell
ERROR: /home/jail/etc/passwd and /etc/passwd have a different size!
ERROR: /home/jail/etc/group and /etc/group have a different size!
ERROR: /home/jail/etc/ld.so.cache and /etc/ld.so.cache have a different size!
ERROR: cannot stat() /home/jail/home/tunneluser/.bash_history or
/home/tunneluser/.bash_history !
(i created a bash shell, and in the /etc/passwd and  /etc/group files
i have deleted the entries of the root user)

What can i do to prevent these messages or aren't they that serious??

Best regards,

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