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[mtools] Mtools 3.98, difference between -D A and -D a on mcopy

From: Keith Christian
Subject: [mtools] Mtools 3.98, difference between -D A and -D a on mcopy
Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 13:51:39 -0700 (PDT)

I am interested in automatically renaming files when copying from Linux to
drive A:, and was trying to determine the difference between the -DA and the
-Da option.

I was under the impression from the documentation (info mtools) that -Da would
ask for confirmation on a file-by-file basis when copying more than one file
from Linux to drive A:.

However, it seems that -Da works for both single filenames and a wildcard
filespec (shown below.)

Is this correct, or is this item addressed in an updated to Mtools higher than
revision 3.98, which is what I am running (on a "stock" Red Hat 8.0 system.)

# First, copy five test files to the floppy
    address@hidden copytest]# mcopy -mpsvDA * a:
    Copying 11
    Copying 12
    Copying 13
    Copying 14
    Copying 15

# Next, copy them again, see if user intervention is needed (Press A or a)
# (Want a command line argument so that user intervention is not required.)
    address@hidden copytest]# mcopy -mpsvDA * a:
    Long file name "11" already exists.
    a)utorename A)utorename-all r)ename R)ename-all o)verwrite O)verwrite-all
    s)kip S)kip-all q)uit (aArRoOsSq): q

# Above, -DA didn't trigger automatic renaming, try -Da
# Yes, it works!!
    address@hidden copytest]# mcopy -mpsvDa * a:
    Copying 11-1
    Copying 12-1
    Copying 13-1
    Copying 14-1
    Copying 15-1

# Try again as a test, should get another generation of auto-renamed files
# The correct option seems to be -Da it works fine, no user intervention
    address@hidden copytest]# mcopy -mpsvDa 1* a:
    Copying 11-2
    Copying 12-2
    Copying 13-2
    Copying 14-2
    Copying 15-2

# Version info for developers
    address@hidden copytest]# mcopy -V
    Mcopy version 3.9.8, dated 04 June 2001
    configured with the following options: enable-xdf disable-vold
disable-new-vold disable-debug enable-raw-term
    address@hidden copytest]#

For my purposes, -Da will work fine, if anyone has any info about what -DA is
for, I'd like to know.



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