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Re: Highlight process-marked files in Gnus summary?

From: Eric Abrahamsen
Subject: Re: Highlight process-marked files in Gnus summary?
Date: Mon, 18 May 2020 08:38:47 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Michael Heerdegen <> writes:

> Hi,
> seems there is no built-in way to highlight (complete lines) of
> process-marked files in the Gnus summary, since # is not a normal mark
> and can't be specified in `gnus-summary-highlight'?  Is there some other
> way (in Gnus)?
> The obvious goal is to get a better overview of what is marked before I
> e.g. delete the articles.  It's too easy to make a mistake with only
> those little # marks around.  Ideally the used face would specify a
> background color (like hl-line) so it doesn't interfere with the stuff
> in `gnus-summary-highlight'.

I haven't ever looked at the summary-highlight code, but would it be
hard to add another entry in there, call it `process', to specifically
target the process mark?

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