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LilyPond 1.3.151 -- Revenge of the Cancelbot

From: Han-Wen Nienhuys
Subject: LilyPond 1.3.151 -- Revenge of the Cancelbot
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 02:12:31 +0200


* ly2dvi: reverted footer change that broke mutopia endfooter.

* Standchen revision (found four new bugs).

* Allow multiple multiply for durations, eg: 'R1 * 3/4 * 10'.

* Bugfix for direct PostScript output.

* Compilation fix.

* Windows: possibly ly2dvi fix, tex install, minor doco fixes, fixed
some urls.


* RedHat .spec

* SUSE .spec

* website cleanups.

* don't keep remaking lilypond-internals.texi

* ly2dvi bugfix: use the maximum linewidth specified.


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   address@hidden    |

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