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New GNU ELPA package: dape - Debug Adapter Protocol for Emacs

From: Sacha Chua
Subject: New GNU ELPA package: dape - Debug Adapter Protocol for Emacs
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 19:29:56 -0500

    Summary: Debug Adapter Protocol for Emacs
   Requires: emacs-29.1
 Maintainer: Daniel Pettersson <>


Dape is an debug adapter client for Emacs.

Use `dape-configs' to set up your debug adapter configurations.  To
initiate debugging sessions, use the command `dape'.

For complete functionality, activate `eldoc-mode' in your source buffers
and enable `repeat-mode' for ergonomics.

1 Features

  ⁃ Log breakpoints
  ⁃ Conditional breakpoints
  ⁃ Variable explorer
  ⁃ Variable watch
  ⁃ Variable hover with `eldoc'
  ⁃ REPL
  ⁃ gdb-mi like interface
  ⁃ Memory viewer with `hexl'
  ⁃ `compile' integration
  ⁃ Debug adapter configuration ergonomics
  ⁃ No dependencies

  And with `(setq dape-buffer-window-arrangment 'gud)' + `corfu' as
  Screenshots taken with [modus-operandi-tinted].

[modus-operandi-tinted] <>

2 Configuration

  Currently `Dape' does not come with any debug adapter configuration.

  │ (use-package dape
  │   ;; Currently only on github
  │   :straight (dape :type git :host github :repo "svaante/dape")
  │   ;; To use window configuration like gud (gdb-mi)
  │   ;; :init
  │   ;; (setq dape-buffer-window-arrangment 'gud)
  │   :config
  │   ;; Info buffers to the right
  │   ;; (setq dape-buffer-window-arrangment 'right)
  │   ;; To remove info buffers
  │   ;; (remove-hook 'dape-update-ui-hooks 'dape-info-update)
  │   ;; To remove repl buffer on startup
  │   ;; (remove-hook 'dape-on-start-hooks 'dape-repl)
  │   ;; By default dape uses gdb keybinding prefix
  │   ;; (setq dape-key-prefix "\C-x\C-a")
  │   ;; Kill compile buffer on build success
  │   ;; (add-hook 'dape-compile-compile-hooks 'kill-buffer)
  │   ;; Save buffers on startup, useful for interpreted languages
  │   ;; (add-hook 'dape-on-start-hooks
  │   ;;           (defun dape--save-on-start ()
  │   ;;             (save-some-buffers t t)))
  │   ;; Projectile users
  │   ;; (setq dape-cwd-fn 'projectile-project-root)
  │   )

3 Differences with dap-mode

  [dap-mode] is the most popular alternative and is of course much more
  mature and probably more feature rich (have not used `dap-mode'

  Dape has no dependencies outside of packages included in emacs, and
  tries to use get as much out of them possible.

  Dape takes a slightly different approach to configuration.
  ⁃ Dape does not support `launch.json' files, if per project
    configuration is needed use `dir-locals'.
  ⁃ Tries to simplify configuration, by having just a plist.
  ⁃ Dape tries to improve config ergonomics in `dape' completing-read by
    using options to change/add plist entries in an already existing
    config, example:
    `adapter-config :program "/home/user/b.out" compile "gcc -g -o
    b.out main.c"'.
  ⁃ No magic, no special variables. Instead, functions and variables are
    resolved before starting a new session.
  ⁃ Tries to be envision to how debug adapter configuration would be
    implemented in emacs if vscode never existed.

[dap-mode] <>

4 Supported debug adapters

  In theory all debug adapters should be compatible with `Dape'.

4.1 Javascript - vscode-js-*

  1. Install `node`
  2. Visit <> and
     download the asset `js-debug-dap-<version>.tar.gz`
  3. Unpack `mkdir -p ~/.emacs.d/debug-adapters && tar -xvzf
     js-debug-dap-<version>.tar.gz -C ~/.emacs.d/debug-adapters`

  For more information see [].


4.2 Go - dlv

  See [delve installation].  For more information see [documentation].

[delve installation]


4.3 C, C++ and Rust - codelldb

  1. Download latest `vsix' [release] for your platform
  2. Unpack `mkdir -p ~/.emacs.d/debug-adapters && unzip
     codelldb-<platform>-<os>.vsix -d

  See [manual] for more information.

[release] <>

[manual] <>

4.4 C and C++ - cpptools

  Download latesnd unpack `vsix' file with your favorite unzipper.

  1. Download latest `vsix' [release] for your platform
  2. Unpack `mkdir -p ~/.emacs.d/debug-adapters && unzip
     cpptools-<os>-<platform>.vsix -d
  3. Then `chmod +x
  4. And `chmod +x

  See [options].

[release] <>

[options] <>

4.5 Python - debugpy

  Install debugpy with pip `pip install debugpy`

  See [options].


4.6 Godot

  Configure debug adapter port under "Editor" -> "Editor Settings" ->
  "Debug Adapter".

4.7 Dart - flutter

  See for installation <>

4.8 C# - netcoredbg

  See <> for installation

4.9 Other untested adapters

  If you find a working configuration for any other debug adapter please
  submit a PR.

  See [microsofts list] for other adapters, your mileage will vary.

[microsofts list]

5 Roadmap

  ⁃ More options for indicator placement
  ⁃ Improving completion in REPL
  ⁃ Usage of "setVariable" inside of `*dape-info*' buffer
  ⁃ Improve memory reader with auto reload and write functionality
  ⁃ Individual thread controls
  ⁃ Variable values displayed in source buffer, this seams to require
    integration with lsp-mode and eglot

6 Bugs and issues

  Before reporting any issues take a look at `*dape-debug*' buffer with
  all debug messages enabled.  `(setq dape--debug-on '(io info error

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