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[Info-gne] That should be occuring within a week.

From: reap
Subject: [Info-gne] That should be occuring within a week.
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2007 07:34:34 +0000

New building Material Changes The Construction Of Buildings Worldwide.
Company On Verge Of Explosion!

Date: Monday, January 8, 2007
Company: Aerofoam Metals Inc.
Symbol: AFML
Price: $0.12
Target: $0.45

AFML's new Foam Aluminum called "Aerofoam" can replace drywall and
plywood in the construction of buildings. It increased strength,
lighter, superior fire retarding capability, superior moisture
resistance, superior resistance to mold, impervious to damage from pests
- and has an almost infinite lifespan.

This news just hit this Friday. This one could be the BIGGEST mover of
2007. Read the news and grab AFML First thing Monday!

It is encouraging to see more unbiased articles like this in print. You
might be interested in glancing at the new "start here" section, which
provides a better introduction to the Longevity Meme than has previously
existed on the site. That should be occuring within a week. The article
is certainly wrong about low-calorie diets being impractical, however.
It won't just happen by itself.
This is an important research result, and the researchers have a right
to be proud of themselves. eduThere are many small ways in which we can
all help to support important medical research. The science of healthy
life extension. One of our problems, I think, is that life extension
just doesn't look like fun to most people. We could certainly use a
little of that mainstream health advertising know-how in publicizing the
fight against aging.
The same sorts of numbers are almost certainly true of other types of
htmlI think that we can expect to see more hostile legislation in the
near future.
Is less fat causing the changing gene expressions observed due to
calorie restriction in other research? htmlThe Life Extension Foundation
News notes that researchers have linked shortened telomeres with a
condition that produces the effects of premature aging. The man is
nothing short of a powerhouse of advocacy in the face of adversity.
Alzheimer's and other brain conditions are a real threat for everyone
who plans to live long through anti-aging medicine.
htmlA solid, informative article on life extension research from
Newsfactor. I think you'll find it compelling and interesting. Without
wishing to sound like a broken record: we need to make our voices heard,
now more than ever.
Almost everyone is prepared to pay money to slow or halt the progress of
aging. Life extension is a matter of life and death, after all: things
don't get much more fundamental and serious than that. htmlThis article
from AZCentral on Alcor and cryonics isn't as negative as some recent
articles have been. aspThe Coalition for the Advancement of Medical
Research has put up an action page that will allow you to make your
views known on the forthcoming senate theraputic cloning vote. There is
a serious message here: don't put your hopes and money on the table
without first doing your research. We see wonderful announcements in the
press a lot these days, but it's important to remember that it takes
years of hard work for treatments to be made available. These predicted
medical technologies will greatly lengthen our healthy lives if they are
allowed to come to pass. This is further confirmation of the power of
stem cells to regenerate damaged organs: and why we shouldn't ban
theraputic cloning.
DTLSFGate is covering the first steps towards an international stem cell
research consortium, similar to the Human Genome Project. Some great
quotes and a positive can-do attitute make this a very welcome sight.
Activists and prominent members of the local gay community would
constantly call on her at home; there was a very close relationship
between the activists and the researchers by that time.

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