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Re: [igraph] personalized pagerank computation issue

From: Yalcin, Omer Faruk
Subject: Re: [igraph] personalized pagerank computation issue
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 19:32:53 +0000

When there's no outbound edge, the algorithm behaves as if there's an edge to all other nodes. i.e. each node has the same chance of being chosen. (Personalization kicks in when the random surfer decides to not follow the links any more, which happens with "1 - damping factor" probability.)

That being said, after your question, I set the probability of navigating to other nodes from a node that has no outbound links to the personalization vector. That doesn't reproduce the igraph result either.

Thank you very much!

From: igraph-help <igraph-help-bounces+oxy4=address@hidden> on behalf of Tamas Nepusz <address@hidden>
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2020 1:13 PM
To: Help for igraph users <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: [igraph] personalized pagerank computation issue
  • However, if I use personalized but some nodes have no outgoing edges, then the results differ.
How does your algorithm handle nodes with no outbound edges? When your random walker reaches such a node, does it jump randomly to any other node in the graph chosen from a uniform distribution, does it jump back to the starting point, does it jump back to some random node based on the personalization vector, or some other option?

All the best,

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