Please provide a reproducible example.
On Sat, Oct 27, 2018 at 7:13 AM Raigo Aljand <address@hidden> wrote:
I have a simple question. I looked at the archives, but it doesn't seem
anyone has asked this nor does it seem to be written in the documentation.
Why do these two give me different results?
transitivity(graph, type = "average")
mean(transitivity(graph, type = "local"), na.rm = TRUE))
I understand the difference between global and local transitivity and
what I read from the internet type="average" should give me the average
local transitivity. Then why does the igraph average give me a different
result from when I calculate the average with R. What is also strange is
that type="average" is either no longer or has never been documented in
the official documentation.
If it helps, my graph is directed, but as I understand it, igraph
ignores the direction of the edges.
My version of igraph is Ubuntu 18.04 package r-cran-igraph with version
1.1.2 and R is from the package r-base with version 3.4.4
Thank you for your help.
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