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[igraph] plot graph with color of nodes as node out-degree + colorbar

From: Giulia Rossello
Subject: [igraph] plot graph with color of nodes as node out-degree + colorbar
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2016 14:46:18 +0100

Dear all,
I am trying to plot a graph using a color scale corresponding to node's out-degree.
Moreover, I would like to create a colorbar at the bottom of the plot for with the corresponding color scale of node's out-degree.
Here what I am doing:

indegree<-degree(all, v = V(all), mode = c("in"))
outdegree<-degree(all, v = V(all), mode = c("out"))

V(all)$size <- indegree+2
V(all)$frame.color <- "white"
E(all)$arrow.size <- .09
E(all)$edge.color <- "gray80"
E(all)$width <- 1+E(all)$weight/max(E(all)$weight)


plot(all, layout=l,vertex.label=NA)

Do you have some suggestions?
Thank you in advance

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