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Re: [igraph] Degree-preserving rewiring of a large graph

From: Gábor Csárdi
Subject: Re: [igraph] Degree-preserving rewiring of a large graph
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2014 15:21:29 -0400

There is no mystery here, rewire deletes edges and adds new ones instead of them, so no wonder that edge attributes are not preserved. It might still be considered a bug, of course, especially since it just replaces edge attributes with NAs.


On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 3:07 PM, Tamás Nepusz <address@hidden> wrote:
> Thanks much Tamas, this is an useful workaround. Regarding the NA
> values, I can file a bug report somewhere for igraph.
Sure, feel free to do that at github.com/igraph/igraph/issues. However, please include a short example that helps us reproduce the problem.


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